Sunday, 31 May 2020

Wordlovers, wordplay-lovers, linguists and reading junkies...?

Brittney Inabnit: I don't know about enamorment but I certainly agree with the quote. After all, neither one is reading and therefore can't take advantage of it. Common sense really. But on a more personal note, I think that those who can read but choose not to are actually worse off than those who cannot read. For the literate person, reading is a choice, and to have such an opportunity and not take advantage of it is just sheer stupidity, especially when thinking about all the illiterate people in the world who don't get the option to read....Show more

Heidy Fujikake: hmm... i'ld say it's true to a certain extent only... because the majority of the world, especially in first world countries, Require children to attain a Minimum level of education, whether they want to or not. these children have no choice but to learn to read, write, and gain additional knowledge... after graduation, they may slack off somewhat, but never totally. haven't you heard that once you l! earn something you won't have much problem using it again? just takes a little practice and you'll be as good as before... personal eg, i learned how to swim at 12. i rarely swam after that, and at 15 i stopped swimming for some reason. i didn't swim again until i was 18. i was scared at first because i thought i wouldn't be able to surface--hadn't been swimming for so long and i do have good imagination (drowning, etc.) :) well, i just tried and guess what? i could swim, though not a long distance! i'm pretty sure writing and reading will be the same--once you learn it, it's inside you. you just got to Start again to get it back :)so, well, those who won't read won't have advantage over the illiterate because they're focusing on the wrong things/negatives of life and they don't realize how privileged they are. thus, they learn nothing new when there are lots of things to learn about daily. i think it's a matter of individual self-acceptance--one shouldn't push themselves ! down, one should forgive oneself, treat oneself well, etc. it ! will reflect by the way you treat others...sorry for the "preaching." but this is how i feel, and yes, i'm a word lover, word player, etc. :D...Show more

Esmeralda Pigram: I think it is a great quote. As for "degree of enamorment" I would give it a 5, although I don't know the scale, so that could really be a terrible degree of rating. I think (in response to the other question), no one has answered this question, because they weren't entirely sure what was being asked of them. If you were asking merely, whether they agreed with you that it is a fantastic quote. Or, by the "human element" statement, that they needed to tell an anecdote about this quote relating to their lives.Overall, I hope this long windedness isn't for naught and I, as a lover of all things written, will keep this quote in my thoughts!Thanks for sharing!...Show more

What are some of the prouducts the are shipped all around the world from spain?  

What are some of the prouducts the are shipped all around the world from spain?  

answers 0:Ianswers 1:I think they ship olives everywhere and wine. Also, think about clothes and things like that. Zara was started in Spain.answers 2:their main exports are : Machinery, motor vehicles, foodstuffs, other consumer goodsin 2007 they made over 245 billion dollars in exporting goods.answers 3:In addition to food and mechanics:leather goods, guitars, there are many crafts that can be bought at specialized stores...occasionally you can find castanets, and flamenco clothes, damasquinado, ceramics, etc.answers 4:jamon pata negravino tinto rioja..juas juasanswers 5:Kelme soccer cleats/apparel. Made from Kangaroo leather--great shoes!!!answers 6:Toasters... they are the sole EU country where Toasters are made for the entire of the EU and the EU Countries... and around the world, too. Also, arguably the best Classical and F! lamenco Guitars are built in Spain.answers 7:OlivesOlive OilPimentosSaffronWineSherryGrapesTomatoes and tomato productsPetroleum productsMedicinal, dental and pharmaceutical productsAutomotive parts and accessoriesFloor and wall tiles... and much more ......

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Good football trivia questions?

Maria Bengston: It is Emlyn Hughes - debut vs Holland in November 1969 and played in the European Championships qualifiers in 1980

Raven Purl: That's a good one . . . I have a question: . . . "Does anyone have a question?"

Tyler Burkman: Which club won the 1982â€"83 European Cup Winners' Cup?And from the winners side...how many of those players are now managers?(Clue - I count 5 plus a couple of assistants)

Carlee Tangaro: Can you name 3 Scousers who have won an English Prermier League winners medal?Name 5 players who have played for both Everton and Liverpool during the Premier League era.&I am an international player who scored 10 goals in my native landbefore signing for a Premiership Club, but I only scored once after myarrival.I was then sold to a European club but I failed to score, although I didscore for my country during this spell.I was then purchased by a different PRemier LEague club where I onlyscored once.I was then sold to a 3rd PRemier LE! ague club where I failed to score.I am regarded as one of the greatest players of all time.Who am I ?Aberdeen is the answer to above Q! Can only think of Gordon Strachan, Alex McCleigh & Mark McGhee though!!...Show more

Friday, 29 May 2020

what factor contribute to the low profile of catholic social teaching?

Susan Rambo: The fact the popular secular society does not agree with Catholic Social Teaching and the resulting Anti-Catholicism and anti-Christianity that follows on its heels.With love in Christ.

Comment apprendre le code CSS

Comment apprendre le code CSS

p>CSS signifie i>Cascading Style Sheets/i>. En utilisant CSS, vous pouvez améliorer l’apparence d’une page Web et lui donner un aspect élégant plus bien défini. CSS est assez simple et facile à apprendre. Dans cette introduction, vous apprendrez quelques notions de base de CSS.

Apprendre HTML. CSS est un supplément au HTML. Si vous ne connaissez pas le HTML, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le CSS.

Expérience. Trouvez une feuille de style sur Internet et copiez-la dans un fichier sur votre ordinateur. Essayez de changer, d’enlever ou d’ajouter du code. Sauvegardez et rafraîchissez la page sur votre navigateur et voyez à quoi elle ressemble. Ne changez qu’une chose à la fois pour comprendre ce que vous venez de faire. Vous pouvez également consulter d’autres pages Web à l’aide du bouton dér! oulant de visualisation (qui se trouve sur la plupart des navigateurs), puis sélectionner la source de la page. Pour les utilisateurs d’AOL, cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur la page où les liens et les images ne sont pas localisés et sélectionnez la vue source.

Apprenez les bases. Trouvez un bon tutoriel ou deux. w3schools a un excellent tutoriel qui vous permet également d’expérimenter avec le code CSS. Essayez aussi les tutoriels HTML, le tutoriel CSS et HTML Dog.

Créez votre propre site Web. Pensez à l’apparence que vous voulez donner à votre site Web et essayez d’utiliser les CSS pour donner cet aspect à votre site Web. Si vous n’arrivez pas à le faire paraître comme vous le voulez, regardez-le.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Studying Abroad?? Please help Me!?

Ileen Oshell: Hi there, if you are from the uk and you want to study in an american or australian university, I know you can. You can do it via doing an exchange programme or there may be other ways. What you need to do is speak to people at your current university or get in touch with the university you want to study at to find out more.

Stephnie Patout: yes, of course you can. just apply to university in the country where u want to study on a regular basis. but maybe you will need a student visa tho. or the second opportunity is to apply to the Uni in Britain and go abroad as an exchange student. I'm sure they do a lot of exchange programs all over the world. The second opportunity is much better cause you will get a lot of benefits and scholarships from exchange program, and if you wont like it abroad, you can always come back without of loosing your time. and if you really like abroad, you could transfer there more easily, as a part of exchange program. but that! also depend on the course and university you will chose, cause every uni has their own exchange routes. so you better do a little research on that.and take a look at these webpages 1. http://www.mmu.ac.uk/international/2. http://www.britishcouncil.org/erasmus.htmhope it helps! wish u all the best!...Show more

Ismael Sixon: You can study abroad but you will need to qualify for the appropriate visa along with being able to fund your studies.

Comment couper les carreaux de vinyle

Comment couper les carreaux de vinyle

p>Les carreaux de vinyle sont souvent de forme carrée, et vous devrez peut-être couper les carreaux pour les ajuster au bord du mur ou autour des appareils. Les carreaux de vinyle sont beaucoup plus faciles à couper que les carreaux de céramique, et vous pouvez les couper à l’aide d’un couteau utilitaire ou d’un coupe-carreaux de vinyle. Bien que l’idée de couper des tuiles puisse sembler intimidante, le processus est en fait assez simple !

Appuyez sur la poignée vers le bas. Déplacez fermement la poignée de la position verticale vers le bas jusqu’à la base du cutter. Vous pouvez faire cette étape rapidement ou lentement, assurez-vous simplement d’appuyer sur la poignée jusqu’à la position abaissée pour que la lame traverse toute la tuile.

