Tuesday, 30 June 2020

can god restore a marriage?

Antonia Boomershine: Any place in Philippines where people can open my 3rd eye... What is the latin chant and steps to close the portals?

Jen Maday: marriage is just a man-made ritual that helps enforce the love between 2 individuals. love is a human emotion and everlasting love is never a guarantee. so as part of this man-made concept, instilling fear and obligations among the minds of participants are taught to keep the couple from drifting apart.if a married couple still drifts apart despite scriptures designed to sustain the bond, then one or both participants are perhaps no longer fearful of the consequences written in scriptures and may realize the mind control that they have broken free from.if your husband has developed love for another or has exhausted his love for you and no longer fear consequences and not obligated by suggestions in scriptures, there will be very little hope for changing his mind and his thoughts for any hope of restoration.god's invol! vement in human wishes is just a man-made theory passed on to spread mind control. the best help you can get is to get counceling or have a friend who can act as a mediator that you and your husband both respect to help you restore your marriage.get honest information from both sides and be prepared for hurtful but honest statements. then see if there are sacrifices or changes that can be made to restore compatibility.it is you and your husband who take the initiative for possible solutions - not prayers that lack actions....Show more

Malcom Fenoff: if and when the time comes for your third eye to open it will happen in a way you could never have imagined it.. it could even happen out of the blue for some.. but dont expect to go to a place and have your third eye open unnaturally..

Kris Otuafi: Many people have wonderfully restored their marriage with the Love of Jesus .

Cherlyn Tefera: Baby christians should never marry. too messy, and smelly.

Dic! k Ovdenk: Watch the movie Fireproof.Believers love it, even if! it offer no real solutions.

Alvaro Oare: Because Catholics love to rape.D'uh!!!

Marcellus Yoshimori: (Matthew 19:6) So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart.”How to Build a Successful MarriageMARRIAGE can be likened to a journey, an odyssey that presents many surprisesâ€"some exquisite, others painful. Unforeseen “terrain” can present unexpected obstacles, some of which may seem insurmountable. Nevertheless, many people make this journey successfully and happily, with only minor mishaps. Indeed, success in marriage is not measured so much by the highs and lows of the journey as it is by how couples deal with those ups and downs.What do you think can make the journey through marriage more successful and enjoyable? Many couples feel the need for a ‘marital road map’ to direct them along the way. The most dependable and authoritative “map” for marriage is provided by the Originator of ! marriageâ€"Jehovah God. His inspired Word, the Holy Bible, though, is not a magic charm. Rather, it contains practical direction that married couples need to follow to enjoy a successful marriage.â€"Psalm 119:105; Ephesians 5:21-33; 2 Timothy 3:16.Let us identify some of the Scriptural signpostsâ€"key Bible principlesâ€"that can help guide you along a successful and happy marital journey.â–¸ Treat marriage as sacred. “What God has yoked together let no man put apart.” (Matthew 19:6) The Creator instituted the marriage arrangement when he introduced the first man, Adam, to his wife, Eve. (Genesis 2:21-24) Christ Jesus, who had been an eyewitness to this event during his prehuman existence, confirmed that Adam and Eve’s marital union was intended to be the start of a lasting relationship. He said: “Did you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will sti! ck to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? So that they are no l! onger two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart.”â€"Matthew 19:4-6.In saying “what God has yoked together,” Jesus was not suggesting that marriages are made in heaven. Rather, he was confirming that the marriage relationship was instituted by God himself and was therefore to be treated as sacred.Of course, husbands and wives would not want to be “yoked together” in a cold, loveless coexistence. Rather, they want to enjoy a contented marriage in which both can thrive. They can be happily “yoked together” if they apply the Creator’s practical advice found in the Bible.Because all of us are imperfect, misunderstandings and differences are inevitable. Often, however, a successful marriage depends less on compatibility than on how couples deal with incompatibility. Therefore, one of the most essential skills in marriage is the ability to resolve disagreements in a loving way, for love “binds everything together in perfect h! armony.”â€"Colossians 3:14, English Standard Version.â–¸ Speak respectfully. “There exists the one speaking thoughtlessly as with the stabs of a sword, but the tongue of the wise ones is a healing.” (Proverbs 12:18) Researchers have found that most conversations end the way they start. Hence, if a conversation starts respectfully, it is more likely to end that way. Conversely, you know how hurtful it can be when a loved one speaks thoughtlessly to you. Therefore, make a prayerful effort yourself to speak with dignity, respect, and affection. (Ephesians 4:31) “Even though we see each other’s weaknesses,” explains a Japanese wife named Haruko, married for 44 years, “we try to respect each other in word and attitude. That has helped us build a successful marriage.”▸ Cultivate kindness and compassion. “Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate.” (Ephesians 4:32) When there are strong disagreements, it is easy for anger to beget anger. In Germany, ! Annette, married happily for 34 years, admits: “It is not easy to kee! p calm under stressâ€"you tend to say things that upset your partner, which only makes things worse.” By striving to be kind and compassionate, however, you can do much to help smooth the road to a peaceful marriage.â–¸ Show humility. “[Do] nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior.” (Philippians 2:3) Many conflicts arise because marriage mates pridefully try to blame their partners for problems instead of humbly seeking ways to make things better for each other. Lowliness of mind, or humility, can help you suppress the urge to insist on being right in a disagreement.â–¸ Do not hastily take offense. “Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended.” (Ecclesiastes 7:9) Try to avoid the inclination to refute your mate’s viewpoint or to leap to your own defense if your mate questions something you have said or done. Instead, listen to and acknowledge your mate’s expressions. Think! carefully before making a reply. Many couples learn too late in life that winning a heart is a greater victory t...Show more

Elvie Drumgoole: I DONT AGREE WITH THAT....my husband is agnostic and my God sent him to me....He was the answer to my prayers....raised by a minister....God can help ppl restore it but by the time my stupid former husband wanted counseling it was too late...

Stephnie Patout: I have heard of Isha, and that is it.

Kelly Bistodeau: The Most Important Thing is to MAKE SURE that the "Third-Eye" Does NOT open (UNNATURALLY) !

Azzie Trembly: because CATHOLIC and CHILD RAPE are interchangeable.

Tijuana Tatsak: god says to not be unequilty yoked,when you both are in christ he says to hang in there and you will see the god do great thing in your marriage,if one is not in the lord and want to leave the marriage because of the beleiving one, then let them go,

Ardelia Liptow: Okay, first of all, you're confusing the ages. As s! oon as Jesus died, we were in the Age of Grace, where so long as we are! sorry, we are forgiven of our sins (but you gotta believe in god). He is also a heck of a lot more leanient. God acknowledges all marriages, but marriage without god is more likely to fail than with god. Also, yes, god can fix any situation, but he's not just gonna come down and fix all your problems. He gives you guidance and strength and gives YOU a chance to fix your relationship. Trust in the Lord....Show more

Oswaldo Rayburn: M't:19:26: But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.M't:9:29: Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. ♥ † ♥ ☺What can't He do? What we don't allow Him to do.M't:13:58: And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. ♥ † ♥ ☺...Show more

Tosha Tawney: Fajr- MorningDuhr- NoonAsr- AfternoonMaghrib- SunsetIsha- Night timeAlso-Tarraweeh on Ramadan daysDuha between Duhr and AsrSuna can be after any prayer.! ..Show more

Cody Shimko: ask another , i will try to give you the correct answer , nothing sordid

Sylvie Snetting:

Giovanna Sherlin: This sounds to me as yet another form of "vicarious redemption", meaning you are hoping for some outside force to save you.Even if this were possible it is not psychologically healthy, and if modern religion makes one huge mistake, it is to presume that spirituality can substitute for psychotherapy in all cases. This is hardly the fact.Any restoration of your marriage would require participation and CHANGE on the part of BOTH parties.Just sitting there waiting for God to do it is not going to work. You might mumble the words and pray together, but in a short time the old problems, not having actually been addressed, will just come back a few days after the spiritual honeymoon.You want real results, start with a therapist and get solid first. Then worry about God....Show more

Carmelina Enoch: To be blunt:It's not His re! sponsibility. Human to Human relations are exactly that. Human to Human! . He has no obligation to come in and "interfere" if I can use that word.Of course, I believe, that a couple with the same goals/religious values/beliefs have an extra thing in common and this could help them strengthen a relationship....Show more

Billie Bratchett: Listen birdbrain' haven't you got an original question ..is it too much for you to come up with something new.

Derrick Cacioppo: krazy surg done. still alive.

Vickie Sterbenz: Because the catholic priests are well known for molesting and raping children obviously.

Violette Vanek: If that is God's Will and both members of the broken marriage truly and deeply want it restored then yes He can but only if it is His Will.

Chris Rosenkranz: "i am a baby christian,and i would like a marriage restoration"You've sure got your life planned out, kid.

Jackson Esmiol: Christian can marry anybody he likes...Only thing is it should be woman...Also according to bible he can marry anynumber o! f women.The information you got is false.

Leontine Kreitz: I don't know their reasons.

Shawnna Kusky: Even secular research is on your side -- In a big way too."a University of Chicago study involving people who had described their marriage as “unhappy” or “very unhappy.” Of those who divorced, only 19 percent were happily remarried five years later. Of those who stayed in the marriage, more than 70 percent said they were now “happily” or “very happily” married."...Show more

Dan Seen: Moses married a foreigner. God had no problem with it.To restore a marriage takes both partners working the kinks out. It has nothing to do with god.

Comment obtenir une Gabite dans Pokémon

Comment obtenir une Gabite dans Pokémon

p>Gible évoluera en Gabite quand il atteindra le niveau 24. Trouver une Bible peut être assez difficile, voire impossible, selon le jeu auquel vous jouez. La ligne Gible de Pokémon n’est pas disponible avant Diamond, Pearl et Platinum.

Marchez dans le désert jusqu’à ce que vous obteniez une notification Pokémon cachée. Ceci apparaîtra sur votre écran inférieur, et vous entendrez le cri caché des Pokémon. Notez qu’il y a trois Pokémon différents qui peuvent apparaître comme Pokémon caché, donc ce n’est peut-être pas une Gible.

Dirigez-vous vers la route 111. Une fois que vous avez vaincu Groudon ou Kyogre, dirigez-vous vers la Route 111 pour essayer de retrouver une Gible cachée. La route 111 relie Mauville City et la route 112.

Trouvez l’entrée de la grotte Wayward Cave. À partir de l’extrémité de la route 207, dirigez-vous v! ers la droite, en utilisant Cut pour passer devant les arbres qui bloquent le chemin. Montez à pied jusqu’à l’entrée principale de la grotte, sur votre droite. Ignorez cette entrée ; vous devrez trouver l’entrée secrète pour trouver une Gible.

Élevez votre Gible d’un niveau pour le faire évoluer en Gabite. Puisque la Gible que vous attrapez dans la Zone Safari est au niveau 44, elle tentera d’évoluer en Gabite après avoir gagné un seul niveau.

Obtenez une Bible dans Floccesy Town en noir 2. La seule Bible disponible dans toute cette génération se trouve dans Floccesy Town in Black 2. Vous pouvez recevoir cette Gible Brillante de Benga après l’avoir vaincu à Black City.

Attrapez la Bible. La Bible se situera entre les niveaux 26-28. Réduisez sa santé et capturez-la dans un Poke Ball pour l’ajouter à votre équipe.

Élevez votre Gible d’un niveau pour le transformer en Gabite. Puisque la Gible que vous avez capturée d! ans la nature se situe entre les niveaux 26-28, elle évoluera! en Gabite dès qu’elle atteindra son niveau suivant. L’utilisation d’un bonbon rare sera le moyen le plus rapide de le faire.

