Wednesday, 27 March 2019


Lassen Sie Platz für viele Funktionen, an die Sie später vielleicht denken werden. Dies wird dazu beitragen, Ihre Karte interessanter zu machen und Ihnen helfen, das Bild in späteren Phasen der Zeichnung auszugleichen.

Denken Sie daran, dass, wenn Sie eine natürlich aussehende Karte wünschen, die Karte auf verschiedene Weise in Regionen unterteilt werden muss. Fügen Sie dann die Details später hinzu, wenn Sie die verschiedenen Bereiche definieren; dazu gehört auch die Farbgebung.

Mache dir ein mentales Bild von dem Ort, den du zeichnen möchtest. Konzentrieren Sie sich auf die Funktionen, die die Karte miteinander verbinden, wie Küstenlinien, Berge oder andere wichtige Funktionen, auf die sich Ihre Karte konzentrieren soll.

Lassen Sie sich von der freien Zeichnung inspirieren! Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, wie die Karte aussehen soll, zeichnen Sie einfach Linien, die sich an Formen und Linien orientieren.


Achten Sie auf die Details der Küstengebiete. Wenn Sie Küstenlinien zeichnen, versuchen Sie, besonders detailliert und abwechslungsreich zu sein, machen Sie bestimmte Bereiche mit vielen Halbinseln und Buchten und andere, die gerader sind. Inseln und Seen können überall sein, aber versuchen Sie, eine friedliche Komposition zu machen. Mache zuerst die allgemeine Form deiner Landmasse, dann füge weitere exzentrische Merkmale hinzu, du musst die Küstenlinien nach innen und außen ziehen, sonst sieht die Karte unnatürlich aus.

Zeichne die Hauptlinien deiner Komposition. Es kann eine gute Idee sein, mit Küstenlinien zu beginnen, wenn Ihre Karte Wasserflächen enthalten soll. Erwarten Sie nicht, dass Ihre Zeichnung auch bei der einfachsten Idee wie Ihr mentales Bild aussieht.

Erstellen Sie Berge. Berge befinden sich normalerweise in kleinen Gruppen oder Ketten. Wenn Sie einen großen Cluster bilden, sollte er mit anderen Bereichen verbunden werden. Berge können absolut überall sein und sollten nicht eingeschränkt werden, da sie auch ein sehr wichtiger Bestandteil Ihrer Komposition sind.

Beachten Sie die Details der Karten. Wenn Sie genug über Karten wissen, werden Sie feststellen, dass jeder Bereich einzigartige Funktionen hat, offen bleiben und sich nicht auf Karten beschränken, die überall gleich aussehen. Zu den hinzuzufügenden Dingen gehören (einige davon werden in den folgenden Schritten erläutert):

Inseln einbeziehen. Bilden Sie Archipele und Cluster, aber auch einsame Inseln können verwendet werden. Wenn Sie die Küstenlinien und Landmassen immer noch verwirren, versuchen Sie, Ihre Zeichnung um Unterwasseransichten zu erweitern.

Drücke weiter auf die Komposition. Dazu gehören Hügel, Vegetation und Bevölkerung. Füge Tierherden hinzu. Sei kreativ und folge deinem Herzen. Füge Details hinzu, die es realistischer erscheinen lassen.

Füge ein paar Flüsse hinzu. Flüsse können auch überall sein, stellen Sie sicher, dass die meisten von ihnen gewellt sind, aber sie müssen es nicht immer sein. Flüsse in Berggebieten sind in der Regel gerader als Flüsse in flachen Gebieten. Versuchen Sie, sie aus Seen (beliebiger Größe) oder Gebieten mit höherer Höhe stammen zu lassen.

Monday, 25 March 2019

About Bitcoin

Bitcoin (BTC) is a consensus network that enables a new payment system and a completely digital currency. Powered by its users, it is a peer to peer payment network that requires no central authority to operate. On October 31st, 2008, an individual or group of individuals operating under the pseudonym "Satoshi Nakamoto" published the Bitcoin Whitepaper and described it as: "a purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution." 

Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.

Like in real life, your wallet must be secured. Bitcoin makes it possible to transfer value anywhere in a very easy way and it allows you to be in control of your money. Such great features also come with great security concerns. At the same time, Bitcoin can provide very high levels of security if used correctly. Always remember that it is your responsibility to adopt good practices in order to protect your money. 

The price of a bitcoin can unpredictably increase or decrease over a short period of time due to its young economy, novel nature, and sometimes illiquid markets. Consequently, keeping your savings with Bitcoin is not recommended at this point. Bitcoin should be seen like a high risk asset, and you should never store money that you cannot afford to lose with Bitcoin. If you receive payments with Bitcoin, many service providers can convert them to your local currency.
A Bitcoin transaction cannot be reversed, it can only be refunded by the person receiving the funds. This means you should take care to do business with people and organizations you know and trust, or who have an established reputation. For their part, businesses need to keep track of the payment requests they are displaying to their customers. Bitcoin can detect typos and usually won't let you send money to an invalid address by mistake, but it's best to have controls in place for additional safety and redundancy. Additional services might exist in the future to provide more choice and protection for both businesses and consumers.
Some effort is required to protect your privacy with Bitcoin. All Bitcoin transactions are stored publicly and permanently on the network, which means anyone can see the balance and transactions of any Bitcoin address. However, the identity of the user behind an address remains unknown until information is revealed during a purchase or in other circumstances. This is one reason why Bitcoin addresses should only be used once. Always remember that it is your responsibility to adopt good practices in order to protect your privacy 

