answers1: The study of the sciences all stem from philosophy and need
philosophical input. <br>
For Masonry - the study of architecture and religion
answers2: Yu could argue that massonry is the building of an
philosophy using science. Masonry throughout the ages has pretty much
been a reflection of philosohpy onto the phisicall world. Churchs
relfected the majority of the population beliefs. the crazy
philosphyies of the egyptions was desinitly refelcted into the
pyramids. the egyptions science was also displayed in the arangement
of the pyramids to the stars. The stars are an extremely hard thing
to calculate science wise. america's cheap housing could be a result
of current weakness in philosophys and ethics. <br>
Science to build, philosophy to mold, masonry to exist. <br>
look through history, it will answer your questions better
answers3: metaphorically all of existence is related
answers4: Philosophy has evolved as an exploration of the nature of
being and reality. <br>
Masonry was originally a secretive transformational system for
empowering the individual to control his experience of reality. (Only
the rituals and symbolism remains of the ancient processes.) <br>
The sciences are only beginning to make inroads into understanding the
intersection of psychology and physics - being and reality.
answers5: Name the professions associated with an assayer, a
soothsayer, and a brick layer.
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