Friday 13 September 2019

Poll: Dancing With The Stars or America's Favorite Dance Crew?

answers1: America's Favorite Dance Crew♥
answers2: I have to say America's Favorite Dance Crew because they
have better music than Dancing With The Stars, and America's Favorite
Dance Crew make up there own dances instead of doing old classic
styles of dance like Dancing With The Stars
answers3: i would say... Dancing with the Stars.... i guess to me it
is just more interesting... but i have nothing against americas
favorite dance crew.. <br>
♥ ♥
answers4: i dont really like either <br>
but fav dance crew is better i think just cuz they're bring all the
great crews together, they're actually doing some cool dance moves and
stunts and stuff
answers5: Dancing with the stars!!!!!! Fo sho!!!! lol
answers6: Dancing with the stars!!

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