Réglez la profondeur de la lame en tournant les vis. Tourner les vis de part et ! d’autre de la partie supérieure de la lame pour soulever ou abaisser la lame de façon à ce que le carreau s’adapte parfaitement sous celle-ci. La lame n’a pas besoin de toucher le carreau à ce stade, car le déplacement du manche abaisse la lame.

Découper le carreau de vinyle à l’aide d’un couteau utilitaire. Utilisez un morceau de carreau de céramique pour alourdir les carreaux de vinyle et utilisez-le comme une règle. Faites un « X » sur le marqueur permanent pour ne pas l’installer accidentellement, car il pourrait être entaillé ou abîmé. Alignez le bord de la tuile supplémentaire avec la marque sur l’autre tuile à l’endroit où vous devez faire une coupe. Passez fermement votre couteau le long du bord de la tuile supplémentaire pour marquer la pièce qui doit être taillée.

Placez votre carreau dans le découpeur de vinyle. Utilisez le ruban à mesurer qui descend le long du bord du coupe-carreaux pour aligner les carreaux! à l’endroit où vous devez les couper.

Marquez le ca! rreau à l’endroit où il doit être coupé. Mesurez l’espace dont vous avez besoin pour installer une dalle à l’aide d’un ruban à mesurer. Marquez à l’aide d’un crayon les endroits où vous devez couper le carreau. Vous n’avez besoin que d’un petit marquage, car vous utiliserez une autre tuile comme bord droit pour la coupe.

Retirez la tuile du cutter. Éloignez les deux morceaux de tuile coupée du cutter. Soulevez la poignée si vous avez une autre pièce à couper, puis répétez l’opération.

Enlevez l’excédent. Il suffit de plier la dalle au niveau de la marque de marquage pour la casser proprement. Conservez l’excédent au cas où vous auriez besoin de l’utiliser plus tard.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Should I study abroad?

Clement Viscarro: Studying overseas is most of the time the fine factor you might do. Traveling to different international locations is first-rate, however you don't get an absolute consider of the tradition and society untill you reside there for no less than 1 / 4. You will gain knowledge of such a lot approximately one of a kind cultures and methods of lifestyles. It will relatively difference your lifestyles. You will see America in a entire new mild. You will relatively revel in an extra nation and immersed in it. You would possibly not be watching at it like a visitor, who sees it as though he used to be on the zoo looking. You will likely be dwelling it, and studying such a lot....Show more

Heidi Creselious: Study a broad- Dude you're in college! Make time to study as many broads as you can!

Rocio Karvis: YES! Definitely study abroad. These opportunities are rare if not once in a lifetime. I studied in France while in college and didn't graduate on time! ! BUT I got enough credit in French to finish that major as well as another I had started at home. AND it's great fun. You get to travel, meet irreplaceable friends, learn SO MUCH, have a fabulous resume when you get back, get smarter, more independent and just build wonderful memories. If you can go somewhere with another language DO IT. It's an asset to speak another language. Considered China? Or Somewhere Spanish Speaking? Both make lots of sense if you want to be competitive in the job market when you get back! Good luck and DO IT. Don't second guess it. It'll be GREAT!...Show more

Dick Maisenbacher: Compromise. Study a broad while you study abroad.You've got plenty of time to graduate and a meteor might destroy Europe ten years from now and then you'll wish you'd studied broads in Paris instead of writing term papers.

Oscar Wieland: i have a nice site for u where u get information about study abroad.Or use search on this site.http://www.OnlineStudyInfo.co! m/homeBest RegardsI Hop U like My AnswerDr.Alisha...Show more

Gale Hartt: Don't live with regrets. Chances are that since you have considered studying abroad, you do want to and you should. Personally, I find travelling a great experience and my exchange student said living away from home for a year, experiencing a new culture and generally growing more as a person was well worth graduating a year later.Good luck in whatever you decide! :D...Show more

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Cannot decide on a major: Speech Pathology & Audiology or Special Education?

Morris Cuomo: I know that sometimes you don't have a choice about what school to go to (paying out-of-state tuition is just awful), but if you're sure about special education, find a way! Special education teachers are great people to have around.But if you're really interested in SLP and only want to work with the special needs population, that's something you can do, too. It's not even a stretch. Lots of SLPs work with specialized populations (like individuals who stutter or have voice disorders), and not just in schools. Some specialize in AAC, which involves setting up alternative communication systems for individuals who are nonverbal; others focus on lower-functioning kids or those with autism spectrum disorders. While school SLPs see a wide range of issues, they don't have much time to spend on any one kid, so children with more significant needs typically see another SLP outside of school anyway.I guess what I'm saying is, do what you think you'll really enjo! y - either way, you will be able to serve children with special needs. People like you are welcome pretty much anywhere! And since SLPs need a master's degree to practice, you could even do your B.A. degree in special education and come back to to the master's in speech pathology later if you changed your mind. So, there's that :)....Show more

Comment créer un blog vidéo

Comment créer un blog vidéo

Préparez votre zone d’enregistrement vidéo. Effectuez des réglages sur l’éclairage et l’arrière-plan. Certaines personnes n’utilisent pas de fond pour leurs vlogs, tandis que d’autres mettent en place une feuille de couleur solide pour garder l’attention sur eux-mêmes.

Commencez l’enregistrement. Si vous avez beaucoup d’équipement à courir, il peut être nécessaire de demander l’aide d’un ami ou deux. Enregistrer plusieurs prises.

Achetez ou triez votre matériel de production vidéo. Certains vidéoblogueurs « professionnels » dépensent des centaines de dollars en appareils photo et en microphones, alors que beaucoup de gens n’utilisent rien de plus que la fonction d’enregistreur vidéo sur leur appareil photo numérique. Utilisez ce que vous avez, surtout au début.

Identifiez votre public cible. Ce! la peut vous aider à décider comment parler et vous habiller pour vos vidéos.

Décidez de l’objet de votre blog. Allez-vous simplement divaguer ? Ou, avez-vous un thème spécifique en tête, comme la musique ou le sport ?

Exécutez votre matériel d’enregistrement à l’aide d’un programme de montage vidéo. Bien qu’il s’agisse d’une étape facultative, elle peut grandement améliorer l’apparence de votre vlog. Titres, crédits, musique et effets aléatoires peuvent être ajoutés avec un logiciel aussi simple que Windows Movie Maker ou le Moon Valley Soft Video Blog Pack. Si vous avez un Mac, iMovie est un excellent programme de montage vidéo de démarrage (il est disponible sur chaque nouveau Mac, donc la plupart des gens devraient déjà l’avoir). Lorsque vous êtes prêt à devenir plus professionnel et à dépenser plus d’argent, des programmes comme Final Cut Pro sont également disponibles.

Rédigez une sorte de scénario pou! r votre première vidéo. Le script ne doit pas être gravé d! ans la pierre â€" n’hésitez pas à improviser un peu pendant l’enregistrement. De plus, vous devriez bien connaître votre matériel de manière à ce que le scénario soit destiné à l’apprentissage et non à la lecture à partir de l’appareil photo.

Habillez-vous pour votre public. La plupart des gens ne veulent pas te voir avec tes sweats et ton t-shirt troués.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Is the punctuation within these quotations correct?

Warren Kotter: Yup =)

Lashawnda Anteby: Your quotations are correct but you comma should be AFTER the "

Kizzy Hett: correct

Tamatha Neubaum: Correct if you live in the United States. Otherwise: If you answered, "Amorphous blobs of uncertainty", then your are correct!

Cómo convertir BMP a JPEG utilizando Microsoft Paint

Cómo convertir BMP a JPEG utilizando Microsoft Paint

Seleccione «Guardar como» en el menú Edición.

Abra MS Paint. Es probable que ya lo tenga instalado si está en un PC.

Cuando se abra el cuadro de diálogo, habrá un menú desplegable con una selección de extensiones de archivo. Simplemente elija JPEG, y presione enter.

¡Estás acabado! Siéntete libre de compartir tu imagen recién convertida.

Abra la imagen que desea convertir. Asegúrate de que sea un bmp.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Survey for students!!!?

