answers1: beauty is inner confidence that someone has. the most
beautiful people are beautiful on the inside and there confident
enough to know that. the outer beauty is just a plus.
answers2: It doesn't exist outside of human thought. All of us have
been influenced one way or the other to the portrayal of beauty, and
that portrayal and judgment we make on how beautiful something is, is
purely from one's perspective. <br>
How ever, the media portraying the ideals of beauty in it's own view
has gripped the masses and their perspective as well. Beauty may be
the eye of the beholder, but it seems the media can control countless
beholders to change their eyes. <br>
Conclusion: Beauty = perspective on the appeal factor of something
that can be altered or controlled into a standard by the media.
answers3: I'm sure you've heard the phrase "Beauty is is in the eye of
the beholder. <br>
I had a significant other and I thought, at least for a man in His
mid-60s that He was a very nice looking guy. But I had this friend
who called Him "The Roach Bug." <br>
Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.
answers4: Beauty is everything...Everything is beautiful
answers5: Beauty is more of a feeling you get from a person rather
then something you see.... I have met many "beautiful" people that
have turned ugly with a simple look or hello.
answers6: What comes to mind is a quote from my favorite philosopher,
Mary Poppins, who said that "A thing of beauty is a joy forever".
answers7: Beauty is..what sparks your heart..and makes you smile. <br>
I think of vivid red roses, petals soft as velvet. I think of perfect
celebrities with their expensive makeup and perfect straight white
teeth. I think of a clear blue sky stretching endlessly on a warm
summer day. The things that I listed all have one thing in common.
It's what everybody likes, or what everybody is considered to like. So
maybe that's what beauty also is. What others think is "good" that
makes you think it's "good" too. <br>
Man, so hard to find a godly definition for a puny kindergarten word. =P
answers8: Something that you see throughout a life time... A way that
some1's eyes twinkle when they smile. The little kindnesses seen or
the small glimpse of snow on a crisp day and how it brightens up the
sleeping trees.
answers9: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
answers10: Beauty is holiness exuding. It is a charm of the face, even
without a smile in the lips and in the eyes, but most of all of the
good-natured attitude of an individual expressed in kindness and
compassion. It is an art which is inborn, a natural one. It may be
expressed in different forms, from poems to theater, to music which
nourishes the soul through its mellow, peace-loving melody. It is also
expressed in visuals, like the still one, which is painting or slides.
But maybe, most of all, because it carries God in his/her heart, if a
person, and in the heart of the art, which is its soul. Beauty is at
par with the ideal, the good, and the true. This is all I can say for
the moment. Beauty can also be found in scents, like perfumes. It is
also felt through touches, especially if I could touch you with the
fingers of my soul...
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