Sunday, 22 September 2019

how to delete history on a compcuter?

answers1: history is an all or nothing typically. in internet explorer
you go to tools > internet options > general tab > clear history +
delete files and delete them all and check other settings to make sure
they are as you want <br>
in firefox you go to tools > options > privacy > clear private data <br>
in safari go safari > reset safari
answers2: You can see most system cleaner freeware and some shareware
to list on http://www.findsth.com. Browse the categories, you will
find something worthy of downloading onto your system. For example:
Free Window Sweeper
http://www.findsth.com/sweeper/free_window_sweeper.htm <br>
iISystem Wiper http://www.findsth.com/freeware/iisystem_wiper.htm <br>
Easy Cleaner http://www.findsth.com/freeware/easycleaner.htm
answers3: Depends on the computer. If it's Windows XP right click on
the task bar <br>
click properties <br>
click start menu tab (second tab) <br>
click customize button <br>
click advanced tab (Second tab) <br>
click "Clear List" button where it says Recent Documents. <br>
If you are talking about your web browser, if it's internet explorer,
click the menu option for "Tools" then click "Internet Options" then
under Browser History, click the Delete button. <br>
If you have a Mac, I don't know.
answers4: if u have the new internet explorer u go to tools, internet
options, delete browsing history.
answers5: Dear <br>
When you operate the System or browse the websites, some activity
information stored in files (C:Documents and Settingsusername).some
virus may be hided in these temporary files. It removes temporary
files left by your system making it cleaner and running faster.If you
worried to delete system files by mistake, which makes the system
impossible to operate normally.I can supply you several optimization
software.They can clean temporary files and the registry and your
privacy.Well adapted to computer users at different competence
levels.You can click the website http://superfixpc.com/ to find the
satisfied software <br>
I wish my solution could help you. <br>
Personal experience <br>
good luck!!
answers6: I think you mean browsing history. <br>
Firefox: Tools - Clear Private Data <br>
IE7: Tools - Delete Browsing History <br>
IE6: Tools - Internet Options - Browsing History Delete
answers7: YOu can't delete the Computer'sa history but you can delete
your interent history. <br>
Go onto you Control Panel on the start menu, then click on Network and
Interent connections, then c;lick on interent options, then click on
clear history. <br>
Hope that helps!
answers8: click on "Tools" at top of screen <br>
click on "Internet" bottom of menu <br>
click on "delete" in History box.
answers9: go to history left click on what you want to delete and click delete

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