Enseignez à l’un de vos Pokémon HM Strength. Ceci est nécessaire pour accéder à la grotte où l’on peut trouver des Gibles en Diamant et Perle, mais n’est pas nécessaire pour le Platine. Vous pouvez obtenir Force à la Tour Perdue. Vous aurez aussi besoin de Cut, que vous aurez à Eterna City.

Capturez la Bible. Si vous avez de la chance et que le Pokémon caché est une Gible, vous pouvez diminuer sa santé et la capturer dans une Poke Ball. La Bible sera au niveau 23.

Retrouvez le Pokémon caché. Il se déplacera entre plusieurs dalles de sable profondes. En vous approchant, vous verrez une silhouette des Pokémon cachés sur votre carte. Vous avez environ 100 secondes à partir du moment où vous êtes alerté pour rencontrer le Pokémon caché ou il s’enfuira.

Prendre la route 206. C’est la route cy! clable entre Eterna City et la Route 207.

Vaincre les Quatre de l’élite. Vous devrez vaincre les Quatre d’élite et entrer dans le Temple de la renommée avant de pouvoir attraper une Gible. Cela signifie essentiellement que vous devrez battre le jeu avant de pouvoir en trouver un.

Élevez la Gible d’un niveau pour la faire évoluer en Gabite. Puisque la Gible que vous attrapez est le Niveau 23, elle n’a besoin que d’un seul niveau pour évoluer en Gabite. Vous pouvez utiliser un bonbon rare ou faire gagner votre Gible quelques combats.

Capture Gible. Baissez la santé de la Bible et utilisez un Poke Ball comme vous le feriez avec n’importe quel autre Pokémon sauvage. Le niveau de la Gible se situera entre 15 et 20.

Placez des objets Plaines et Peak dans la zone de Rocky Beach. Vous devrez placer 52 objets Plaines et 68 Peaks afin de rendre Gible disponible dans la région de Rocky Beach. Cela signifie que vous aurez besoin de mettre à! jour les blocs que vous placez un peu, puisque la zone a une limite de! 30 articles. Vous pouvez mettre à jour les blocs en utilisant beaucoup la zone Safari.

Permettez à votre Gible d’évoluer en Gabite. Dès que votre Gible atteindra le niveau 24, elle tentera d’évoluer en Gabite. Veillez à ne pas annuler l’évolution.

Dirigez-vous vers la zone safari pour attraper une Gible. La seule façon d’obtenir un Gible, Gabite, ou Garchomp dans HeartGold ou SoulSilver est d’attraper un Gible de la Zone Safari et de le faire évoluer.

Vaincre Groudon/Kyogre. Vous devrez vaincre les Pokémon légendaires dans votre jeu avant que Gible n’apparaisse. Cela se produira automatiquement à mesure que vous approchez de la fin de l’histoire.

Entrez dans l’entrée secrète Passez sous le pont sur votre gauche, puis montez jusqu’à l’entrée secrète d’une chambre individuelle dans la grotte de Wayward Cave. C’est le seul endroit où vous pouvez trouver la Bible. Vous devrez utiliser la force du diamant et de l! a perle pour entrer dans cette grotte.

Rencontrez et attrapez une Gible. Une fois que votre zone Rocky Beach est correctement configurée, vous pouvez rencontrer une Gible en vous promenant. Il faudra peut-être plusieurs batailles pour qu’il apparaisse. Lancez de la boue et ensuite une Safari Ball pour essayer de la capturer.

Attrapez un Gabite dans le Safari Ami (optionnel). Vous pouvez capturer un Gabite du Safari Ami après avoir vaincu les Quatre d’Elite. Vous devrez ajouter un ami avec un code ami qui déverrouille le safari de type Dragon dans l’emplacement 1. Ceci est déterminé par le code, vous devrez donc continuer à ajouter des amis jusqu’à ce que vous trouviez quelqu’un avec un code qui fonctionne.

Élevez la Bible au niveau 24 pour la transformer en Gabite. La Bible que vous recevez n’est que le niveau 1, donc il vous faudra probablement un peu de temps pour l’élever au niveau 24. La meilleure façon d’acquérir rapidement! de l’expérience pour Gible est de la mettre à l’avant de votre f! ête et de l’échanger immédiatement avec un puissant Pokemon. Gible partagera l’expérience acquise à la fin de la bataille.

Mettez votre Bible à niveau jusqu’au niveau 24. La Bible évoluera en Gabite quand elle atteindra le niveau 24. Le moyen le plus rapide d’augmenter le niveau de Gible est de l’utiliser dans autant de batailles que possible. Si vous avez des bonbons rares, chacun d’eux augmentera le niveau de la Bible de un.

Capturez une Gabite (Platine uniquement). Si vous jouez au Platinum, vous pouvez trouver un Gabite sur Victory Road à la fin du jeu. Il a 5% de chances d’apparaître, donc cela peut prendre un certain temps à rencontrer. Le Gabite sera au niveau 41.

Faites le tour de la petite grotte jusqu’à ce que vous rencontriez une Gible. Il faudra peut-être quelques batailles pour qu’un seul apparaisse.

Dirigez-vous vers la Route 13 pour attraper un Gible. Vous pouvez attraper une Gible sauvage sur la Route 13 ! dans l’herbe haute. Le circuit 13 relie Lumiose City et Coumarine City et abrite la centrale électrique de Kalos. La Bible est assez commune, avec 20% de chances d’apparaître pour chaque bataille.

Monday, 29 June 2020

What do you think about gay marriage?

Emeline Albracht: Pro

Frederick Mccoach: Granted! Most Americans do not like the way war on terror is handled; but are you like me thinking we are better off dead than alive under the the rule of stupid islamic radicals & muslim world forming? Do not try to Bull**** me with crazy things like moderate / radical islam; as I konw they are all the same and Pope was partially true; but had to back off.

Connie Dickirson: I think that homosexuality is so gay.

Brenton Cornwall: This is exactly what Islamic people believe about us. Many of them choose to die rather then be under the rule of Christan radicals.

Seema Hosfeld: I am a Muslim, and I will oppose those who do not do deeds of righteousness and those who are deviant.Your ignorance leads me to believe that you are one of those blind to the truth, that there is no deity worthy of worship besides Allah.This is the word that Jesus used as well, he spoke Aramaic, research for yourself.Peace be With You! ...Show more

Rose Krouse: It means Absolutely nothing because the Biblee is just a fictional book

Melvina Bieri: "ought to" not "out to"

Ervin Overbee: As a follower of Flagaboo The Muddy One, the more people who marry, the better. The Muddy One feeds on people being annoyed. Marriage is nothing but annoyance.

Clifford Riggleman: Sexy and DORK sided

Toby Caswell: The homosexual lifestyle is an abomination to God. I don't see a point to gay marriage except to legalize it.

Tom Romer: I think the fundies should just back off dear and mind their own business. Let the gays be married, marriage isn't even a religious orientated right, its a civil one.

Len Bormes: I don't think that it is a threat to the sanctity of marriage. The fact that the divorce rate among conservative Christians is much like that of the general population is proof enough that the sanctity of marriage has already been badly battered, if not completely destroyed. ! Gays weren't the cause of the breakdown of my marriage, my ina! bility to keep my pecker in my pocket was.

Mitchell Pickens: We are better off dead than living under the rule of any radicals from whatever religions.Freedom of the mind = PRICELESS ;-)Have a nice day !

Karl Jantzen: You want the truth. I think the only choice they would give you is be a Muslim or die. I'd rather die than see The United States of America as an islamic country. I will never worship allah. Jesus is My Lord and Savior.May God Bless you.

Ronnie Panas: It's none of my business what others choose to do with their lives. It doesn't affect me, let them get married.

Burt Stoecklin: homosexuallity is natural

Randa Hessell: so, die you must...iraq, before war 0nly have a little number of crimes but after us christians come in, the number of crimes increases. moderate and radical islam is the same, they worship the true God.how do you know pope was partially true?not most but all of us hate the way christian's americans kill innocent! people in iraq, palestine, lebanon and ect.i rather live under the rule of islamic radical than under the stupid rule of bush that allowed people to kill the innocentsi'm sorry but i'm not as mean as you....Show more

Donte Schoenhals: Even if I was forced to live under the rule of any radical power, they could not take my God away from me. (Including the anti-christ if it comes to that) If I had to die for God, I would go to the hangmans stand or the chopping block with a smile.

Scot Sepulbeda: All consenting adults should have the same rights.~

Providencia Serpe: The pope was right. I am very sorry that he was forced to back down. There are more important things on this earth than survival. For example: justice, truth, freedom. I would rather die than go along with radical Islam.

Gene Debell: It's fine by me.

Carmina Stickney: Of course not. Where there is life there is hope. If Islam were to take over our country we would all find a way to c! ope.

Myriam Hetjonk: I actually don't even think about what my he! terosexual neighbours do in their bedroom. Don't know, don't have a voyeuristic mindset. But splitting hairs over definitions, I sometimes wonder why is it important to be called "marriage"? Why not a union, partnership, etc? In the sense, there was the bicycle, then someone added a third wheel without calling it a three-wheeled bicycle, but instead a tricycle. Both bicycles and tricycles exist, and now he have 4WD ATV's on top... Wait, what's my point :) Just my rambling thoughts, as per your request. Regards, Pat...Show more

Vernita Robberson: Ok first the Pope is kind of stupid. Islam was NOT spread by the sword. Secondly Shariah Law is very good when enacted properly. Just think if the entire world was under Shariah Law there wouldn't be any murders because they'd all get their heads cut off and theifs would get their hands cut off after three times of stealing.

Mario Stricklan: "We however, on the day of the Lords Ressurrection out to guard not only aga! inst kneeling, but every posture and office of solicitude, deferring even our businesses lest we give any place to the devil."

Matt Gerdeman: oops, sorry, i misunderstood what i was watching, it was actually from the Catholic Encyclopedia under "Sunday"

Maritza Ebanks: Marriage is really a religious thing, and since being homosexual is against many religions dogmas. Just call it something besides marriage that has the same legal status. problem solved

Lauri Ohl: Chapter and verse?

Bethanie Menden: I never met him/her (the phrase "God Warrior woman" includes two different genders).

An Trebil: I'm not against it. I think people should be able to marry whomever they want.

Eli Trapeni: I'm for itYou've been touched by Imperfectionist

Stanton Villao: Islamic radicals are like any religious radicals of any other religion that have occurred throughout history. Muslims are not all radicals and are VERY VERY against the radicals point of vie! ws and thinking. I'm Muslim and don't agree with anything those radical! s have to say so stop judging the religion by the people, judge the religion by its teachings!!!!

Bethanie Menden: If you are a Warrior for God, please, please, please watch this gem and rethink your devotion to the Lord. I guarantee, your God Warriorness pales in comparison.BEHOLD--->GOD WARRIOR!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3mDLsyn6ns

Merna Fauset: Homosexuality is a relatively rare but natural occurrence. A few theories have been made on why it occurs in the first place, but I think population control makes the most sense. Gay people should be allowed to marry, if they so choose. The biblical argument against it has no place in the law of a secular society, and the issue even some non-religious people have with "redefining" marriage, I just don't get. In my honest opinion, the definition shouldn't have been limited to just one man and one woman in the first place. Love and, yes, even marriage take many forms. As long as those involved are adults who ! have given their full consent, you should be able to marry whoever you like and however many you like....Show more

Wally Gower: Two in every ten in the world are muslims and one in every tem muslims support radical Islam either directly or indirectly. Therefore this situation is quite feasible.

Comment ajouter un compte à votre Gmail

Comment ajouter un compte à votre Gmail

Confirmez l’ajout. Après avoir ajouté votre compte de jeu à votre compte de travail (ou vice versa), tout ce que vous avez à faire est de confirmer l’ajout en vous connectant à votre autre compte Gmail (celui qui a été ajouté.) Une fois là-bas, vérifiez dans votre boîte de réception un e-mail qui devrait contenir un lien pour confirmer votre nouvel ajout. Cliquez sur ce lien, et c’est terminé.