Alexis Reyer: mmkay! 1. Have you already decided which occupation to take in the future?A. Yes 2. Has anyone inspired you to choose a certain future occupation?A. Parent3. Have any of the following points of view influenced your choice of your future education?D. None of them have influenced my choice.4. Have your parents advised you on which occupation to take?A. Yes 5. Have you considered the number of years of education that your chosen occupation will require?A. Yes 6. Are you currently taking any classes that deal with your future occupation?A. Yes 7. How will you pay for the post-secondary education required by your future occupation?A. Parents will pay for it.8. Are you currently volunteering / having a part-time job that resembles your future occupation?B. No9. Do you feel forced by any means to take a certain occupation?E. No force implied.10. Based upon what are you choosing your future career?C. Personal goal/ dreamHope I helped! ...Show more

Clementina ! Collelo: 1. Have you already decided which occupation to take in the future?A. Yes2. Has anyone inspired you to choose a certain future occupation?E. No one has inspired me.3. Have any of the following points of view influenced your choice of your future education?D. None of them have influenced my choice.4. Have your parents advised you on which occupation to take?B. No5. Have you considered the number of years of education that your chosen occupation will require?A. Yes6. Are you currently taking any classes that deal with your future occupation?A. Yes7. How will you pay for the post-secondary education required by your future occupation?C. Request a student loan.8. Are you currently volunteering / having a part-time job that resembles your future occupation?B. No9. Do you feel forced by any means to take a certain occupation?E. No force implied.10. Based upon what are you choosing your future career?C. Personal goal/ dream...Show more

Erin Arron: 1.A.2.E.3.B.4.B.5.! B.6.B.7.D.8.B.9.D.10.C.

Sabra Roers: BEDAbBAEB

Gal! e Hartt: 1. Have you already decided which occupation to take in the future?A. Yes -Medical2. Has anyone inspired you to choose a certain future occupation?E. No one has inspired me.3. Have any of the following points of view influenced your choice of your future education?D. None of them have influenced my choice.4. Have your parents advised you on which occupation to take? B. No - They don't give a damn5. Have you considered the number of years of education that your chosen occupation will require?A. Yes, thank God it won't take a million years6. Are you currently taking any classes that deal with your future occupation?A. Yes and it's killing me7. How will you pay for the post-secondary education required by your future occupation?A. My Aunt will pay for it.D. Get a scholarship.for the rest8. Are you currently volunteering / having a part-time job that resembles your future occupation?A. Yes 9. Do you feel forced by any means to take a certain occupation?E. No force impl! ied.10. Based upon what are you choosing your future career?A. IncomeC. Personal goal/ dreamD. Other...Show more

Boyce Gilhooly: AEDaBBABEC

Manie Labat: 1.A2.A3.B&C4.A5.A6.A7.A8.B9.B10. A&B

Ulrike Hert: 1. A2. E3. D4. A (Well my sister thinks i should be a kindergarden teacher, but thatd be bad...lol....)5. B6. B7. A (LOL)8. B (im only 15!)9. E10. D

Randolph Lozoya: 1. B2. E3. D4. B5. B6. B7. D8. B9. E10. D

Babette Deloe: 1 no2 C3 D4 A5 A6 A7 idk8 B9 E10 D...Show more

Hunter Beech: 1. Have you already decided which occupation to take in the future?kind of2. Has anyone inspired you to choose a certain future occupation?a and c3. Have any of the following points of view influenced your choice of your future education?d4. Have your parents advised you on which occupation to take?sort of5. Have you considered the number of years of education that your chosen occupation will require?no6. Are you currently taking any classes that deal with your! future occupation?yes7. How will you pay for the post-secondary educat! ion required by your future occupation?a and b8. Are you currently volunteering / having a part-time job that resembles your future occupation?no9. Do you feel forced by any means to take a certain occupation?E10. Based upon what are you choosing your future career?C...Show more

Cletus Makler: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4.A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A+ B, 10. C + A

Janita Tetlow: beabababac

Raven Purl: ACDA(but never took it)BBDBDChope i helped and i wanna be an actress

Rolanda Merritt: 1. Have you already decided which occupation to take in the future?A. Yes 2. Has anyone inspired you to choose a certain future occupation?E. No one has inspired me.3. Have any of the following points of view influenced your choice of your future education?D. None of them have influenced my choice.4. Have your parents advised you on which occupation to take?B. No5. Have you considered the number of years of education that your chosen occupation will require?A. Yes 6. Are you current! ly taking any classes that deal with your future occupation?A. Yes 7. How will you pay for the post-secondary education required by your future occupation?C. Request a student loan.&D. Get a scholarship.8. Are you currently volunteering / having a part-time job that resembles your future occupation?B. No..t yet :)9. Do you feel forced by any means to take a certain occupation?D. Other- for enjoyment and excitement, while still helping my country.10. Based upon what are you choosing your future career?C. Personal goal/ dream...Show more

Karie Mavle: 1. B. No2. E. No one has inspired me.3. C. Cultural4. A. Yes 5. A. Yes 6. A. Yes ( for my potentail career choise...)7. B. Work a part-time job.8. A. Yes 9. E. No force implied.10. C. Personal goal/ dream:)...Show more

James Langmyer: ;)1. Have you already decided which occupation to take in the future?A. Yes2. Has anyone inspired you to choose a certain future occupation?D. Athlete3. Have any of the following poin! ts of view influenced your choice of your future education?D. None of t! hem have influenced my choice.4. Have your parents advised you on which occupation to take?A. Yes and B. No5. Have you considered the number of years of education that your chosen occupation will require?A. Yes B. No6. Are you currently taking any classes that deal with your future occupation?A. Yes7. How will you pay for the post-secondary education required by your future occupation?A. Parents will pay for it.D. Get a scholarship.8. Are you currently volunteering / having a part-time job that resembles your future occupation?B. No9. Do you feel forced by any means to take a certain occupation?E. No force implied.10. Based upon what are you choosing your future career?C. Personal goal/ dream...Show more

Faustino Mellerson: AAAAAAAAAE- All of the above

Samara Siewers: AEDABBDBEC =] HI!!!!

Jeremy Donohue: B.A.D.A.A.A.D.B.E.A.

Guy Bonamico: Have you already decided which occupation to take in the future? B. No 2. Has anyone inspired you to choos! e a certain future occupation? E. No one has inspired me. 3. Have any of the following points of view influenced your choice of your future education? D. None of them have influenced my choice. 4. Have your parents advised you on which occupation to take? A. Yes 5. Have you considered the number of years of education that your chosen occupation will require? A. Yes 6. Are you currently taking any classes that deal with your future occupation? B. No 7. How will you pay for the post-secondary education required by your future occupation? B. Work a part-time job. 8. Are you currently volunteering / having a part-time job that resembles your future occupation? B. No 9. Do you feel forced by any means to take a certain occupation? A. Political 10. Based upon what are you choosing your future career? A. Income...Show more

Abel Adger: this is all about the future and why is it all about occupations?

Julee L! anham: 1.No2.E3.C4.A5.A6.A7.C8.B9.B10.A

Andra Oger: 1. A2. C3. D4! . A5. B6. B7. B8. B9. E10. Ahope i helped :)

Comment faire un chapeau en laine polaire non cousu ?

Comment faire un chapeau en laine polaire non cousu ?

Regrouper les franges supérieures.

Enroulez le bas du chapeau.

Nouer les franges ensemble en petits nÅ"uds carrés.

Retirez le ruban adhésif.

Ouvrez le tissu et tournez-le de façon à ce que le côté 24″ soit sur le dessus. Repliez les bords du tissu pour qu’ils se rejoignent au milieu et dépliez les franges. Le côté le plus doux et le plus sombre devrait être à l’extérieur.

Pour faire le pompon, tourner le tissu à l’envers. Mettez une bande de ruban adhésif à l’endroit où se trouvaient les 3 franges. Mesurez jusqu’au dernier arc et marquez à des intervalles de ½ pouces.

Mettez une bande de ruban adhésif à peindre sur le bas du tissu. Mesurez 2″ vers le haut à partir du bas et ¾ d’un pouce d’écart sur la bande.

Couper les 3 franges! de droite.

Tournez-le de façon à ce que les franges soient tournées vers le haut.

Couper les franges du bas du tissu jusqu’aux points marqués.