Sunday, 24 March 2019

How to Handle People Who Are Angry at You

Handling people who are angry at you can be difficult. Anger can erupt
in almost any situation: with a friend, a stranger, at home, or in
traffic. Angry confrontations can also occur at work, with coworkers,
supervisors, or customers. This is especially likely if your job
involves direct contact with the public, such as providing services or
handling money.[1] The experience may be common, but it's still
unpleasant and confusing. You can't control how the other person
reacts, but there are some strategies you can use to keep yourself
safe and control your side of the interaction

Remove yourself from a situation that feels dangerous. You may not
always have the option to outright leave an angry situation, such as a
customer shouting at you while you're working. However, if you sense
that you are in danger, leave the situation, or try to get as much
distance between you and the threat as possible.
If you are dealing with an angry person in your home or workspace, go
to a safe, preferably public, place. Avoid places without exits, such
as bathrooms. Avoid places that have items that could be used as
weapons, such as kitchens.[3]
If you are dealing with an angry customer at your job, try to keep
physical distance between you and the customer. Stay behind your
counter or stay out of arm's reach

Call for help. You have the right to remain safe. Depending on the
type and severity of the threat, you can call a friend for help. If
you feel as though you are in imminent danger, call 911 or emergency
At work, call for a person of authority, such as a manager or security guard.

Take a "time out." If the situation is tense but not actively
dangerous, ask for a time out. Use an "I"-statement, such as "I need
to take 15 minutes to cool down before we talk." During this period,
do something calming to get a handle on your own emotions and give the
other person time to cool down. Meet back at a specified place and
time to discuss the issue.[6]
Always use "I"-statements when calling for a time-out, even if you
believe the other person is entirely to blame for the situation.
Saying "I need a little time to think" may disarm the angry person,
rather than putting him or her on the defensive.
Avoid accusative statements, such as "You need to take a time-out" or
"Chill out." Even if you feel these are true, they will put the other
person's defenses up and could make him or her even angrier.
Don't be afraid to call for another time-out if the other person is
still hostile or angry. Ideally, both of you will do something to calm
and soothe you during the time-out.
If a few time-outs have still not allowed the other person to calm
down, consider suggesting that you wait to discuss the issue until you
can have a neutral third party present. This could be a therapist, HR
representative, spiritual figure, etc.

more : https://www.wikihow.com/Handle-People-Who-Are-Angry-at-You

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

How to Get Your Dog Used to Wearing Clothes

Dressing up your dog can be both fun and practical, especially if you
live in a climate where your canine friend can use a little extra
warmth now and then. Getting a dog used to wearing clothes takes some
time and effort, however. Start by picking out clothes that are easy
to put on and comfortable for your pet. Once you've picked an outfit
to start with, start gradually training your dog to wear it. Be sure
to keep the process relaxed and low-pressure for your dog
Start with clothes that are easy to put on and remove. When you're
first starting to get your dog used to clothes, look for simple items
that fasten around the dog's chest or belly. Avoid clothing that you
have to pull over its head or limbs, since some dogs find this
frightening or uncomfortable.[1]
Good options to start with include sleeveless coats or jackets that
fasten with straps across the chest and under the stomach.
If you want to start even simpler, look for a large bandana that you
can fasten around your dog's neck.

Avoid clothes that cover your dog's head, feet, legs, or rear end.
Your dog may feel stressed or panicked if you try to put on clothes
that cover too much of its body. Don't try to start with anything that
might feel too confining, such as garments with hoods, sleeves, or
pants that cover the dog's hindquarters.[2]
As your dog gets used to wearing simple clothes, you can eventually
work your way up to more challenging items, such as pull-on sweaters,
hoodies, or full-body outfits that cover your dog's back legs.

Check that the clothes fit your dog properly. Your dog will be
uncomfortable in clothes that are too loose or too tight. Before
purchasing an article of clothing, such as a coat, get your dog's
measurements to make sure you are choosing the right size.[3] Use a
soft cloth measuring tape when measuring your dog.
Make sure doesn't have small parts that your dog could swallow, such
as large buttons, since they could get stuck in its bowels.
For most dog clothing, you will need to get a measurement around your
dog's neck (where the collar typically sits), around the widest part
of the dog's body (typically the chest, just behind the shoulders),
and from the back of the neck to the base of the tail.
Check the clothing labels to see if they offer specific sizing
guidelines (e.g., the weight, girth, and length ranges for which the
item is appropriate).
Look for items that are adjustable, such as vests or jackets with
adjustable straps.


Friday, 1 March 2019


Montez et entrez par la porte.

Verrouillez sur Derby et effectuez à plusieurs reprises des lancers de
fronde à pleine charge tout en faisant des cercles autour de lui.
Continuez jusqu'à ce qu'il soit vaincu.

Commencez la mission « Boxing Challenge » et entrez dans le Glass Jaw
Boxing Club.

Quand il est sur le point de vous donner un coup de poing chargé, esquivez.

Derby commencera à vous combattre lui-même, avec deux de ses amis.
Lâchez le bois et assommez ses amis en les frappant à plusieurs

Répétez les étapes 2 à 4 jusqu'à ce que Bif soit en mauvaise santé.
Lorsqu'il est étourdi, rapprochez-vous de lui et maintenez le bouton
de frappe enfoncé pour l'assommer.

Achetez du soda à la machine à soda pour retrouver la santé.

Une fois qu'il commence à bloquer, arrêtez de le frapper et maintenez
le bouton de blocage.

La bataille avec Derby va maintenant commencer. Vaincre les Préparés
dans la salle de boxe en frappant à plusieurs reprises chacun d'entre

Club Derby avec le bois jusqu'à ce qu'il casse.

Ramasse le bois.

Détruisez une chaise et ramassez le bois cassé comme arme de frappe.

Vous commencerez un match de boxe avec Bif. Rapprochez-vous de lui et
frappez-le plusieurs fois jusqu'à ce qu'il commence à bloquer.

Equipez le Super Slingshot.
