Friday 20 December 2019

What is a 'classic beauty'?

answers1: from my knowledge it is a person whose looks stands the test
of time. you are a beauty that last over time. it is someone with the
look of not the now style but the style that last over years.
answers2: Lies just as Allysa has told about herself. <br>
Thee are but a few classic beauties so far that have kept that beauty
without even trying much. Sophia Lorne and even Liz Taylor until her
latter yeas and health issues!
answers3: I&#x27;m told that all the time too. I think it just means
that you&#x27;re beautiful naturally, and that your face is even and
leveled out very beautifully. Like your nose and eyes and ears level
out nice.
answers4: wanna know whats classic beauty ?? Google Marilyn Monroe and
Audrey Hepburn
answers5: This is a classic beauty <br>
: That you are naturally beautiful and you will age slower
than some people.

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