Retirez le ruban adhésif. Découpez une bande de tissu à partir de vos chutes pour attacher le pompon.

Couper le tissu en un rectangle de 24 « x13 ». Poser le tissu de façon à ce que le côté 13″ soit sur le dessus.

Pliez le tissu en deux et coupez les bords. Une fois plié, assurez-vous que le côté le plus doux et le plus foncé est à l’extérieur.

Coupez jusqu’aux marques.

Attacher avec la bande de tissu. Enlever le surplus de la cravate.

Friday, 22 May 2020

How hard would it be to major in secondary education, english, and a foreign language?

May Stands: I don't know about that college specifically, but I know how it would have been done at the college I went to. I think you would major in Liberal Arts and go into the teaching program for the secondary education. At my college, secondary education students chose a focus subject (math teachers would have chosen math, etc.) I think you would chose English for this. Then, you would choose German as your minor. Minor usually have many less classes to take to achieve them than a major. Then, in California, we have to take a test after graduation, or right before, for each subject we would like to teach. I think you would just take it in English and German. But then, I think that it's important that you're not too picky right at first at landing your dream positions. Maybe after that, you would try to get an English position (probably more available than German positions) and gradually work your way toward that once you are established at a school. But having your m! inor and teaching tests done in German will help you get there. I live in California and went to a different college than you plan to go to. So, I suggest you look up teaching test guidelines for your state and talk to a college advisor at Western Kentucky University. Good luck!!...Show more

Cómo conectar los conectores de cable coaxial

Cómo conectar los conectores de cable coaxial

El cable coaxial es cualquier cable que tenga un cable interno blindado con una cubierta conductora externa por un material dieléctrico (no conductor). A continuación se muestra cómo conectar sus propios conectores al cable coaxial de TV por cable.

Recorte la cubierta exterior (generalmente de goma negra) en 1/2″.

Recorte los cables sueltos.

Coloque el terminador sobre el extremo del cable para que el núcleo de cobre sobresalga a través del orificio.

Corte el cable a ras.

Coloque el anillo de engaste sobre el extremo del cable.

Engarce el anillo alrededor de la parte exterior del cable.

Empuje el conector tipo engastado hacia abajo en el extremo del cable de modo que el tubo del conector vaya entre la lámina y la carcasa exterior.

Tirar cuidadosamente hacia atrás el trenzado interior (segundo canal) fuera de la cu! bierta exterior. Compruebe que ninguno de los cables trenzados se enrolle o toque el conductor central de cobre.

Deje aproximadamente 1/8″ de dieléctrico.

Recorte la parte posterior de la cubierta exterior aproximadamente 1/4″.

Tire del conector para asegurarse de que está conectado.

Recorte el blindaje, la envoltura del alambre y el dieléctrico de vuelta al alambre interior desnudo.

Determine el tamaño de su cable. La terminología de los cables puede ser confusa. Busque en el lado del cable coaxial la designación del tamaño. En la mayoría de los hogares, los dos tamaños más comunes son RG-6 y RG-59.

Empuje el conector hacia abajo sobre el extremo del cable para que el núcleo de cobre del cable coaxial sobresalga.

Corte el cable del núcleo interno a ras con el extremo del conector.

Recorte el plástico dieléctrico (generalmente blanco, pero puede ser transparente) del cable interno del núcleo.

Elija los! conectores adecuados. La mayoría de los conectores para inst! alaciones de vídeo doméstico se fabrican con conectores F-Style. Sin embargo, es posible que su sistema utilice conectores de tipo N.

Atornille el conector en el extremo del cable. El hilo se corta en la carcasa exterior y envuelve el tejido de blindaje, haciendo un ajuste apretado.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Is my daughter for ready for preschool?

Foster Koopmann: No, your daughter isn't "waiting" for preschool. She is a new child no longer a preschooler. stop attempting to stress lecturers or she would be waiting to burn out in the previous kindergarten. a lot of little ones her age can carry a pencil wisely and scribble, even draw circles, yet that would not advise they're waiting for formal training. shop analyzing and speaking to her. Take her to the park and tale time on the library. you additionally can positioned her in a new child artwork type or something yet do no longer attempt to make her a genius or something. She has various time for lecturers whilst she is older. appreciate your toddler she would be waiting to no longer be this little for long!...Show more

Felipa Nosis: I promise your daughter will be fine at school. She enjoys school and started having issues after she was sick. It is completely normal she wants to stay with mommy, why wouldn't he. You know she loves school all she needs to do! is get back in the routine. I am a toddler teacher and would never have told you your child cried most of the day because it makes you feel guilty. I promise after she gets back in the routine everything will be fine again. Talk positive about school. Let her know she is going to school so she can learn, play with her friends and have fun. When you leave tell her mommy loves her and you know she will be in good hands with Ms.? and give her a hug, kiss and tell her mommy will be back. Leave and don't look back. She needs to know you feel comfortable leaving her, she will have a good time and you are coming back,...Show more

Launa Weingarten: From my own personal experience with my son (3yrs) I would say send her back for a couple solid weeks and see how she does. If after two weeks things are returning to normal then stick with it. Chances are she has found a loop hole and is taking full advantage of it. My son used to get very upset when he went back to preschool ! after the Christmas break or if we went on summer holidays. I! t was kinda like his first day of preschool all over again. He fussed for about a week and when the second week rolled around he was back to normal. If your daughter for whatever reason is doing horribly after a couple weeks cut back the amount of time she is in for. Most preschool's offer different lengths per week. My son started off with a couple days a week, went up to three days a week and recently switched over to a full week (5 days). =)...Show more

Felipa Nosis: Unless she is in school for a reason (daycare?) I wouldn't make her go full time. It is best to start with 2 or 3 days a week for a few hours a day. Also, at 3 it is hard for her to explain to you why she doesn't want to go to school. Maybe she does miss you, maybe she's having problems socializing with the other kids, etc. I have 3 kids (18, 8, 4) and i thought the first one was SOOO smart he should also be in Pre K at 3. Needless to say the 8 year old started school at 5 (A honor roll than! k you) and the 4 year old is still home with me. I like to think I can teach my kids as much as a preschool teacher can. Keep in mind that you know your daughter better than anyone and can tell if this is a real problem or she's just trying to get her way. Use your best judgment and good luck!...Show more

Timmy Bustard: I would try to get her to finish out the rest of this week. Then if it is still a problem, I would pull her out. If you end up pulling her out, you could maybe try her a couple days a week at a daycare, just so she can get used to the idea of being away from you. Then you can try her in school again next year. It will not set her back in any way if you decide to let her stay home another year or even two with you.Enjoy her, they grow up VERY fast! :(Best of Luck!...Show more

Arnulfo Seegars: Leave her in. She's had a hard couple of weeks - I see this in children who've been in daycare for years. After being sick or haveing a holiday. Just giv! e her a few weeks - i wont lie - it will be tough on both of you. But o! nce she has a few weeks (real weeks with out vacations or sick days) she'll get used to it. She may not LIKE it, but she'll get used to it. You wont damage her and youre absoultly right- she need to go to school eventually, it'll be easier if she does this now, than on the first day of school.Be strong and hang in there!...Show more

Jill Thomer: Yes, some day your child will have to go to school but she doesn't HAVE to go at the age of three!! There are ways you can get your daughter ready for school without early preschool. Take her to the park, enroll her in a class, go to the library for story time. She may be more receptive to preschool next year when she is four. Your little girl is telling you in her own way that she is unhappy at school. Is she in a REAL preschool with educated teachers and a curriculum? Or is she in a day care center? There is a HUGE difference!! If I were you I would make a "surprise" visit to see what is going on. If the classroom ! is overcrowded and noisy you will understand why she is unhappy. This is your child and you know her better than anyone. Ifyouu think she needs more time to be ready for a formal preschool you should take her out. Good luck!!...Show more

Comment équilibrer la vie des adolescents

Comment équilibrer la vie des adolescents

p>Bien que beaucoup considèrent cette période de développement comme totalement insouciante, la vie de l’adolescence comporte de nombreux facteurs de stress de la vie adulte. Si vous êtes un adolescent, vous pourriez avoir de la difficulté à maintenir vos notes et à envisager l’université tout en gérant un emploi à temps partiel et une vie sociale prospère. Toutes ces pièces en mouvement peuvent facilement vous faire vous sentir comme un clown de cirque incompétent, faisant tomber plus de balles que vous ne jonglez. Apprenez à équilibrer la vie de votre adolescent en gérant efficacement le stress, en gérant l’école et d’autres responsabilités et en vous concentrant sur les relations positives.