Allez dans « Comptes et Importation ». Après vous être connecté à nouveau, vous ne serez plus sur la page des paramètres précédente. En haut de cette nouvelle page, cependant, il y a différentes catégories de paramètres. Cliquez sur « Comptes et importation » (la quatrième option) pour ouvrir de nouveaux paramètres.

Vérifiez l’adresse e-mail que vous avez saisie. Après avoir cliqué précéd! emment sur « Étape suivante », en haut de la fenêtre suivante, on vous posera la question « Êtes-vous sûr ? Il s’agit simplement de vous demander de vérifier que les informations que vous avez saisies sont correctes. Assurez-vous que c’est bien le cas avant de cliquer sur « Envoyer un e-mail pour autoriser l’accès », ou vous pouvez autoriser l’accès à quelqu’un d’autre.

Connectez-vous à Gmail. Il vous suffit d’ouvrir un navigateur sur votre ordinateur et d’aller sur www.gmail.com pour accéder au site Web de Gmail. Connectez-vous à votre compte avec votre adresse e-mail pour le travail ou pour le jeu et le mot de passe correspondant pour vous connecter à votre boîte de réception Gmail.

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Passez en revue les réglages. Une fois la nouvelle liste de paramètres chargée, vers la moitié de la page, recherchez le paramètre « Autoriser l’accès à votre compte ». Il sera suivi du lien « Ajouter un autre compte », sur lequel vous devez cliquer.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Is your family like the Full House family?

Lonnie Jehle: no

Sammy Tabatt: no the reality is nothing like movies or dramas.especially sit-coms always have a happy ending.their problems always get solved in the end.in reality. i have a great family but i was bullied in school for more than 5 years which eventually caused me depression.my parents did everything they could but nothing worked out.i even thought of suicide.it's a cruel world we live in. no one's life is as easy as full house family's life....Show more

Davina David: Nnnnooope :)

Name of 5 plants whose all parts are used for anything.?  

Name of 5 plants whose all parts are used for anything.?  

answers 0:Name of 5 plants whose all parts are used for anything.?answers 1:maple tree- syrup and shadecorn-starch, oil, food, syruplettuce-foodwood from any treerubber treenutsfruit, vegetables, grain,...answers 2:Digoxin, a heart medicine, is isolated from the whole foxglove plant (Digitalis purpurea)The opiates like morphine are manufactured from the sap of poppies (Papaver somniferum) while the seeds of the plant provide a source of the vasodilator papaverine.Menthol, a topical analgesic, is isolated from any mint plant (Menthe spp) or the dried leaves are a culinary herb.Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadiensis) provides an antibacterial used in dental products: Sanguinarine is the active ingredient from the root. The plant is also a popular ephemeral garden flower.Chicle tree (Manilkara chicle)! latex is used in creating chewing gum. http://www.madehow.com/Volume-1/Chewing-Gum.htmlCork is harvested from oak (Quercus suber) trees. http://www.fao.org/docrep/x1880e/x1880e08.htm...

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Good reading Environment?

Janita Tetlow: somewhere that you can concentrate on your work and feel comfortable in it

Esteban Lyson: The first ting is that you must be comfortable and there must be enough light. After you have this settled, try some different kinds of music in the background (Mozart seems to bedoing the trick for me)

Marna Liddie: anywhere you deem comfortable & relaxing.....but just too comfy, you don't want to be able to fall asleep. If you are able to get natural light, even better but lots of light is great for concentration and functioning of the eyes. (like focus, etc)Temperature of the surroundings is important for most productive activity. And I think this factor varies from individual to individual.......Show more

Davida Gisriel: A good reading environment would be quiet, proper ventilation and and proper lighting./

Dick Ovdenk: lets see,your room, the library, the park, coffee shop

Could You Get Hiv From An Infected Person Sneezing In Your Eyes and plus he has dental ( oral problems )?  

Could You Get Hiv From An Infected Person Sneezing In Your Eyes and plus he has dental ( oral problems )?  

answers 0:Meaning that he's HIV positive and has dental problems, does saliva kills HIVanswers 1:No-one has ever got HIV this way. It's probably not even possible.

Friday, 26 June 2020

I'm outside US. Can I apply for a green card?

Gale Hartt: You cannot apply for your own green card. You will need an immediate family member who is a US citizen to petition for you.There is a green card lottery, applications start in October of every year. Since you failed to mention your home country, don't know if citizens of your country are eligible to enter.

Buster Buchko: There is the green card diversity lottery which some countries can enter every Octbut only some countries and the chances are very slimotherwiseThere are basically NINE ways that you can get a visa to live and work in the US: (1) Marriage (or engagement in anticipation of marriage) to a US citizen. (2) You have skills that are in short supply in the US e.g. scientific or medical training. A degree is normally a must. Or you have superior specialist skills with at least 12 years experience. (H visas)(3) You have an Employer who is willing to transfer you - but even the employer has to make a good case for you - so you have to be a manager! unless you fall under category (2) above.(L visas)(4) You may get a Green card in the diversity lottery (UK citizens, except N.Ireland, are not generally eligible unless you, your spouse or parents were born abroad or held a different citizenship.(5)You own or buy business (does not get you permanent resident status i.e. no green card)You must be a national of a qualifying Treaty countries. The business must have a minimum value of around $150k (more the better) bearing in mind you will need somewhere to live and with any startup business you will need at least 2 years living money as back up. So a figure of $350k would be a nearer minimum (E-2 visas)(6)You are an "investor" i.e. you have at least US $1m in assets to bring with you. half of that in a few areas. And your background will be investigated to the hilt. (EB-5 visas)(7)You have a close relative (mother, father, brother, sister and no further) who is an US citizen who would sponsor you, approx time this take 2-12 ! years?(8.The R1 visa is available to foreign members of religi! ous denominations, having bona fide non-profit religious organizations in the U.S., for entering the U.S. to carry on the activities of a minister or religious worker as a profession, occupation or vocation(9)THE UNUSUAL You are in a position to claim refugee status/political asylum. or You get a member of Congress to sponsor a private bill with legislation that applies just to you. The S visa issued to persons who assist US law enforcement to investigate and prosecute crimes and terrorist activities such as money laundering and organized crimeRecruitment agent will not take you seriously if you are not already in the US. Writing for jobs is really a waste of time; likewise US employers have no idea what foreign qualification are or mean (except Degrees) it may pay you to get your qualification translated into a US equivalent, there are Companies that do this (www.wes.org) .. But if you are getting a visa under (2) above then you need a job offer before you can get the visa! . Your Employer will be your sponsor this will cost them upward of $5k. So you can see you have to be offering something really special to get considered They may also have to prove to the Dept of labor that there is no American who can do the job if the position is to be permanent ©...Show more

Comment trouver des comptoirs bon marché

Comment trouver des comptoirs bon marché

p>De jolis comptoirs dans une cuisine ou une salle de bain peuvent rendre la pièce propre, finie et belle. La recherche de nouveaux produits abordables peut cependant sembler inaccessible avec l’abondance de granit et d’autres pierres naturelles de prix élevé. N’ayez crainte, parce que vous pouvez trouver les comptoirs bon marché qui semblent bons en utilisant le stratifié, la tuile et quelques options moins connues.

Comptoirs de tuiles vous-même si désiré. Si vous êtes assez courageux ou si vous avez les compétences nécessaires pour carreler vos propres comptoirs, allez-y. Détachez vos vieux comptoirs, coupez et installez des cadres en contreplaqué et posez vos carreaux. Cela prendra du temps et du dévouement, mais vous pouvez empocher tout l’argent que vous dépenseriez pour un homme à tout faire.

Utilisez du bois d! e boucherie. Fabriqué avec des morceaux de bois assemblés, le bloc de boucherie offre une variété d’options économiques de comptoirs de cuisine. Procurez-vous une pièce sur mesure auprès d’un ébéniste ou parcourez les grandeurs standard chez les détaillants à domicile, comme Ikea, Menards ou Lumber Liquidators. Parce que le bloc de boucherie est en bois, vous pouvez le couper vous-même ou demander au magasin de le faire pour vous.

Obtenez des soumissions de prix à l’automne et à l’hiver. L’automne et l’hiver sont la basse saison des entrepreneurs, vous aurez donc une meilleure chance de négocier un bon prix pour les carreaux et/ou l’installation. Vérifiez auprès de plusieurs magasins de carreaux et entrepreneurs généraux pour trouver le moins cher.

Mesurez l’espace du comptoir. Vous devez connaître les dimensions exactes de l’espace à couvrir, y compris le dosseret et les garnitures. Déterminez les dimensions vous-même ou! engagez un professionnel pour le faire à votre place pour au! ssi peu que 50 $.

Rendez-vous chez un détaillant et faites appel à un manufacturier. Si vous voulez personnaliser vos comptoirs en stratifié, une bonne option est de choisir un comptoir avec un détaillant, un designer ou dans la cuisine ou la salle de bain d’un magasin de rénovation domiciliaire. Avec les dimensions en main, choisissez le style que vous voulez avec un revêtement stratifié. Le comptoir est ensuite envoyé à un manufacturier pour être recouvert.

Achetez un comptoir tout fait. Vous pouvez trouver des comptoirs en stratifié prêts à l’emploi dans n’importe quel magasin de rénovation domiciliaire. La sélection n’est peut-être pas énorme, mais vous trouverez peut-être l’option de comptoir la moins chère. Rappelez-vous que les comptoirs prêts à l’emploi devront être coupés aux dimensions de votre espace. Achetez une bande supplémentaire de stratifié pour couvrir la coupe.

Rendez-vous dans un magasin de carrelage! ou dans un centre de rénovation. Obtenez des idées sur le type de carreaux que vous aimeriez utiliser sur vos comptoirs en consultant la sélection de carreaux dans un magasin spécialisé ou un magasin de rénovation. La céramique ou la porcelaine seront vos options les moins chères.

Utiliser du placage à surface solide (SSV). Vous pouvez peut-être trouver des comptoirs en acrylique massif moins chers chez un grossiste à rabais, mais ce sera quand même une option plus dispendieuse. Optez plutôt pour un placage d’un huitième de pouce de placage à poser sur les comptoirs non finis. Vous trouverez de nombreux types de SSV dans votre magasin local et vous pouvez obtenir l’aspect et la sensation de pièces solides à une fraction du prix.

Engagez un entrepreneur général pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats. Bien que vous puissiez essayer de carreler vos propres comptoirs, il se peut que vous ne trouviez pas qu’il vous en coûte beaucoup plus che! r d’avoir quelqu’un pour le faire à votre place. Les entrepreneurs! peuvent généralement obtenir de meilleurs prix sur les matériaux que le grand public et vous pouvez vous éviter de faire des erreurs potentiellement coûteuses. Demandez à vos amis et voisins s’ils peuvent vous recommander quelqu’un.

Utilisez une table de travail en acier inoxydable comme îlot. Bon marché ne vient probablement pas à l’esprit quand vous pensez à l’acier inoxydable, mais une table de travail en acier inoxydable est moins chère qu’un îlot construit sur mesure. Cherchez-en un dans les magasins de fournitures de restaurant ou en ligne.

Utilisez un ébéniste. Un ébéniste peut fabriquer le comptoir utilisé avec le stratifié facilement et à peu de frais puisqu’il ne s’agit que de panneaux de particules, ce qui est semblable au contreplaqué. Ils peuvent également coller le stratifié sur le panneau pour vous. Renseignez-vous auprès des ébénistes de votre région et demandez-leur quelles sont les options qu’ils offre! nt.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

If schools taught 50 percent environmental education, would green living habits improve?

