Monday, 1 June 2020

My boyfriend is in dental school is he really as busy as he says he is?  

My boyfriend is in dental school is he really as busy as he says he is?  

answers 0:He is in his first year and he always has to study. But when he doesnt have a test he goes out with his friends.I feel like u make time for someone if you really want to. Am I being to demanding or am I justified?answers 1:He probably is! I imagine that dental school, law school and med school all have a ton of work and reading. Don't feel bad. At least he's serious about making money someday.answers 2:your being a b.it.ch.answers 3:i think that one day you should see if he has a test and just save that day for something special for you and him to do something he would really like.answers 4:He has to study teeth? I'm confused.answers 5:Well, yes dental school like any professional school takes up a lot of time, but he should be able to steal a few hours for you a wee! k. Talk to him about how you feel and see what he says. If he doesn't seem to care about your feelings, then you need to decide if you are willing to stay in a relationship like that. Best wishes.answers 6:he is super busy. I went to law school and my girl really struggled with it. it is stressful and sometimes you need to go out and blow off some steam. try to figure out some ways to help him blow off some steam with you... I can think of a few.answers 7:If he is not making time for you at all, then I'd be concern... Sometimes if it smells like a rat, that's exactly what it is.answers 8:Selfish. You want him to flunk and end up working at Mc Donalds? How's he going to support you financially?

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