Déterminez vos priorités. La vie peut rapidement perdre l’équilibre si vous n’avez pas de priorités claires. Pensez au! x activités et aux tâches qui sont les plus importantes (ou les plus urgentes) pour vous, et concentrez-vous sur elles. De cette façon, vous n’êtes pas embourbé en essayant de tout faire.

Restez actif physiquement. L’exercice régulier est un élément important pour mener une vie saine. Lorsque vous faites de l’exercice, votre corps produit des substances chimiques appelées endorphines qui améliorent votre humeur. En plus d’améliorer votre humeur, l’activité physique peut aussi vous aider à gérer votre poids, à combattre le stress et même à améliorer votre rendement scolaire.

Reposez-vous suffisamment. Si vous n’obtenez pas assez de sommeil, vous risquez de compromettre votre rendement scolaire et de vous rendre irritable. Il est important que vous dormiez suffisamment pour développer votre corps et stimuler votre cerveau. Les adolescents devraient dormir de 8 à 10 heures par nuit.

Faites-vous des amis qui sont des influences ! positives. Lorsque vous traînez avec des gens qui soutiennent! et apprécient ce que vous êtes en tant que personne, la vie vous semble plus facile à gérer. De plus, le fait de traîner avec des influences négatives ajoute souvent plus d’ennuis dans votre vie, comme une mauvaise réputation ou des échecs scolaires. Établissez des relations avec des pairs positifs provenant d’organismes scolaires, de groupes sportifs ou d’organismes communautaires.

Demandez de l’aide quand vous en avez besoin. Sois prêt à admettre quand tu es dépassé. La vie est occupée pour tout le monde, donc vous ne serez pas jugé pour avoir avoué avoir été submergé. Parlez à un ami, un parent, un enseignant ou un conseiller. Ces personnes peuvent être en mesure de vous offrir des conseils ou des ressources pour vous aider à faire face à la situation.

Apprenez la pleine conscience. Les adolescents ont une vie bien remplie. Vous avez souvent l’impression que les jours passent vite et que vous avez très peu de liens avec les ! moments individuels. Vous pouvez vous reconnecter au moment présent en pratiquant la pleine conscience. Cette activité vous aide à ralentir et à vous concentrer sur le présent. Vous pouvez le faire pratiquement n’importe où, aussi.

Prévoyez du temps pour vous. Soyez ouvert sur vos besoins personnels. Parfois, la vie est trop dure. Ne vous sentez pas coupable d’annuler des plans ou de dire « non » à une nouvelle responsabilité. Il est important de reconnaître quand vous avez besoin de temps pour vous regrouper et le prendre.

Pratiquez des techniques de relaxation. La pratique de la méditation et du travail respiratoire peut vous aider à vous détendre et à garder votre esprit dans le moment présent. Il aide à ralentir les pensées de course et l’anxiété au sujet de votre situation actuelle ou future. La méditation régulière peut aussi avoir un effet positif sur le corps.

Passez souvent du temps en famille. Les amitiés et les r! elations amoureuses éclipsent souvent les liens familiaux pendant l’! adolescence parce que vous avez l’impression que vos pairs vous comprennent mieux naturellement. Pourtant, il est essentiel d’avoir aussi des interactions familiales positives. Maintenir un équilibre entre le temps des pairs et le temps familial.

Trouve-toi un hobby. Avoir quelque chose à faire que vous aimez peut améliorer l’équilibre dans votre vie d’adolescent. Vous participez peut-être à des activités parascolaires, mais ces responsabilités ne sont pas nécessairement considérées comme « amusantes ». Vous ne les avez peut-être même pas choisis pour vous ; un parent peut être influencé à vous rejoindre. Trouvez une activité que vous aimez pratiquer régulièrement.

Prenez votre temps pour sortir avec quelqu’un. Quand tes parents t’ont donné le feu vert pour sortir avec eux, tu pourrais tomber immédiatement dans un terrier de lapin. Vous devenez obsédé par votre rendez-vous, prenez leurs habitudes, et même abandonner vos pa! sse-temps en faveur des leurs. Bien qu’il soit merveilleux de vouloir montrer à votre partenaire que vous vous souciez sincèrement de lui, il est également intelligent de maintenir un certain équilibre.

Décomposer les grands projets en segments plus petits. D’énormes projets et affectations peuvent nuire à votre santé mentale. Vous vous sentez peut-être dépassé par l’ampleur du travail que vous devez accomplir pour accomplir la tâche. Il est utile de diviser les grands projets en plus petits morceaux. Ensuite, fixez des délais pour la réalisation de chaque partie jusqu’à ce que le projet soit terminé.

Journal. À l’adolescence, il peut parfois être difficile d’exprimer ses sentiments. Écrire vos pensées et vos sentiments dans un journal est un moyen de vous aider à gérer votre stress et à résoudre vos problèmes.

Fixez-vous des buts objectifs. C’est formidable d’avoir de grands objectifs, mais avoir des attentes élev! ées peut parfois mener à la frustration et à l’insatisfaction. Soy! ez réaliste en ce qui concerne votre charge de cours, vos activités parascolaires, vos responsabilités professionnelles et vos engagements sociaux. Passez en revue vos objectifs pour vous assurer qu’ils sont réalisables. Ensuite, prenez quotidiennement de petites mesures à leur égard.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Comment contrôler votre vie privée sous Windows 8

Comment contrôler votre vie privée sous Windows 8

Sélectionnez « Modifier les paramètres PC » dans le menu Paramètres.

Tapez « Modifier les paramètres du PC », puis cliquez sur l’option « Paramètres ».

Ouvrez le charme « Démarrer » dans le coin droit de Windows, ou appuyez sur la touche Windows de votre clavier pour ouvrir le menu Démarrer depuis le bureau si vous n’y êtes pas déjà.

Tournez tous les curseurs à droite sous « Confidentialité » sur la position « Arrêt ». Cela vous aidera à contrôler votre vie privée et la quantité de vos données personnelles qui seront transmises via les applications Windows.

Cliquez sur la sélection « Confidentialité » sur l’écran Paramètres PC.

Homework HELP!? Please?

Mario Stricklan: Visit the link for detailed informationhttp://www.transtutors.com/homework-help/earth-sci...or if you wish us to complete your assignment for you please visitwww.transtutors.com...Show more

Marcelina Schossow: You can visit Globalwebtutors for your assignment solutions

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

How can high school drop outs "home school" their kids?

Branden Round: Can you just take your kids out of school and say they're being "home schooled?ABSOLUTELY NOT!When you knowingly flaunt the laws of your state you endanger every law-abiding homeschool family in your state. It is very important to learn the homeschool laws of your state and follow them to the letter. Whether a high school drop out can homeschool is determined by those same laws. And they homeschool their children the same way all the other homeschool families do. They may have left school to help at home with an ill parent, or left school to work so their family could keep their home or for some other important reason.Our children determine the value of their education every time one goes off to college, or is successful in whatever they choose to do with their lives....Show more

Fritz Hawkey: The people who home school often have advanced degrees from excellent Universities.People home school their children because the quality of public school edu! cation is very poor. The parents home school their children because they can do a much better job home schooling their children than the public schools can do.