Antonia Mogg: thats a really good idea,people don't realize whats happening.and its really urgent.i would say yes [:

Horace Escue: Today's students can barely read or write. Cutting the time for basic education won't help that any. However, a modest increase in environmental education in place of courses such as drivers' ed might not be bad.

Rocio Karvis: One thing that you learn from a study of statistics is that correlations do not prove causality. How does the teaching of God cause a student to perform well in mathematics for example? Can God be measured with a yardstick? Genetic frequencies within an interbreeding population can be measured. If you were to do a comparison of American states, which states would have the highest educational levels? If evolution is taught in all states then OTHER variables must be at work in producing different educational standards across the country. Then compare the USA with other countries using those variables. The Unite! d States was not founded on the principle of God, but on the separation of church and state. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were deists. The First Amendment protects all faiths. By the way, I am from Australia, where evolution is taught in our school system. We have creationists here too, but they are not as influential as in the USA. But we do wish that you American creationists would stop funding ours. You are undermining our clearly superior education system!...Show more

Barrett Alosa: It would really depend on the person, immersion into something does not mean the ignorance level will drop, some people are just intolerant.

Maria Devenney: Isn't that what Hitler did? Systemic "Education"?

Charis Deguzman: Definitely, because today's school children are the future's grown people to live in a good environmental conditions. Educating children at school stage will be most effective because when a child starts to adopt green living habits in his hom! e, every other elderly family members will definitely impresse! d to adopt them. When a child is educated; one whole family is educated!

Chris Wilczewski: um sorry man but kids of this generation are kind of ungratefull so still it would not change and maybe if we tried to clean up the earth instead of teaching others how to do it we would get things done.

Theresia Fashaw: No... There would just be alot more idiots with low IQ's around like you.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

global warming thesis ?

Boris Hadsall: start with "ever left your dog in a parked car with the windows up during a sunny summer day?" that's a greenhouse effect.now, the earth is the same, but instead of glass we have an atmosphere...

Madie Strople: look at them polar bear and start your story

Blythe Noreiga: you're desirable approximately worldwide warming being a arguable concern. to 3 human beings, people are a, or the biggest reason, yet in no way the only reason. The Earth did take care of an unknown style of ice a while and interglacial classes earlier there have been people, so it is truly unsupported to proclaim human pastime is to blame for all climate substitute. If on your opinion, human pastime is having a dramatic result on the climate now, i could propose you clarify the variety you shaped that opinion. i would not take it with none attention that it is sparkling to all smart human beings considering is purely no longer the case. i'm no longer meaning to be condescendin! g right here because of fact a similar component occurred to me 2 a protracted time in the past, yet once you graduate, and tackle yet another function in society, you will locate there is an entire international of human beings exterior of pupil communities with very distinctive suggestions to that to which you're accustomed. it may project you to re-evaluate your man or woman suggestions....Show more

Ramona Pago: This year, for the first time in human history, two sailboats raced around the Arctic ocean in a single summer.http://www.sikunews.com/Climate-change/NE-NW-passa...The Earth's surface has warmed by an average of 0.8-0.9 C since 1900.http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/temperature/hadc...http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata/GLB.Ts...This sounds like very little, but it's been enough to melt almost 75% of the volume of Arctic ice and reduce its summer extent by about 30%.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctic_shrinkage0.8 C might sound small, but because so! me areas change more than others it can lead to drastic things! : like the first ever sailboat race around the Arctic in a single year!(Or massive coral reef bleaching events - killing the 'rainforests of the ocean')...Show more

Arlen Decorte: Well for global warming you can obviously use the polar bear and penguin story. Their homes are literally being destroyed! If you can use pictures, go to google and type in "polar bear global warming"...help save the planet!

Frank Gazaway: Cattle flatulence cause the world to be a warmer place.

Lou Rought: There are some uncertainties as to what effects a change in climate might have on the earth. To predict what might happen, we first need to start by understanding how the increase in gases such as carbon dioxide and methane affect our climate.This is the main reason of Global Warming...

Jammie Taddei: The Earth warms upThe Earth cools downThe only thing constant about planetary climatology is that it is always changing:20000 years ago North America was covered by 3 miles! of ice that extended as far south as Tennessee; in 1500 years we might have an ice free Arctic:Isn't planet climate interesting?...Show more

Giovanni Malool: The best attention getter is the truth: that it is overstated, it is mostly media hype and politicians use it as an attention getter and fear tactic:http://www.aproundtable.org/tps30info/globalwarmup...

Lucien Hellerman: Hello...Global WarmingNovember 16, 2009Global Warming and Serve Weather In Today’s society people believe that Global Warming is not an important issue concerning our planet, but it is. Global warming is important because as the climate changes our ability to live will change. If it gets too warm the plants will begin to die and there will be toxic algae blooms in the ocean killing off species of plants and animals. Animals will gradually become extinct. It will eventually make the earth uninhabitable. Global warming not only affects us humans personally, it also affects animals, and o! f course nature. Temperature increases will have significant impacts on! human activities, including: where we can live, what food we can grow, how and where we can grow food, and where organisms we consider pests can thrive. To be prepared for the effects of these potential impacts we need to know how much the Earth is warming, how long the Earth has been warming, and what has caused the warming...You can get more info here:...Show more

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Comment passer un appel téléphonique à partir d’un ordinateur avec Mobile Partner

Comment passer un appel téléphonique à partir d’un ordinateur avec Mobile Partner

p>Mobile Partner est un ordinateur programmé pour être utilisé avec les dongles de modem USB Huawei. Vous pouvez utiliser le programme pour passer des appels et envoyer et recevoir des messages SMS depuis votre ordinateur sur votre réseau mobile. Si vous souhaitez utiliser une carte SIM d’un réseau différent de celui pour lequel le dongle a été conçu, vous devez d’abord la déverrouiller pour qu’elle puisse se connecter au nouveau réseau.

Entrez le code de déverrouillage dans le programme de création de code. Vous devrez sélectionner votre modem dans la liste des appareils disponibles, alors assurez-vous qu’il est branché. Entrez votre code de déverrouillage lorsque vous y êtes invité et votre modem sera déverrouillé.

Déterminez ! le modèle de votre modem USB. Les outils que vous utilisez pour déverrouiller votre modem dépendent du modèle. Vous trouverez le modèle du modem USB soit imprimé sur le modem lui-même, soit dans le Gestionnaire de périphériques.

Sélectionnez votre réseau dans le menu déroulant. Mobile Partner est livré avec plusieurs réseaux populaires préconfigurés que vous pouvez sélectionner dans le menu « Nom du profil ». Si votre réseau est répertorié ici, sélectionnez-le.

Cliquez sur le bouton Paramètres et sélectionnez « Options ». Cela ouvrira le menu Options du partenaire mobile.

Installer Mobile Partner. Double-cliquez sur le fichier ZIP que vous avez téléchargé, puis sélectionnez « Extraire tout ». Cela créera un nouveau dossier contenant le fichier d’installation pour Mobile Partner. Exécutez le fichier d’installation pour installer le logiciel Mobile Partner sur votre ordinateur.

Connectez-vous à votre résea! u. Dans la fenêtre principale Partenaire mobile, sélectionne! z votre profil réseau et cliquez sur « Connexion ». Si vos paramètres APN sont corrects, vous serez connecté à votre réseau mobile.

Téléchargez la dernière version de Mobile Partner. Assurez-vous d’obtenir la dernière version disponible pour vous assurer qu’elle est compatible avec votre système d’exploitation. Vous pouvez télécharger Mobile Partner directement de Huawei sur consumer.huawei.huawei.com/fr/support/index.htm. Recherchez « Mobile Partner » dans la section Téléchargements pour trouver le lien de téléchargement.

Trouvez le numéro IMEI du modem. L’IMEI est généralement imprimé sur la boîte dans laquelle le modem est entré et peut être imprimé sur le modem lui-même. L’IMEI est composé de 15 chiffres.

Insérez votre nouvelle carte SIM. Maintenant que votre modem est déverrouillé, vous pouvez y insérer la carte SIM hors réseau. Reportez-vous à la documentation de votre modem pour obtenir des instructi! ons sur le changement de carte SIM dans le modem.

Sélectionnez « Gestion des profils » dans le cadre de gauche. Cela ouvrira l’éditeur de profils, ce qui permet à Mobile Partner de se connecter au réseau mobile de votre choix.

Téléchargez un générateur de code pour votre modèle de modem. Maintenant que vous avez un code de déverrouillage, vous aurez besoin d’un programme de création de code pour votre modem. Vous pouvez généralement en trouver un en cherchant « model code writer ». Téléchargez le programme sur votre ordinateur pour pouvoir l’exécuter.

Passez un appel vidéo. Si vous avez une webcam installée sur votre ordinateur, vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton Appel vidéo du composeur pour lancer un appel vidéo avec le destinataire.

Cliquez sur le bouton « Nouveau » si votre réseau n’est pas listé. Vous pouvez ajouter votre réseau si vous connaissez ses paramètres APN. Ceci n’est nécessaire que dans le! s anciennes versions de Mobile Partner qui ne détectent pas automatiqu! ement vos paramètres APN.

Cliquez sur le bouton « Appeler ». Cela ouvrira le composeur téléphonique.

Composez un numéro ou sélectionnez un contact. Lorsque le composeur s’ouvre, vous pouvez soit cliquer sur les boutons pour composer un numéro manuellement, soit sélectionner l’un de vos contacts pour effectuer l’appel. Le numéro sera composé et l’appel sera écouté par les haut-parleurs de votre ordinateur ou les écouteurs.

Générer un code de déverrouillage. Recherchez un générateur de code de déverrouillage qui fonctionnera pour votre modèle. Vous devriez être en mesure d’en trouver un facilement en effectuant une recherche sur le Web pour « code de déverrouillage de modèle ». Entrez votre IMEI dans le champ générateur de code et notez le code généré.

Monday, 22 June 2020

I want to help in the conservation of the biodiversity. Which major do I want?

Cristopher Gavalis: You really need a strong base in genetics, but there are many branches of science involved.Conserving biodiversity does not start with keeping rare species from going extinct, but in ensuring that species have the genetic breadth (read variability) to allow them to adapt to changing situations. When we allow a species to get into trouble, lose all of its genetic variations, we have a negligible chance of keeping that species.Studies of what habitat and food supply a species needs to survive is important, but making sure that species do not become totally dependent on a habitat or food supply that is hard to maintain starts a lot earlier.It is of urgent concern to know what within a species genetic makeup may make them most susceptible to extinction ....Show more

Miguel Densley: Should I forget about minoring in chemistry? I enjoy chemistry and its easy to do. But would having that extra notch on my belt be a good thing? or a waste of time.

! Ambrose Mumma: Take your pick: wildlife conservation, fisheries, zoology. Just make sure you get a good background in statistics to go along with your major.My degrees are in vertebrate zoology or zoology, with a minor in biostatistics to go with my master's. A part of my consulting is the estimation of biodiversity in streams.

Brenton Cornwall: I'm employed as a biodiversity officer and have a degree in zoology and a masters in biodiversity, conservation and management. :0) Please bear in mind you'll also need loads of practical experience to get a job in conservation. I suggest plenty of volunteer work alongside your academic qualifications.

