Monday 25 November 2019

face wash products for sensitive skin?

answers1: st. ives
answers2: Don't use those! Use La Roche-Posay.... :) I have extremely
sensitive skin, and not to mention eczema on my face, so pleaseee use
answers3: olay face wash for sensitive skin works amazing it has aloe
vera to calm your skin is fragrance free very gentle on your face it
doesn't dry out your skin its only 5 bucks at walmart a tube would
last a fair amount of time
answers4: Neutrogena makes several different kinds for sensitive skin.
I use an organic based product made from lavender oil because I have
sensitive skin too.
answers5: St.Ives. <br>
Or go to the store you usually shop at , or look it up online, and you
can find which of your favorite fash wash's have products for
sensitive skin.

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