Roselee Mczeal: If your child has already attended a state school, you must seek permission from the head master local authorities to take the child out of school to be home schooled. However, if your child is approaching school age (and not currently attending school) it is not necessary to inform any authorities if you intend to home school your child. I personally disagree with this system, as the parent does not have to prove they are capable of teaching to an appropriate level...Show more

Clinton Quant: > Who determines the value of a home education? Well, usually the colleges do that, based on the kid's test scores and interview process. Just like more traditional students, homeschoolers have to compete for college entrance based on test scores and outside activities and interests, all rounding out ! to a guess on the college's part on whether or not the student! will be able to complete the required workload to earn a degree. > Can you just take your kids out of school? Nope, every state in the US has laws pertaining to homeschooling and what parents must do in order to stay compliant with homeschooling. Some states require annual testing or portfolio reviews, while other states regulate the number of hours a student needs to study in a year, or the required subjects covered, or just that a homeschooled student's education must be "comparable" to that from the public schools. What the rules are really depends on where you live. > How can high school dropouts educate their kids? Yeah, you'd think that would be impossible, wouldn't you? You'd think that the higher the education of the parent, the better off the kid, right? A couple of years ago they ran some numbers on that very topic. This study included nearly 12,000 homeschool students for all 50 states who took one of three nationally normed tests, the CAT, ITBS, or SAT. The ave! rage scores of public school students on these tests was--clearly--at the 50th percentile. As a group, homeschoolers' average scores ranged from the 84th percentile to 89th. What about income? $34,999 or less: 85th $35,000 - $49,999: 86th$50,000 - $69,999: 86th$70,000 and up: 89thOK, how about the parent's education level? Neither parent with college degree: 83rdOne parent with college degree: 86thBoth parents with college degrees: 90thHomeschool students with college-educated parents tend to score about 8 percentage points higher than homeschool students with parents who have less than a high school education. Not a significant difference when you consider that public school students with college educated parents score 27 (writing) to 35 (math) percentage points higher than those public school students whose parents have less than a high school education....Show more

Morris Cuomo: In most states a high school drop out can't legal! ly homeschool their child. However,, statistic show that a parent's le! vel of education has little effect on how well their child does with homeschooling.

Dental School and the US army?  

Dental School and the US army?  

answers 0:Ok so I'm going to an in state college for pre-medical and ROTC and my plan after my four year college I would apply for a dental school. I was wondering what do dental schools require for admissions. If I get accepted I would join the US Army and they would pay for it and serve my country as a dentist after dental school. Would that work if anyone could help me thanks everyone 🙂answers 1:For admission to a Dental School you will have to take the DAT.The credit requirements vary with schools. So, it will be better to get in touch with the schools of choice individually.Yes, when you start dental school, US Army will send Recruiters to go over the procedure as to how it works. In fact, many dental students do sign up for the Army as soon as they get started at the dental school....answers 2:hi Angus, Is! your sister an authorized Dentist? if so, ask her to email me and supply me her particular suggestion approximately what she feels is a actual requirement that she won't meet. My email is: larrysmile at yahoo dot com ideal needs, Larry Smith Senior grasp Sergeant, USAF (Ret.) First Sergeant

Monday, 18 May 2020

Why do libs make such a big deal about formal education?

Roni Kurz: I am a conservative Libertarian. There are serious reasons why you should attend college if at all possible.Why Go to College?It is a very important question that has different answers for different people. The three main reasons for attending college are increased pay, higher education, and the college experience. Some students will go to college for one, two, or all of these reasons. It really depends on the individual. First is higher pay. Studies have shown that a person with a college degree will make about 80 percent more than a person with just a high school degree. That is almost twice as much. For example, the average high school graduate without any college education makes around $37,000. The average college graduate makes around $66,000. Of course, this is just the average. Some graduates will make less, and others will make much more. There is no guarantee that a college graduate will obtain a high-paying job. On the other hand, nothing says that a ! person with only a high school degree cannot make a very good living and be satisfied with his or her career. Odds are, however, if you want to make more money at your future job, going to college is the practical choice. The next reason is the reason that most students will go to college. This reason is to attend a place of higher learning. For students wanting to further their education, college is the next logical step. Many students will have a certain career in mind, and they need to go to school to get the education they need for that career. Other students do not know what they want to do with their life, but they are pretty sure they will find the answer in college. Taking a variety of classes at the college level can help a person decide on an avenue that they want to pursue. Finally, there is the college experience. The college experience is a unique one that allows the individual to grow as a person. You are placed into a world that is much bigger than one you ha! ve previously experienced. You meet new people from various ba! ckgrounds and learn more about yourself as well. College is a place that you can redefine yourself. You have a chance to pursue your own interests and learn about the interests of others. These are just a few of the reasons that students choose to go to college. There are many others. The point is that attending college will open many doors for you. It is up to you to decide if the process is worth the effort. In most cases, it will be....Show more

Leontine Kreitz:

Elden Bardach: I'm a Independent Conservative. There is nothing wrong with public schools other than what you pointed out about pushing too much Liberalism. We live in a "modern society" and that means paying taxes for a social program that the "majority" can benefit from is accepted. Your kids may go to a private school but that doesn't give you the right to opt out of taxes cause your not using a public school. You use other social benefits such as fire, police, etc.As for Liberalism.... Liberalism! can be a good thing ONLY when kept in balance with a touch of Conservatism....Show more

Gwenda Micheals: Aim low.A formal education in the US typically means that ones standard of living improves. On average, an American with a college or university degree can expect to earn about $70,000. With the increase in income comes an far better quality of life. Those who earn $70,000 and higher and without a formal education are the exception, not the rule.You can advocate for low education and no education, but I like the perks of having a formal education. I prefer a higher quality of life....Show more

Silvia Stclair: Well #5 would have saved California from Governor Schwarzenegger.

Lenard Ginyard: A few of my favorites, wonder if the liberal loons would stand up and applaud theseThe Mexican constitution singles out “undesirable aliens.” Article 11 guarantees federal protection against “undesirable aliens resident in the country.”The Mexican constituti! on provides the right of private individuals to make citizen’s arrest! s. Article 16 states, “in cases of flagrante delicto, any person may arrest the offender and his accomplices, turning them over without delay to the nearest authorities.” Therefore, the Mexican constitution appears to grant Mexican citizens the right to arrest illegal aliens and hand them over to police for prosecution.The Mexican constitution states that foreigners may be expelled for any reason and without due process. According to Article 33, “the Federal Executive shall have the exclusive power to compel any foreigner whose remaining he may deem inexpedient to abandon the national territory immediately and without the necessity of previous legal action.”

Maye Delk: America has no official language so whatever.Discouraging bilingualism is ignorance.What about the McDonald's food you eat? The waiters that serve you? The cooks that make your food when you go out? The people that clean the toilets that you put your butt on at your job? Do you have to be a ! professional to do those jobs?I agree about the running for office part.Never read the Mexican immigration laws, so how can I be sure that you're telling the truth? Why don't you include a link to Mexico's immigration laws?

Arnulfo Seegars: And you would have the mexicans rioting here, like el negr os did during during the watts riots.

Sunshine Holets: Are you serious? I mean, do you really want an answer, or are you trying to convince someone that you are right? School is for people who want to learn. If you don't want to learn then you have a closed mind. Nothing can enter a closed mind, not even God Himself. School teaches us how to think for ourselves, rather than to act like parrots and merely repeat what has been said to us over and over and over again. In school, we learn how to criticize and analyze. We learn how to take things apart and put them back together again. We learn how to find flaws in judgment, and how to think logically. We ought t! o have learned in school how to teach ourselves. We should know where ! to go to find information, how to sift through information, prioritize information, and apply that information to our condition. Schools are meant to make our lives better. Schools are meant for those who want a better life. Money should never be an obstacle to a child attending school. Do you know the meaning of conservative and liberal? or are those words merely labels that you use to pat one group on the back and put another group under your feet? God does not want you to be ignorant (it says so right there in the Bible). That is why He said, "Study." I will bet that you count God as a conservative? I would also bet that you see Jesus with blonde hair? The goal of an education is that you put what you learn into practice, that you use your newfound understanding to make your life better. And, if you are a truly good person, maybe you will make other people's lives better. Why are you against that? And as far as paying taxes, if I were you, I would be highly u! pset about how corporations rarely pay any taxes at all, on the contrary there are more corporations on the welfare rolls than ever. Who should pay taxes, middle class wage earners, like you and me, or corporations? I say make corporations pay their fair share so that we wage earners can get a break. Now, what idea is more liberal than revolting against tyranny? What idea is more progressive than wanting to invent something that will forever change the world? What is more liberal than the Arts? The examples you use are of liberal heroes, not conservative ones. Illiterate means you cannot read or write. Ignorant means you don't have information. Stupid means you just dont want to know anything. What is so virtuous about loving guns and hating education? Does it surprise you that there are many liberals who believe in God and the Holy Bible? We are only losers, dropouts, and trailer trash if we stop moving forward. That is why there are schools. That is why the ! government ought to make education available to every child -- so that ! we can move forward, so we can make our situation better, so we can make our country a better place and stronger. I just dont get why you are so anti-education and against progress. Don't you know that Jesus Christ sided with the poor, the broken, the sinner, the outcast? Jesus was not one of the Fat Cats. He came to make things right, but the Establishment would have none of it. Jesus is for change. He is going to change management over the earth soon. Don't you want to be on the winning side? You need to stop listening to propaganda and do a little reading of that Bible you been thumpin'....Show more

Stevie Goldey: dangerous... if you don't have any real experience it would likely show quickly...and there is a possibility that you could run across someone who used to work there and that would be bad news...