Tamatha Neubaum: Chemistry wouldn't hurt. Whether it helps would depend on the exact field you go into - studying amphibians or coral reefs it could be crucial for instance (pollution levels in water), but for monitoring wolf populations and predation patterns it wouldn't really do much, AFAIK. If you want to get into c! ellular research or even something like pheromone signaling it! would also be needed.I'm pretty good at book learning, but chemistry is one area I never could master, although I find it interesting. If you have a talent there, don't waste it. Knowledge is never a waste of time, IMO. ...Show more

Mercedez Trabue: Having a minor, as long as you can afford the extra coursework, never hurts you. It gives you a more well-rounded understanding far beyond that of just the subject matter. (basically - it looks good...and it's always good to have more knowledge over less!)Both conservation biology and zoology have many cross-over themes in their studies. I majored in wildlife ecology and conservation, but zoology courses were part of my curriculum. Honestly, your major is not the be-all-end-all many people make it out to be. If you truly plan on pursuing conservation/biodiversity, you will need to proceed towards graduate school - and that is where you will need to narrow your choice down. For now, any choice that gives you a dece! nt background in genetics, population dynamics, evolutionary history, etc is a great starting point for conservation. Good luck! I am always excited to see more people enter conservation.Also, it depends on your school's programs. Some schools may have a better zoology department, some better conservation....Show more

Sunshine Holets: none of the above... conservation of biodiversity starts within urself, within ur heart... discipline and respect!

Protection with lesbian sex?  

Protection with lesbian sex?  

answers 0:I know about dental dams and finger condoms or whatever, but what about p*ssy to p*ssy contact? What kind of protection should I use?answers 1:i like sexy lesbiansbut only if they're both like.. rly sexy 😀answers 2:female condoms are also made which cover most of the vag opening for those w/ herpes, etc.answers 3:Female condoms.answers 4:Seran wrap

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Why is there no dedicated cricket section for Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Jill Thomer: Hayden and Gilly are not just experienced but old as well.They retired from international cricket, its not like they got dropped.

Renato Abatiell: I think Australian cricket should bring them to T20. If Hayden and Gilly were in this T20 tournament Australia wouldn't be out from it.

Travis Colomb: Batting: Amla in all formats. AB de Villiers, Kohli and Dhoni for ODIs, for sure.Plus AB is in good form for Test too. If he continues like this, he'd also be considered along with Amla. Pujara has made a good start to his Test Career, but it's too early to consider him.Clarke has been in awesome form. Both in the subcontinent and in countries like Australia and England. You have got to consider him if you call yourself a Cricket fan.Cook is another one, for both Test and ODIs. He's young too, and his stats are too good for his age. And this guys may break those mighty records of Sachin Tendulkar IMO.Gambhir once looked too good, and so did Sehwag, but bo! th haven't been in form for too long.In the Bowling Department: Steyn for sure. Other bowlers have mostly looked patchy at times. For eg: Mitchel Johnson a few years ago was on the top of the world. Soon he got dropped. Other bowlers lack consistency IMO. And the hectic schedule is to be blamed. Keeping your fitness level up is difficult these days, and you lose fitness, you lose form. In the spin dept. too, Bhajji who once looked the next spin king, is no where now. Ashwin has looked good, but he has a long way to go. Herath has been in good form now, but he didn't get a place in his young days, you know why, the spin wizard Murali!...Show more

Rena Pepe: I also agree with why saha and not raydu raina as vice captain yuvi deserve it because he is senior player and valueable player of these team he give his best performance by bat bowl and field but why raina

Daria Verfaillie: i do no longer trust you Jinx. because of the fact right it is the element... ok permi! t's say that T20 ckt is greater approximately individual parti! cularly than the group. Then isn't it the comparable case with many different activities? look at Foot Ball. gamers not often play for his or her national communities. it is greater approximately golf equipment. look at eu greatest league. gamers are bought for quantities which cricketers won't be able to even dream approximately even in IPL! So are not in addition they approximately persons and funds? So it is been the comparable in many different maximum ideal activities. So why no longer cricket? each interest is expert now. permit's settle for it. Cricket replaced into began as a entertainment time interest. It replaced right into a interest for prosperous adult adult males who have been given no longer something a lot to do interior the day. That replaced into why attempt suits have been held for 6/7 days till now. Is there the different interest which lasts for days to have a single journey or maybe then could desire to end having no effect on occasion? It replaced in! to how cricket began in spite of the undeniable fact that it stepped forward when you consider that then. it somewhat is the place ODIs began. Later T20s have been presented. it is all approximately cricket becoming to be a international phenomena particularly than few wealthy adult adult males enjoying and observing all of it day. I agree that T20 is almost hit and giggle and too a lot relies upon on the luck ingredient yet is soccer or the different interest diverse from that? look ultimately FIFA international cup very final. do no longer you think of Spain replaced into rather fortunate to attain that debatable purpose on the final minute? So T20 is not any diverse from the different short span interest and positively it is the final format to globalize cricket. in any different case cricket consistently has been and could be a interest performed via 10 or 15 countries....Show more

Claire Billegas: If we had Lara, Inzy, M.Yusuf, Jayasurya, Ponting, Hussey, Laxman! & Dravid as the batting superstars of the past decade or more, who are! the current legends in making according to you in batting.Similarly we had McGrath, Warne, Murli, Kumble, Vettori, Shaun Pollock as the bowling superstars. Who according to you are the current bowling superstars, who might break few bowling records in the coming years.Pl share your views.......Show more

Carlee Tangaro: There players will be future batting legends...Pujara :- He has already shown lot of potential and maturity.Amla- He is almost about to establish himself and a legendKusal Janith Perera:- This may be far too early but I see lot of promise in this youngster since the very beginning of his international debut. He will be future Jayasuriya for SL.Bowling LegendsDale StayneAshwinHerath...Show more

Charline Granes: Yes, T-20 skills have evolved over the years such that both bowlers and batsmen need to have experience to read the quickly changing situations in a game and change gears accordingly. The young fresh legs usually won't have the matured stuf! f upstairs to handle it well.Re. Oz team--- indeed Gilly and Hayden would be better qualified to play had they not retired already. However, the more important issue is unimaginative and uninspiring captaincy of Punter!! Captain's role in a T-20 game is much more important than in other forms, since decisions need to be made quickly and changed as quickly too. May be a good idea to get Warnie back as well, not only as a spinner worth the name, but also as a Captain who can produce new tricks every next over!!...Show more

Arlen Hamper: Its a trivial matter not as easy as just "setting up" the boards for those countries. Basically South Asia = India for the IT industry . Infact India is one of the main global centers for all kind of industries ~while our neighboring countries are just not good enough yet.

Estrella Northway: yes why do they have to select saha of all the available players...he hasnt done well in the ipl yet then why do he has to be selected and why! not people like ambati raidu,parthiv patel and also players like moham! mad kaif should be given a chance and and also balaji,robin uthappathis time they will lose the matches in west indies i am sure about it

Luke Creitz: Saha's selection was a surprise for me too, it's high-time Ambati Rayudu gets the cut, Raina's selection as VC above Kohli and Yuvaraj is also surprising, but Uthappa has been half-performing, not giving his best whereas Rayudu has been working hard day and night but he doesn't gets in the team, Ojha is a good spinner but in my opinion Amit Mishra deserves more than him at the moment.

Carlton Lastrapes: I know the retired but "T20 cricket is like WWE afterall" (quoted from Younis Khan) lol

Cody Shimko: Sunil Narine for West Indies, the 1st call mind-blowing my innovations. great overall performance by utilising him. I dont think Chris Gayle is the best guy to assert right here, reason that is no longer his overall performance that's preserving him out of the team, and he additionally carried out nicely inter! ior the final season. After Sunil Narine, i could say Ajinkya Rahane and Shikhar Dhawan. those youthful weapons additionally prerformed ok (by utilising no ability extra suitable than Sunil Narine). Umesh Yadav i think already has a place, and Varun Aaron had it in the previous getting injured, so they don't seem to be the respond right here. positive avatar dude....Show more

Saran Stealy: I have no idea anything about selection regimes for these countries however for India and Sri Lanka there could be a mild probability, as each are targeted to incorporate European communities of some style. For Pakistan and Bangladesh, I could be fallacious but i'm lovely certain that we is not going to see a white cricket player from these nations within the foreseeable future for a large number of social reasons. For the most phase, these avid gamers to migrate to other international locations for causes external of cricket, most often to do with way of life and work, typically re! locating throughout childhood with their dad and mom. So if there are a! tremendous quantity of families coming over from England/Australia/and so forth to India and Sri Lanka I feel that's their first-rate chance at paying for players of a european origin....Show more

Jeannetta Gaffigan: I don't really think it is such a big deal. All the questions end up in the same place at the end of the day.

Zora Mazzie: Kieran pollard,suresh raina.mohamed irfan,mitchal starc

Marti Declue: Because Chennai is easily the best team of the IPL?Maybe you could look that up before writing a truckload of conspiracy theories.Chennai's track record2008 - Final2009 - Semi-Final2010 - Winners2010 - World Champions League Winners2011 - Top of the table (as on 13 May 2011)Find me another team with a better record and I'll admit politics played a role in Chennai players making it to the Indian XI...Show more

Brian Marquina: Dhoni & Srikkanth ARE POLITICIANS ALREADYCHEERS~

Coleman Petropoulos: V.t.J summed it up beautifully. I do agree with ! you about Piyush Chawla though, Amit Mishra or Pragyan Ohja should have been picked instead of him for the World Cup no doubt. Also Badrinath has been far more consistent than Valthaty. Valthaty played 2 good innings but never did much after that.

Ermelinda Stalnaker: Amla, Cook, deVilliers, Pujara and maybe Kohli as batsmen.Pattinson, Philander, Ashwin, Finn and Steyn as bowlers.Prior as a wicket keeper batsman. His stats would be even better if he didn't keep running out of partners or have to give it away by forcing the pace too much at the end of an innings....Show more

Isaias Badgley: I think the IPL has "educated" the cricket world a bit more about the tactics and needs of T20 cricket and one of those things is that older players can also be utilized in T20 cricket. Like Sanath, Kallis etc.Infact Kallis was dropped from last year's world-t20 and this year he's ine because he proved to be good in IPL.I would even like to recommend Australia to bring Hayden! and Gilly ONLY for T20 cricket if they want to do well in this format.! Your views?...Show more

Corey Rohleder: Probably has to do with the fact that such a section would be ultra-minuscule with fewest contributions coming in !

Len Dalba: If it happens,I would be a TC in 9 sections lolJust joking.but we have to have 9 sections in cricket or 7

Eldridge Rieves: experience count.. but class is class :D

Kizzy Hett: Yes, the Aussies and Brits to some extent.

Porfirio Cahall: I guess the need isn't there as far as numbers are concerned so it is assumed that all being in the same area they use the India section same as Ireland has to use the UK section.

Gladys Worthing: I agree with you. We should have groups or as you say "Boards" for the sections of cricket, you can send Yahoo a formal complaint or a letter requesting your proposal. I believe that the other sections also came by after popular demand.

Marcelle Vanlith: Root ,Dhoni ,Yadav ,Pujara,Bkumar,mohammad amir,Arron,Styne

Leontine Kreitz: These c! ountries don't have their version of Yahoo , may be because Yahoo don't see them as a lucrative market.

Veta Slicker: They forgot to make it. Doesn't matter I suppose.

Melina Minneweather: Experience counts for a lot in any format of the game. So I think that if the teams didn't know that before they will certainly know it now. Especially as it's some of the older players in the tournament (Jayasuriya, Gibbs and Kallis etc) who are having a bigger impact over some of the younger guys and so-called Twenty20 "specialists" (who might not be that old).

Samara Siewers: well,what about India's Best Spinner..Anil Kumble ?

