Sunday, 15 December 2019

Can you read body language?

answers1: Body language is very important in a conversation. Body
language says a lot about a person. I use body language when I
interview and interrogate people.
answers2: Most people would suggest Alan, which I think is good. I
don't recommend Lie To Me* it does teach gestures, but not in real
time and they use them in a way that highlights them. When reading
body language you don't look at specific gestures, but the whole
cluster of emotions that they are showing to get a good idea. If you
look at only one gesture then you will probably have the wrong idea. I
also suggest "The Definitive Book of Body Language." I got it when I
first got into it, and it was not only extremely helpful but funny and
a good read. It not only shows and explains gestures but things like
why we do them, or the science behind them. It's an excellent starting
answers3: Yes, body language is half the conversation..

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