Dewey Heersink: You are a perfect example of why education is needed.Thomas Edison among many other things he did, was smart enough to hire a labor! atory full of people to work on his ideas.The idea that Edison was in his garage churning out inventions from his fevered brow is a myth.Education would have told you that.Washington was an educated man. Farmer, General, President. He read widely and had a library in his home at a time when most families owned maybe 1 book (The Bible) for everybody.Shakespeare, whom we so often quote today, wrote in the language of his time.Not some haughty language incomprehensible to his audience. Besides,how much of his work was really written by Frances Bacon ?( any ? take a class and find out)Bill Gates never finished college, true.Stephen Hawkings did.So did Issac Newton and Albert Einstein, How about Dr's Salk and Charles R Drew ?Robert Oppenheimer and Neil Degrasse Tyson both went to college.Why is it for generations education was seen as a positive force in society and now there is agrowing backlash against it ?Because leading right wing talking heads Glen Beck and Hannity are both! drop outs ?Whats Rush's background ? or Sarah Palins ?...Show more


Inge Mclaurine: Thats not true. If so they're not enforced. If you've ever been to Mexico, you'd know THERE ARE white communities that speak mostly english. They love foreigners.

Maritza Ebanks: 1. If you migrate to this county, you must speak the native language2. You have to be a professional or an investor. No unskilled workers allowed.3. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, all government business will be conducted in our language.4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.5 Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs.7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.8. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will be restricted. Y! ou are not allowed waterfront property. That is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.9. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing, no badmouthing our president or his policies, if you do you will be sent home.10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent straight to jail.PSST - these are the MEXICAN immigration laws....

Herma Ellebrecht: They never actually worked at the company? Since the company is closed and there is no one to call to see if a candidate actually worked there as a salesman or a financial manager, are they safe if they place this on a resume in order to apply for a higher paying job since they earned a master degree anyhow? Thank You So Much:)

Georgianna Zollo: Do you ever find those around you walking away when you talk?

Isreal Kochheiser: That's funny .....ha,ha,ha, what side would NATO take in Wisconsin ?Wisconsin is a state one of! 50 in a sovereign nation The USA NATO has no business nor does the UN ! for that matter interfering in the affairs of a sovereign nation.

Mitchell Pickens: I'd say all but numbers 4, 5, 8 and 9 are alright. (Main reason I'm against 4 and 5 are if I were to become a citizen of this country.)

Tricia Dossous: Yeah I'm a total riot- and Libya was sovereign too- when Italy decided to take itthe last time- I'm still a HOOT- but what about the question?

Renita Sefton: I think we ought to adopt them and apply them

Cherlyn Tefera: Edison, washington, franklin..etc were all highly gifted people. They are exceptions to the majority of humanity. Unfortunately for the majority of people, they were not born gifted, therefore education is essential. You can't compare those people to others, it's like comparing an ape to a termite.

Jerrod Guilfoil: The 14th amendment was was about the rights of former slaves (and punishing the people involved in the Civil War). It has nothing to do with the "rights" of people who are in the count! ry illegally. Some American, mostly liberals, may believe that the rights granted under the Constitution should be applied to all people but that was never the intent of the founding fathers. Some people also believe that constitutional rights should be applied to non-citizen terrorists who are captured outside the US but the Constitution is supposed to apply only to citizens. The main constitutional argument against this law is that it may lead to people being profiled based solely on their appearance, however in the Arizona law it basically says that the person has to already be suspected of some illegal activity before they can be asked to prove that they are here legally. In short, illegal aliens do not have constitutional rights and no rights are being violated to begin with.

Nelly Kikuchi: Because it's all they've got.Sure, someone with a Ph.D. in Anthropological Demographics can count the number of people who lived in Pompeii at one time, but can he drive a fri! ggin' nail when the shed in his back yard comes apart? No. He has to ! call a handyman who is some kind of right-winger with no education for that....Show more

Ayesha Genova: The same reason Lib's make it a point to employ Trolls disguised as Conservatives, they are scheming rats that have no consciences.

Julienne Poplawski: Because a formal education herds the supple little children into your own private petting zoo.

Anibal Scheid: One would hope they would be for the over throw of the Walker regime .

Jefferson Sarson: No side. This is an American (technically even only Wisconsinite) issue. NATO has no say in it.

Pasty Cobbett: shakesbeer? Seriously?(Must resist, it's just too easy, must resist, it's just too easy......)

Coralie Goldsberry: No side. It is none of their business.DTG

Corrina Faro: Wouldn't a better question be: Why do libs think that an artsy, ethnic studies, basket weaving degree means that they have earned something?

Shaunta Paap: Formal education teaches a person to learn the ! difference between emotions and reality.Conservatives never learned to think ratrionally. That's why they worship at the altars of Faux Noise and AM Hate Radio.

Doreatha Kjellsen: 1. First, we need to make sure every American knows proper English. No more of this "c00l sp3ak."2. Every professional first starts out as unskilled. I think in order for someone to become a professional they should become a student (or trainee depending on the job) and work their way up.3. Bilingual programs for schools are not bad things. There's a difference between taking a Spanish class, and having a spanish only club.4. If they are a legal citizen here, then they have the right to vote. We are are decedents of foreigners.5. That's BS. Like I said earlier, everyone in our nation has foreign ancestry. As long as they speak English and properly hold their position, then it doesn't matter to me. Now, the president on the other hand, I do prefer to be natural born.6. The majority of people ! on these programs are either white or black Americans in conservative s! tates. These are also rights you want to take away that are guaranteed to every American. Why should they have to pay the price for not being born a spoiled rich American like yourself?7. If they can't vote, why would they even want to invest?8. Again, more BS and ignorance. People who immigrate to this country do so for the same reasons the pilgrims did. For a better life. And denying them that right is nothing short of hypocrisy.9. First amendment, you cannot abolish it. "no badmouthing our president or his " Does that mean no tea parties? You conservatives bad mouth the president more than anyone.10. You should be sent to jail, but only in the country you are legal in.

Donte Liversedge: I just love how the media fails to focus on Mexico's harsh immigration policy. What the hell do we even have a media for if they don't even do their job? All they do is promote their leftist agenda ad nauseam. All the more reason I don't pay attention to those idiots that pretend to! be objective journalists. Just look how they are going after Rand Paul like rabid dogs twisting everything about him and what he says in a pathetic attempt to discredit and marginalize him.Anyway, I digress. More light needs to be shed on Mexico's policies, then maybe that hypocrite Caulderon will shut up, along with much of the ignorant opposition to AZ's law.

Adrian Paraz: After reading your post, it's obvious you're not an expert on formal educations.

Comment fabriquer des barres d’acier dans RuneScape

Comment fabriquer des barres d’acier dans RuneScape

Achète-toi une pioche dans n’importe quel magasin, ou au grand magasin. Si vous l’avez déjà, allez dans n’importe quelle mine sur la carte (de préférence les mines naines) pour commencer l’exploitation minière.

Obtenez au moins 6 de fer et 12 de charbon par chargement, et mettez-les dans votre compte.

Allez à n’importe quelle fonderie et assurez-vous d’avoir 6 barres de fer et 12 barres de charbon dans votre inventaire afin de pouvoir fondre 6 barres d’acier. Continuez d’aller et venir de votre compte bancaire à la fonderie.

Ou vous pouvez acheter le fer et le charbon à la grande bourse, si vous avez beaucoup d’argent, et ensuite les faire fondre.