Romeo Tinnea: Too much work for little to no extra benefit. It takes a huge amount of scripting work to do anything just on one page let alone create a whole new site just for the sake of it. On one of my computers if you visit a web page like this and press the F12 key you see a lot of the scripting that makes the page look the way it d! oes that we see. It is incredible how complex the scripting is to get ! something that looks so plane.Most in Zimbabwe can't afford to eat because of that f*cked up president let alone have luxuries like the Internet. I was hassled something terrible when I walked across the Zambia/Zimbabwe border to go to the most touristy and possibly well off place in the country Victoria Falls. I was followed and they wanted any food and drink and even my shoes that I was wearing which I might add were about 7 years old and worn to the point the soles were coming off....Show more

Elinore Schlinker: In the general scheme of things, these countries do not exist.

Travis Colomb: I think this because of team selection of India for West Indies tour & also the selections of past.Both Dhoni & Srikkanth are part of Chennai.Those who have played for Chennai have always got chance to play for India.It doesn't matter whether they have done well or not.Take the example of selection of Riddhiman Shah.After Parthiv Patel Robin Uththapaa & Ambati Raidu were ! best choice as wicket keeper.These two players have done so well in IPL.But finally Riddhiman Shah was selected which is a huge surprise.Also Raina was totally failed as captain in last year's west Indies tour.But he became the vice captain instead of Kohli or Yuvraj.Badrinath was selected.But where is Paul Valthaty?Not only this time but also this type of thing is seen in last 2-3 years.All players who have played for Chennai like Vijay,Gony,Jogender Sharma,Ashwin,Tyagi etc.But players like Robin Uthappa hasn't got chance who is performing consistently in last 3-4 IPL.Also for West Indies tour there is no name of Pragyan Ojha.He is performing well consistently for last 2 years.But he was neither in world cup team nor in team for West Indies tour.Dhoni takes many players in team as per his demand.Selection of Piyush Chawla in world cup team was it's best example.Chawla was no way deserving place in team.Pragyan Ojha was best choice for that.So I think that these two are d! oing so much politics in team selection.Just think, players from other ! teams are also performing well but why a player who plays for Chennai easily get chance.So do you think that Dhoni & Srikkanth are more politicians than a cricketer & selector respectively?...Show more

Stanton Villao: VTJ is right. I am agree with him 100%. It is not parliament where every MLA should be there from every state. It is a team where only performers should be given chance.

Damion Oleksa: @ M SFB: Don't actually know how many sections we have. I think it is:AustraliaCanadaEnglandIndiaNew ZealandSouth AfricaSingapore (yes, go figure)Hong Kong (see above)America (a general catch all for everything).That gives me nine countries with a dedicated cricket section, with four non-test nations covered, and five full members excluded (WI, SL, Pak, Ban, Zim)....Show more

Rodrigo Pezley: The reason is simple. It's bcz this is Yahoo Answers. Cricket is just a small section in that. Since cricket is not much popular in the world there is no way Yahoo care abo! ut having separated sections for all test playing nations! Cricket holds a very small place in the universe called Yahoo Answers. If this is actually a site where cricket is the major topic to discuss then sure they'd have included different sections for each and every test playing nations like cricinfo does.And also like Desi mentioned those countries have no lucrative markets for Yahoo.Yes I'd have loved if Yahoo has separated section for Sri Lanka but its bit far from reality.BQ: Does this tick you off, or are the contributors from these countries simply not asking Yahoo to set up the boards?I see no difference even if we minority requested Yahoo to have our own sections, as our countries would not be financially profitable for yahoo plus Yahoo Answers is not popular in our countries. See how small amount of members we have in cricket section from those countries? In my entire life I have read only a single article on Yahoo Answers in SL newspaper/magazine. Many Sri Lank! an internet users are interested in facebook and many have even never h! eard of Y!A! I tried to make my sister interested on Y!A but she didn't even bother to take care. She is another pro facebook addict.I am in the "cricket world cup 2007" section in Y!A Singapore! See the funnier part of that name lol! And funnily enough the other SL members are in different servers......Show more

Comment faire de l

Comment faire de l

p>Le manque extrême d’argent dans GTA Online (sans acheter de CashCards) est un danger que presque tout le monde a rencontré au moins une fois dans sa carrière de gangster infâme. Il existe des moyens de gagner de l’argent facilement, mais, une fois que vous savez ce qu’ils sont, vous pouvez vraiment améliorer votre gameplay.

Remplissez-le pour obtenir JP, RP et surtout de l’argent.

Vole-le. Entrez dans le bâtiment sans sortir votre arme. Allez au comptoir et sortez un pistolet (semi-automatique) (pas le pistolet AP par exemple).

Gagner de l’argent. Intimider le caissier en tirant autour de lui. Si une seule balle le frappe, il s’enfuira de la caisse enregistreuse dans l’arrière-salle et reviendra avec un pistolet â€" il vous tuera si vous ne le tuez pas en premier ! Quoi qu’il en soit, dès que le caissier a vidé la caisse, sortez un fusil de chasse et t! uez le caissier.

Tuez n’importe qui dans la rue et ramassez l’argent.

Dirigez-vous vers le waypoint et entrez dans le garage.

Fuyez. Sortez du magasin, prenez la voiture la plus proche et rendez vous à la Safehouse â€" être demandé au niveau 2 n’est pas amusant.

Commencer une mission/un travail. Rendez-vous dans un cercle bleu mission/travail et commencez la mission.

Sélectionnez Vendre un véhicule et confirmez.

Trouvez un magasin. Ouvrez la carte et faites défiler vers le bas jusqu’à la liste des entrées et créez un waypoint. Faites votre chemin jusqu’ici.

Sélectionnez Mod Shop (également connu sous le nom de Los Santos Customs) et confirmez la sélection.

Ouvrez le menu Interaction en maintenant le bouton SELECT (PS3), le pavé tactile (PS4), le bouton VIEW (XBox) ou M (PC) enfoncé.

Trouvez un véhicule approprié. Comme Rockstar a restreint la vente de véhicules, vous devrez en trouver un qui rÃ! ©ponde aux exigences suivantes :

Gardez à l’esprit qu! e cette méthode n’est pas recommandée. On appelle la police presque instantanément et â€" la plupart du temps â€" vous n’aurez pas plus de 50 $, ce qui est déjà rare.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

I want a career in the entertainment or music industry and suggestions?

August Hubbard: OK here it is... Continue going to school... speak to your counselor and let him or her know you career interest, and let them know that you would like to intern at a record company i.e. Sony, Atlantic, Virgin etc. Internships are a great stepping stone and door opener to a Music Business career! follow your dreams! I've been working in the Music Biz for 15years now! and I love my job... its all bout networking, and meeting the right people!MBIQ......Show more

Charline Granes: manufacturers will make the main of Studio musicians could make plenty. Songwriters and publishers could make plenty too consistent with how good the music does. Recording artists do no longer look paid as particularly as you will believe and its a marginally stressful interest.

Gerardo Greist: Things have changed so much in the music industry that I can't advise you on that. As far as the entertainment industry, it is a very big industry and includes many opportunit! ies that you may not have thought of. Try reading these to see what I mean.How to Start a Career in the Television and Video Production Industryhttp://www.associatedcontent.com/article/588521/ho...How to Survive a Career in the Local Television and Video Production Industryhttp://www.associatedcontent.com/article/588573/ho...The Inside Track on Working in a Television or Video Production Studiohttp://www.associatedcontent.com/article/588607/th......Show more

i requested my xrays from my dental office and they want to charge me $50 for my xrays because i have two sets?  

i requested my xrays from my dental office and they want to charge me $50 for my xrays because i have two sets?  

answers 0:Aren't all the xrays taken by a particular dentist considered just one set?answers 1:Each date is a different "set."answers 2:Every time you get x-rays taken, it's a different set. Not only does your mouth change over time, but it costs them supplies and labor to do the x-rays.

Friday, 19 June 2020

What airplanes have entertainment?

Brittney Inabnit: If you are taking Southwest, your entertainment will be the silly jokes cracked by the flight attendants and the magazine in the seat pocket. I guess you could also make a hand puppet out of the barf bag.Sorry, no TV, no music on Southwest.

Clinton Quant: If you are planning on sitting in first classon Delta Airlines, then you can watch moviesand also listen to music while drinking free refreshments all for FREE. My aunt and uncle just this year retired from there.So yea. But in Coach, you have to pay formovies.(:The End....Show more

David Boehler: Well if you are flying on Southwest, then you will NOT have any entertainment on board. They use 737's and there is no radio or TV. The only thing they have are their signature Spirit magazine and Sky mall in the seat back pocket. You'll need to bring your own entertainment.Airlines that offer entertainment on their domestic flights are: JetBlue Airways with 36 channels of live DirecTV and 100 cha! nnels of XMFrontier with DirecTV leased from JetBlueContinental is installing Live Tv in their fleetAir Tran has XM satellite radioAmerican, United, Northwest, Delta, and Continental all have entertainment on their widebody larger planes that they use to fly international and transcontinental routes with....Show more

Alphonso Brake: I'm taking Southwest, by the way

Corey Rohleder: It depends on your airline, not the plane. Check back with them by phone or on the internet.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Is my Television progressive scan capable?

Alexander Villas: Short answer: No. Only digital televisions (ED or HD televisions) are capable of progressive scan. Your television is a standard analog television and is not capable of that. However, all that progressive scan does is basically update all of the lines of resolution on your television with each frame, rather than the every other line at a time method that your standard, or interlaced scan, television does. Having seen both of these, there isn't much of a difference. Anyway, your tv is NOT progressive scan capable. Sorry....Show more

Comment obtenir un permis de port caché Arkansas

Comment obtenir un permis de port caché Arkansas

Faites un chèque pour les frais de demande ou obtenez un mandat à l’ordre de la police de l’État de l’Arkansas. Cela couvre également le coût des vérifications d’antécédents au niveau de l’État et au niveau fédéral. Les frais ne sont pas remboursables.

Suivez un cours de sécurité dans le maniement des armes à feu approuvé par la police d’État et obtenez votre certificat de formation. Vous devez faire preuve de compétence avec une arme de poing sur un champ de tir pour réussir le cours de formation. Faites une recherche sur le site Web de la police d’État pour trouver des instructeurs approuvés dans votre région.

Visitez le site Web de la police de l’État de l’Arkansas à l’adresse http://www.asp.state.ar.us. Téléchargez la demande de permis de port d’arme de p! oing dissimulé. D’autres informations sur la licence sont disponibles sur le site web.

Examiner et remplir la demande de permis de port caché de l’Arkansas.

Attendez-vous à ce que la police d’État approuve ou refuse votre permis de port d’arme de poing dissimulé dans les 120 jours.

Envoyez par la poste une trousse comprenant le formulaire de demande de port caché, le paiement, les empreintes digitales et le certificat de formation à l’adresse suivante : Arkansas State Police, CHCL Section, 1 State Police Plaza Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72209.

Être âgé de 21 ans ou plus, citoyen des États-Unis et résidant en Arkansas depuis au moins 90 jours.

Obtenez un jeu complet de vos empreintes digitales auprès d’un technicien expert. Vous pouvez vous faire prendre les empreintes digitales dans un poste de police, dans une entreprise privée avec un technicien qualifié ou pendant votre cours de sécurité dans le maniement des ! armes à feu.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Indian Internet Radio Where I can play Stations like Radio Mirchi etc for free?

Rose Krouse: Listen Free Desi, Hindi, Indian, Bollywood Radio, Online Internet FM Radiohi can u plz play the song guru maiya maiya for me plz...thnks ... If Radio Mirchi , Vividh Bharti, etc can be transmitted directly from Ahmedabad, ...thehindimusic.com/music/bombay-bits-online-radio - 58k - Cached * Have a Good Day * ~ Don ~...Show more

Comment faire un costume de fée gothique

Comment faire un costume de fée gothique

Achetez ou assemblez votre tenue. Utilisez Walmart, Kmart et les magasins d’occasion à votre avantage, mais n’oubliez pas votre propre garde-robe. Recherchez des vêtements en maille, des jupes paysannes (qui peuvent être coupées plus courtes si nécessaire) et des justaucorps. Si vous savez comment utiliser la teinture de tissu, vous pouvez aussi acheter une barrette de dentelle et la teindre en noir. En un clin d’Å"il, la robe noire de base qui accompagne la plupart des costumes de sorcière et de vampire servira de base.

