Monday, 30 September 2019

where do you start with philosophy?

answers1: Start with the area that interests you the most.
answers2: Good answers to great question. As i've heard from
Francis' little brother, start with knowing that you love.
answers3: Philosophy is 'original critical thought'; <br>
Critical Thinking Mini Lessons <br>
<a href="http://www.skepdic.com/refuge/ctlessons.html"
Bertrand Russell on Critical Thinking <br>
<a href="http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Educ/EducHare.htm"
As opposed to the 'scholastic'; <br>
"..."philosophologists", a term coined by Robert Pirsig ("Zen and the
Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", "Lila") to denote people who study
other people's philosophy but cannot do philosophy themselves. He also
says that most people who consider themselves philosophers are
actually philosophologists. The difference between a philosopher and a
philosophologist is like the difference between an art and aesthetics;
one does and the other studies what the other does and theorizes about
answers4: Philosophy is the love of knowing. So you can start with
your love or passion of knowing, of better more astutely detecting the
appearance and the meaning of the world about you. <br>
Millions of words have been written and are being written about all
the aspects of philosophy, about all the theories and dreams that can
be called philosophical. <br>
You must live your life, so on the path or avenue of your own life of
now and for future you can try and be selective, you may have to try
and be selective. You can treasure the good choices and you can try
and more maturely perform in the context or domain of your choices.
You can try and do greater reflection about the meaning of knowledge
and about the meaning of wisdom, but also all the while you can try
and be more open for chances of great merry thoughtless laughs in good
company, when good loving company is there and available for you, or
more often most sublimely all on your own. <br>
The love of life and the study of philosophy can unfold together in
great good harmony. Success can be seen and enjoyed when you get in
your soul, in your eyes, in your face, in the whole of your own person
and personality, the fresher more sun-kissed glow of a healthier life.
I am not joking, not at all! Good luck with philosophy!
answers5: From food to sex only- Here is all philosophy get full
comfort and testy staying--
answers6: The starting place is in your mind. You want to learn to
think clearly, honestly, and critically. <br>
You could start here: <a
answers7: Philosphy begins with logic. What do we know and how do we
know it? <br>
What do we mean by what do we mean? Terms must be defined. <br>
You talk of right/wrong. What do you mean by right? The right way is
to wonder why bother? Or is that the wrong way? <br>
Read Bertrand Russell's paperback Roads To Freedom. He's not a modern
philosopher but it leads you into the subject.
answers8: Start with one question; must have patience and focus to
understand it in as much depth as possible. Its sad that most people
have to start when they feel sad and thats where it started with me.
Atheistic buddhism is where i ended. <br>
You also have to study psychology as well, thats very important.
Philosophy and psychology are interconnected, not sure how many would
agree but thats an important lesson i have learned.

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