Obtenez une perruque noire ou teignez vos propres cheveux en noir. Ajoutez des stries colorées de votre couleur d’accent. Vous pouvez simplement utiliser des extensions de couleur ou des clips. Si vous choisissez de teindre vos cheveux, planifiez cette étape avec soin, car! la teinture noire semi-permanente sur les cheveux blonds peut devenir verte si elle n’est pas d’abord teinte en brun. De plus, vos mèches colorées peuvent ne pas bien apparaître sur les cheveux teints, il peut donc être judicieux d’obtenir des mèches de couleur à clipser.

Prends tes ailes de fée. Choisissez-les dans une couleur neutre ou dans votre couleur d’accent. Ils peuvent être faits maison ou achetés en magasin, gazeux ou plumeux. Même si le reste de votre tenue échoue, vous pouvez toujours être une fée tant que vous avez les ailes !

Ajoutez des collants ou des leggings noirs ou votre couleur d’accent si vous portez une jupe ou une robe courte. Cela améliorera l’apparence de vos jambes et vous aidera à rester au chaud par une nuit froide.

Trouvez une paire de chaussures ou de bottes noires. Les bottes noires de n’importe quel style sont toujours une bonne tenue gothique, mais assurez-vous qu’elles vous vont assez bien ! pour que vous puissiez vous promener confortablement. Si vous ! ne trouvez pas de bottes, peignez de vieilles baskets en noir (si elles ne sont pas déjà noires) et ajoutez des lacets dans votre couleur d’accent. Vous pouvez scintiller et décorer les chaussures aussi bien, si vous voulez.

Dessinez votre idée. Tout d’abord, illustrez votre robe de base ou votre combinaison culotte/chemise. Ce costume fonctionne bien avec une base noire, mais une fois que vous avez pris le coup de main, vous pouvez modifier et éditer votre combinaison de couleurs pour l’adapter aux idéaux « gothiques ».

Accentuez vos lèvres ou vos yeux, et mettez du maquillage de couleur spectaculaire sur ce trait seulement. Portez de l’eye-liner liquide ou appliquez abondamment du crayon noir et une forte dose d’ombre à paupières de votre couleur d’accent. Si vous accentuez vos lèvres, mettez du rouge à lèvres noir ou de couleur accentuée. Ne pas appliquer le maquillage frappant sur les lèvres et les yeux, car il peut facilement s! embler clownesque. Vous pourriez également vouloir blanchir le reste de votre visage, car les goths ont tendance à paraître plus pâles que la plupart.

Utilisez de la colle à tissu ou de la peinture à tissu de la couleur d’accent de votre choix, et décorez les vêtements avec. Ne vous embêtez pas avec des designs soignés et conservateurs : devenez fou et faites-le en grand. N’hésitez pas à utiliser des paillettes, des paillettes et des perles de couleur. Cette étape n’est pas nécessaire, mais peut vraiment pimenter une tenue si vous n’avez pas trouvé d’accessoires, ou des accessoires dans les bonnes couleurs.

Portez des bijoux audacieux qui n’entrent pas en compétition avec votre maquillage. Les chaînes et les anneaux surdimensionnés sont bons. Tout ce qui a l’air occulte, comme les dragons ou les pentacles, est amusant à ajouter à un costume de fée gothique. N’oubliez pas les ornements de cheveux, surtout si vous n’avez pas ! mis des mèches colorées dans vos cheveux.

Choisissez vos couleu! rs d’accent. Ces couleurs peuvent être utilisées sur vos ailes, votre maquillage, vos ceintures, vos bijoux ou tout autre article qui, selon vous, unifiera le look. Quelques idées de couleurs le sont :

Just a survey?

Rhett Kaines: School Surveys and Forum Surveys are soo long!

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Which is more accurate? Battleground St. polls, national polls or people making bets with real money?

Olen Penhallurick: Generally when polls ask the question:" Who do you think is going to win?" That question turns out correct more often than any other test.

Brock Hladik: Average them all together.

Sharri Scalley: I always put my money where my mouth is.

Mel Crapo: National polls are worthless because presidents are not elected by popular vote.

Monday, 15 June 2020

WHY are you reading this???+Poll?

Jannette Kotz: both!!!!!

Caleb Chapman: No idea...You've got me thinking.

Phillip Modafferi: :D You're my favoritist contact!I loooove reading. I must have read at least 120 books since January. Writing is okay too, but I'm not as good at it.

Clement Viscarro: coze ur the best twins ever!write

Rubi Romo: because i'm bored!!WRITE :]

Gertrude Darke: Because it showed up in My Network's Q&APoll: Read

Sharolyn Claybourn: boredom took over loland writing

Robin Weelborg: bored at work

Darcie Peraha: because I have no life and I prefer reading =)

Amada Greising: Cause outa all my contacts i only read yours and like 2 other peoples :]]and read. haha

Jacinta Moitoso: To stay way from my kids. Write

Ambrose Mumma: read (:and its because im super bored D:xx

Cliff Tyre: Read &+ Write

Ester Bryand: Because it's americaa. :)Read. Makes you smarterr... i think.

Fannie Collingwood: well because its kinda ! late but i felt the need to get online... lol.Poll: i enjoy reading but ive also began writing some stuff too... mostly poetry. although i have to say, its kinda depressing :/idunno why. lol. well nighty night.www.theskyeissilver.blogspot.com...Show more

Betsey Copp: cuz i just got back from the river with my friends and now we are all on computers at the library. at the river the guys jumped off the bridge. it was so cool! and now im kinda bored and have nothing better to do than answer ur question.oh and write.

German Thal: because since ur my contact it was in my emailread

Clifford Riggleman: 'Cause I feel like it :)Poll: Write. Obviously.

Esteban Faggett: Cuz its infront of my face?

Floyd Labuda: write

Cassey Hollinghurst: My eyes were drawn to it...Read.

Kim Gerbino: because im bored.Poll: read. :)

Mickey Isle: Reading this because I am very very bored. I'm going to have to say read, because I love writing, but I can neve! r be bothered any more, which is annoyingg.

Rolanda Merr! itt: becuz well since ur on my contacts i usually get emails from yahoo saying nick and greg asked a question and i was checking my email when i read urs so i clicked on it and well i just got home from school and im tired and bored and have nothing else to do......thats why im reading this. poll:read it takes less energy :) haha...Show more

Lenard Ginyard: cause it was in mi mail box xDRead and write in t he back of the book...xox Janine xD

Hong Hunkin: Idk. Poll: Read.

Brittney Inabnit: cuz ur my contact =)and read

Elsie Resner: I have no clue. Read. -tlhelp with mine http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=An19L......Show more

Randa Hessell: Because It perhaps important me lolBoth!

Jon Bergmeier: I have no idea why

Comment battre le niveau 77 dans la saga Candy Crush

Comment battre le niveau 77 dans la saga Candy Crush

p>Le niveau 77 de la saga Candy Crush peut être un réveil pour les débutants. Les joueurs doivent éliminer toute la gelée et atteindre 50 000 points en seulement 25 coups pour battre le niveau. Cependant, toute la gelée est contenue dans une mince section centrale qui n’est pas reliée au reste de la planche i>et qui contient aussi du chocolat /i> qui va s’étaler à chaque tour qu’il n’est pas dégagé. Cela oblige les joueurs à faire preuve de créativité afin d’éliminer indirectement la gelée avec des bonbons spéciaux dans les délais impartis.

Réinitialisez la scène jusqu’à ce que vous obteniez une bonne mise en page. Cette astuce fonctionne pour la version mobile du jeu, pas pour la version du navigateur. Si vous commencez le niveau et que vous ne voyez pas de bons mouvements, arrêtez. Avant de faire quoi que ce soit, appuyez ! sur le bouton « Précédent » de votre téléphone et, si on vous demande si vous voulez vraiment sortir, appuyez sur « Oui ». Vous devriez être de retour sur l’écran de carte. Entrez à nouveau le niveau et vous aurez un assortiment différent de blocs aléatoires, mais vous aurez toujours le même nombre de vies ! Utilisez ceci à votre avantage en réinitialisant jusqu’à ce que vous obteniez une sélection favorable de blocs au début du niveau (comme, par exemple, une installation facile pour un bonbon rayé vertical sur le côté droit du plateau).

Utilisez des combos enveloppés/rayés pour frapper la partie centrale. Les combinaisons de bonbons emballés et de bonbons rayés sont vos atouts les plus utiles à ce stade. Ces combos dégagent trois rangées et trois colonnes dans un grand motif de « croix », ce qui signifie qu’ils peuvent frapper trois espaces de gelée au milieu à la fois. Malheureusement, il peut falloir plusieurs coups pou! r configurer un combo enveloppé/rayé, alors ne perdez pas de! temps à les exécuter si vous êtes à court de temps.

Utilisez des bombes de couleur si plusieurs carrés de gelée sont de la même couleur. Les bombes de couleur â€" formées en obtenant cinq bonbons de la même couleur dans une rangée â€" peuvent être utiles dans certaines situations, mais ne sont pas essentielles, alors réfléchissez avant de les faire. Si vous voyez que vous pouvez former une bombe de couleur dans un tour et l’utiliser pour effacer une couleur qui apparaît souvent dans la rangée du milieu au tour suivant, c’est probablement la peine.

Ne laissez pas le chocolat devenir incontrôlable. Une fois que le chocolat s’est répandu dans toute la section du milieu, il peut être très difficile de terminer le niveau, car cela ajoute essentiellement une autre couche que vous devez « percer » avant de pouvoir commencer à éliminer la gelée. Le mieux est d’empêcher le chocolat de s’étaler jusqu’à ce que vous ayez une ou deux! bandes verticales prêtes à l’utiliser.

N’utilisez pas de bonbons emballés, sauf pour les combos rayés et emballés. À eux seuls, les bonbons emballés sont inutiles à ce niveau â€" leur zone d’explosion n’est pas assez grande pour affecter la partie centrale où se trouvent la gelée et le chocolat. Ainsi, vous ne voudrez pas gaspiller des coups en les faisant à moins que vous projetiez de les utiliser dans une combinaison enveloppée/rayée ou de les utiliser pour déclencher un bonbon rayé vertical.

Envisagez de commencer avec un booster que vous avez déjà gagné. Si vous avez utilisé la roue d’appoint quotidienne, vous aurez probablement au moins quelques boosters en réserve. Au niveau 77, vous pouvez en utiliser trois : des bonbons rayés et emballés, des méduses et une bombe de couleur. Chacun vous donnera un avantage â€" voir ci-dessous pour plus d’informations.

Privilégiez les bonbons rayés verticaux. La difficulté maje! ure de ce niveau est que les espaces sur lesquels vous avez le plus de ! contrôle â€" ceux du haut et du bas â€" ne sont pas ceux que vous avez en gelée. Puisque la section centrale n’est pas reliée au reste de la planche, utilisez le haut et le bas de la planche à votre avantage en faisant des bonbons rayés verticaux chaque fois que vous en avez l’occasion.

N’oubliez pas de chercher les combinaisons dans la section du milieu. Bien qu’il soit bon de chercher des bonbons rayés verticaux et des combos emballés/rayés sur le haut et le bas de la planche, n’oubliez pas que vous aurez parfois des combos dans la section centrale de la planche aussi bien. En fait, en termes de déplacement vers votre objectif, obtenir une seule ligne horizontale de trois dans le milieu est tout aussi utile qu’une combinaison enveloppée/rayée (et utilise moins de mouvements pour exécuter !) Ainsi, vous voudrez toujours jeter un coup d’oeil rapide au milieu au début de votre tour pour voir s’il y a de bons mouvements avant de passer aux s! ections externes.

Si vous n’avez pas d’autres mouvements, nettoyez les bonbons près du bas du tableau. Si vous n’avez aucun mouvement productif à faire à votre tour, il est presque toujours préférable pour vous d’enlever les bonbons au bas du tableau plutôt qu’au haut. C’est parce que lorsque vous enlevez les bonbons au fond, il y a plus de bonbons au-dessus, ce qui augmente les chances qu’une cascade se produise. Cela augmente les chances d’obtenir un bonbon spécial (et, même si ce n’est pas le cas, vous obtiendrez encore plus de points grâce à l’effet cascade).

Si vous le pouvez, concentrez-vous d’abord sur le chocolat. Le chocolat qui commence sur le côté droit de la section du milieu est votre ennemi numéro un dans ce niveau. Si vous ne vous en occupez pas dès qu’il commence à s’étendre, il peut rapidement dévorer toute la partie centrale, ce qui rend très difficile de battre le niveau. Pour cette raison, il est pr! éférable d’éclaircir le chocolat avec quelques bonbons rayés vert! icaux ou un combo enveloppé/rayé dès que vous le pouvez.

Ne perdez pas de temps à essayer d’obtenir de nouveaux blocs dans la section centrale. Il est important de noter qu’il n’y a aucun panneau de téléportation en haut ou en bas des carrés de la section centrale. Cela signifie que l’élimination des bonbons n’importe où à l’extérieur de la section centrale n’aura pas d’effet sur les bonbons du milieu. La seule façon d’obtenir de nouveaux bonbons au milieu est d’enlever les bonbons soit directement, soit avec un bonbon rayé, un combo enveloppé/rayé ou un combo rayé/rayé.

Regardez les vidéos de gameplay du niveau 77. C’est une chose à lire sur les façons de battre le niveau 77 â€" voir ces trucs et astuces en action peut les rendre beaucoup plus faciles à comprendre. Heureusement, il existe des douzaines de vidéos utiles là-bas plein de conseils pour battre le niveau 77 (et pratiquement tous les autres niveaux difficil! es Candy Crush Saga Saga.)

N’oubliez pas la limite de points. Rien n’est plus écrasant que d’enlever toute la gelée de ce niveau pour ensuite échouer parce que vous n’avez pas obtenu assez de points. Bien que le marqueur d’une étoile soit positionné assez bas sur le compteur de points, il est toujours possible de terminer le niveau sans les 50.000 points nécessaires pour l’atteindre, alors faites attention aux points que vous accumulez tout au long du niveau.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

where can you download music?

Verena Koop: Try http://download-music-new.netDownload music for free

Woodrow Neyman: You have to pay a monthly fee to download music "legally" anyway to download music without paying is illegal. Or you can just youtube some songs and bookmark it.

Cómo hacer su propio papel de embalaje

Cómo hacer su propio papel de embalaje

Hacer tu propio papel de regalo es una buena manera de hacer un regalo más especial. El proceso es simple, y en la mayoría de los casos requiere aplicar pintura a una hoja de papel que sea lo suficientemente grande para envolver su regalo. Si la pintura no es su fuerte, entonces hay muchas otras opciones también, como pegatinas o marcadores. Una vez que conozcas las técnicas básicas, podrás crear todo tipo de diseños únicos!

Use un cepillo de dientes y pintura para crear un diseño en aerosol. Sumerja un cepillo de dientes viejo en pintura acrílica artesanal. Sostenga el cepillo sobre una hoja de papel, con las cerdas hacia abajo. Pasa tu dedo firmemente sobre las cerdas para doblarlas. Al pasar el dedo por ellos, la pintura salpicará el papel y creará un diseño parecido al de un spray.

Co! rte una esponja de cocina en pedazos, sumérjala en pintura y luego úsela como sello. Consigue una esponja de cocina limpia y sencilla. Utilice un cortador de galletas y un marcador para trazar su diseño, luego corte el diseño con tijeras. Vierta un poco de pintura en una paleta y luego sumerja la esponja en la pintura. Sostenga la esponja por los bordes mientras la golpea contra el papel.

Gire un cepillo de cerdas gruesas para crear un punto en espiral. Elige un cepillo de cerdas gruesas que tenga la mitad del ancho que quieres que tengan tus puntos. Sumerja la brocha en un poco de pintura y luego tóquela ligeramente contra el papel. Enrolle el mango del cepillo entre los dedos; las cerdas formarán una forma circular. Una vez que haya completado un círculo completo, retire el cepillo.

Elija un papel de gramaje medio y péguelo con cinta adhesiva a una superficie plana. El papel más grueso, como el papel de cuaderno de bocetos o el papel de carnicero, ser! á el mejor para este proyecto. Si el papel es demasiado delga! do, es posible que se deforme con la pintura. Dado que la mayoría de las pinturas son opacas, puede utilizar cualquier color de papel que desee para ello.

Imprime una página de un libro de colorear Zen, luego coloréalo con marcadores. Busca en Internet las páginas de los libros de colorear Zen. Encuentre un diseño con un patrón repetitivo e imprímalo en papel blanco de impresora. Colorea el diseño usando marcadores.

Use un pincel ancho para hacer trazos cortos y diagonales. Este diseño se verá más interesante si usas un cepillo de cerdas gruesas, pero también puedes usar otros tipos. Elija un cepillo plano que tenga al menos 5,1 cm (2 pulgadas) de ancho. Sumérjalo en un poco de pintura, luego úsalo para hacer trazos cortos y diagonales a través de tu página. Trabaje de un lado a otro, comenzando en la parte superior de la página y terminando en la parte inferior.

Decora el papel con pegatinas para un diseño rápido. Esta es una gran maner! a de hacer que una hoja de papel liso luzca interesante. La mayoría de las pegatinas vienen con bordes blancos, por lo que se verán mejor en el papel blanco. Si desea decorar papel de color, busque pegatinas con bordes claros o sin bordes. Si utiliza pegatinas con bordes blancos en papel de color, se verá obvio.

Utilice Q-tips para hacer un patrón de lunares. Consiga algo de pintura acrílica para artesanías, pintura para carteles o pintura al temple. Viértalo en un plato pequeño o en una paleta para que sea más fácil de usar. Sumerja un hisopo en la pintura y luego presiónelo contra el papel.

Pasa el pincel horizontalmente por la página para crear un diseño en forma de cuadrícula. Usa un pincel de cerdas gruesas para pintar primero las rayas verticales de la página de arriba a abajo. Deje que la pintura se seque y luego repita el proceso, pero esta vez, pinte trazos horizontales a lo largo de la página. Comience en la parte superior de la página! y vaya bajando.

Cree un sello de papa para una actividad más pr! áctica. Cortar una patata por la mitad y luego presionar con un cortador de galletas. Corte la patata fuera de la parte exterior de la cortadora de galletas con un cuchillo; no corte más de ⁄4 a ⁄2 pulgadas (0,64 a 1,27 cm) de profundidad. Saque el cortador de galletas y seque la papa con palmaditas. Vierta un poco de pintura en una paleta, sumerja la patata en la pintura, luego péguela contra una hoja de papel en un patrón repetitivo.

Envuelva un poco de plástico de burbujas alrededor de un rodillo como alternativa. Corte un poco de plástico de burbujas a la misma circunferencia que su rodillo. Envuélvalo alrededor del rodillo, con el lado de la burbuja hacia afuera, luego asegure la costura con un trozo de cinta adhesiva. Aplique pintura a la envoltura de burbujas con un pincel de espuma y luego pase el alfiler por todo el papel.

Utilice un cepillo de cerdas gruesas para crear finas rayas de alfileres. Consiga un cepillo de cerdas gruesas que tenga ! al menos 5,1 cm de ancho de la ferretería; los extremos deben ser dentados y tener espacios entre ellos. Sumerja el pincel en un poco de pintura, luego deslícelo ligeramente por la página, de arriba a abajo. Siga trabajando en filas desde un lado de la página hasta el otro.

Reutilice mapas, periódicos, páginas de revistas o partituras. Si no tiene tiempo para hacer papel de envoltura, considere usar algo que ya sea colorido o que tenga un patrón interesante. El tipo de papel que usted usa depende del tamaño del regalo que usted está dando así como el tema general que usted está buscando. Por ejemplo:

Utilice un pincel «redondo» puntiagudo para hacer líneas largas y delgadas. Elige un pincel redondo y mójalo con un poco de pintura. Pasa el pincel por tu página de arriba a abajo. El pincel creará una línea ligeramente ondulada, que puede tener un aspecto único. Trabaje a su manera a través de la página, de un lado a otro.

Utilice un siti! o web con un servicio de impresión para diseñar e imprimir su papel. ! Hay algunos sitios web, como Spoonflower, que le permitirán introducir sus propios diseños y luego imprimirlos en varios materiales, incluyendo papel de regalo. Después de pagar una pequeña cuota, usted tendrá su propio rollo de papel de regalo enviado a usted!

Utilice plantillas para patrones únicos si no desea dibujarlos. Coloque una plantilla en la parte superior de su papel, luego pegue con cinta adhesiva los bordes. Vierta su pintura en un plato pequeño, luego sumerja un pincel de espuma o «pouncer» en él. Golpee ligeramente el pincel contra la pantalla para rellenarla. Retire el esténcil, muévalo a otra sección del papel y repita el proceso.

Dibuje los diseños en papel de color con bolígrafos metálicos o de gel. Consigue papel de periódico o papel de carnicero marrón. Dibuje los diseños en él usando bolígrafos si lo desea. Las plumas doradas o plateadas le darán un aspecto más elegante y refinado, pero también puede usar plumas de g! el en colores de neón, pastel, metálicos o brillantes.

Corte un limón por la mitad y úselo como sello para un diseño brillante. Use un cuchillo afilado para cortar un limón por la mitad. Elige una de las mitades que quieras usar y luego saca las semillas. Vierta un poco de pintura en una paleta, luego sumerja el limón en ella. Presione el limón contra el papel en un patrón que se repite. Vuelva a sumergir el limón en la pintura según sea necesario. Deseche el limón cuando haya terminado.

Escoja un papel de peso mediano y péguelo con cinta adhesiva a su superficie de trabajo. Elija un papel más pesado, como el papel de cuaderno de bocetos o el papel de carnicero. Extiéndalo sobre una superficie plana y luego pegue con cinta adhesiva las esquinas. El papel debe ser lo suficientemente grande para envolver tu regalo. También puede pintar una hoja más grande y usarla para envolver múltiples regalos.

Su diseño a mano alzada para un envoltorio ! de regalo verdaderamente único. Elige algo de pintura, sumerge tu pinc! el en ella y luego empieza a pintar tu papel. Pruebe con diferentes patrones, como garabatos, mechones o espirales. Si desea usar un color diferente, asegúrese de lavar su cepillo primero.

Use sellos de goma tradicionales para una actividad rápida. Puede utilizar sellos de goma con almohadillas de tinta o con pintura. Si decide usar pintura, debe aplicarla al sello con un pincel. Presione el sello contra el papel en un patrón de repetición. Si desea usar más colores, lave primero el sello. Si desea crear un diseño en capas, deje que la tinta o la pintura se seque primero.

Use cortadores de galletas para crear un patrón delicado. Vierta un poco de pintura acrílica artesanal, pintura para carteles o pintura al temple sobre una paleta. Busca un cortador de galletas y mójalo en la pintura. Levante el cortador de galletas y presiónelo contra el papel repetidamente para crear un patrón único.