Économisez au moins 5000 de fer et 10000 de charbon.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

What are ways to enhance the public understanding of the challenges Latinos face in accessing higher education

Romana Stiman: This is a class problem, not a ethnic problem.Most of what we know we learn at the dinner table. Like me, most Latinos are working class. At the dinner table, working class kids learn that you are expected to go get a job and work hard. Our parents consider the college educated as slackers and hard work is more respected. Also parents who haven't been to college don't know about getting their kids into college, they just know it costs more money than they have. A 10 year old middle class kid know more about getting into college than most working class parents....Show more

Vernon Martorana: My brother and I are Mexican American. Our grandparents and mother were all born and raised in Mexico. Dad was born and raised here. I'd say the characteristic most common to Latinos in higher education today is that they love to read and their parents instilled that in them. My mother may have only gone through grade school in Mexico but she reads and she tau! ght herself to read in English. I remember as a grade school kid helping her read the newspaper, helping her learn.Whether Latino or any other ethnic group, it's important for kids to be taught to read and for them to enjoy reading, to be well read....Show more

Ivan Velazquez: My friend did her doctoral thesis on this subject and her conclusion is that if Latinos want an education bad enough, they get it. I did. She did.Personally, I thought that here were three (3) main barriers to Latinos getting a higher education:(1) Finances - Latinos tend to be economically disadvantaged and aren't savvy about applying for grants and other assistance so they need the help of the school to manuver through that;(2) Family values - Latinos may not value a higher education as much as some other ethnic groups; and(3) Family responsibilities - Too many Latinas having kids too young.My parents scrimped and saved to be able to help me go to college and I even went on to get an advanced ! degree plus I was not one of the ones having kids. My parents ! taught me that FIRST you get your education, then you get a good job and then, only then, do you marry and reproduce. Not enough Latino parents are instilling those values in their kids....Show more

Bennie Lantgen: They must be raised to value higher education and it must be reinforced by their teachers and role models. Downplay the basketball star / rock star types and teach them about people who have saved millions of lives (i.e. Norman Borlaug). . . make sure to cater to their culture and gender so they can relate to the person.

Comment gérer la paralysie cérébrale

Comment gérer la paralysie cérébrale

Utilisez des médicaments d’ordonnance pour prévenir d’éventuelles crises. Environ une personne sur quatre atteinte de paralysie cérébrale est atteinte d’épilepsie, ce qui provoque des crises. La personne devrait travailler avec son médecin pour déterminer quel médicament lui convient le mieux.

Réduire le temps de sédentarité. Essayez de développer un passe-temps actif, comme le jardinage. Augmenter votre activité physique quotidienne peut être très utile si vous commencez à faire de l’exercice.

Faites de l’exercice régulièrement. L’activité physique est recommandée pour les personnes atteintes de paralysie cérébrale. L’endurance cardiorespiratoire, le renforcement musculaire et la réduction du temps de sédentarité sont essentiels pour promouvoir la santé et prévenir les maladies chez les personnes atteint! es de PC.

Renforcez votre force musculaire. Le renforcement de la force musculaire peut aider à réduire la spasticité, ce qui améliorera votre contrôle de vos muscles.

Envisagez la massothérapie pour traiter les symptômes. Le massage peut aider à réduire les symptômes physiques comme la raideur musculaire et la contracture et peut favoriser le calme et la concentration.

Envisagez la chirurgie pour traiter les symptômes. Si la thérapie et les médicaments ne suffisent pas à soulager les symptômes les plus graves, une intervention chirurgicale peut s’avérer nécessaire pour les soulager. Un médecin ou un spécialiste peut déterminer si la chirurgie est la meilleure option pour une personne atteinte de PC.

Demandez à un médecin s’il est possible d’utiliser des aides mécaniques. La situation de la personne peut nécessiter l’utilisation d’appareils et accessoires fonctionnels en plus de la physiothérapie pour traiter et amÃ! ©liorer ses symptômes. Consulter un médecin pour savoir si l! a personne devrait utiliser ces appareils pour améliorer le fonctionnement moteur.

Renseignez-vous sur la prescription d’un relaxant musculaire. Les relaxants musculaires détendent les muscles raides et peuvent aider à traiter la contracture musculaire. Envisagez d’utiliser des relaxants musculaires si la personne a besoin d’une légère amélioration de son tonus musculaire ou si elle souffre d’une contracture généralisée.

Cherchez à obtenir du counseling pour votre bien-être psychologique. Vivre avec la PC peut être très stressant. La personne devrait travailler avec un conseiller pour surmonter tout problème mental ou émotionnel découlant du trouble, comme la dépression ou l’anxiété, et promouvoir une bonne santé émotionnelle et travailler sur les habiletés d’adaptation à la douleur chronique.

Améliorer la flexibilité. Les routines de flexibilité sont importantes pour les personnes atteintes de paralysie cérébrale, e! n particulier les personnes atteintes de paralysie cérébrale spastique, qui sont à risque de contracture, car la flexibilité est importante pour réduire les blessures.

Suivez un régime d’orthophonie pour communiquer et manger. Les troubles de la parole et du langage sont très fréquents chez les patients atteints de PC. La personne devrait suivre une orthophonie pour améliorer ses capacités de lecture, de prononciation et de socialisation, et pour mieux soutenir l’apprentissage et l’éducation des enfants. L’orthophonie peut également aider à améliorer la capacité de la personne à manger et à mâcher.

Utilisez la physiothérapie pour améliorer la mobilité et renforcer la force musculaire. La physiothérapie est cruciale pour les personnes atteintes de PC. Commencez la physiothérapie à un jeune âge pour améliorer la force, la coordination, la souplesse et le fonctionnement moteur indépendant.

Prenez des médicaments pour contrÃ! ´ler les affections qui surviennent en même temps que la PC. La person! ne peut souffrir de dépression, de douleurs chroniques ou de problèmes digestifs liés à la PC. Ils devraient consulter un médecin et voir s’ils devraient prendre des médicaments pour traiter ces problèmes.

Discutez avec votre médecin de la possibilité de prendre des médicaments pour combattre les symptômes. Votre médecin peut vous prescrire des médicaments pour soulager des symptômes plus gênants, en particulier des convulsions potentielles, ou pour traiter des affections qui surviennent en même temps que la PC.

Renforcez votre endurance cardiorespiratoire. Cela signifie augmenter le temps que vous pouvez consacrer à l’activité physique, par exemple en vous fixant comme objectif de marcher progressivement de plus longues distances sans vous fatiguer.

Consultez un ergothérapeute pour améliorer vos compétences professionnelles. L’ergothérapie en PC se concentre sur l’amélioration de l’utilisation des bras et de l’autogestio! n de la santé. L’ergothérapie est un aspect important pour assurer l’autonomie et améliorer la qualité de vie des adolescents et des adultes atteints de PC. Une personne atteinte de PC peut avoir recours à l’ergothérapie pour développer sa capacité de travailler et d’accomplir les tâches ménagères par elle-même.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Reimbursed Financial aid?

Hwa Waterford: If I understand your question, you are going to pay your tuition bill out of your pocket, and than (hopefully) be awarded financial aid? If this is what you are saying, than yes, whatever financial aid you are awarded will be applied to your account. Anything left over will be paid to you. Therefore, if your account balance is zero, you will be paid your full financial aid award.

Why can't my TIVO record or see digital channels?

Karl Samiec: Simply its tuners are only analog. You need a digital box to get digital channels above that, or upgrade to an HD model TiVo which has digital tuners built in. A TiVo HD will work fine on an SDTV, but requires a cablecard form your provider to get digital channels (even with an HD set).

Erica Bottaro: I don't think that the Series 2 Tivo units have the QAM tuners required to receive digital cable channels. You'd need a TiVo HD for that. Alternatively, you should be able to hook the TiVo up to the cable box and use the IR blasters to control channel changing on the box.

What are ways that vertical dimension can be increased with braces?  

What are ways that vertical dimension can be increased with braces?  

answers 0:Does anyone know any information about this?answers 1:Yes. The motive for the popping within the jaw is on account that of your jaw no longer being covered up competently. This is among the many motives I bought braces myself and I havent had any popping given that.answers 2:Vertical elastics on the posterior teeth, Class II elastics, and rocking chair Nitanium wires are the most common methods.answers 3:Braces alone to fix a dental overbite can worsen your facial profile. It's called the Sydney Smile.Jaw surgery (in combination with braces) for correction of dental overbite and jaw correction surgery is best explained by looking at this video that explains how jaw asymmetry, TMJ (temporo mandibular joint or jaw joint) problems, facial profile, dental occlusion, and airway can all be improved by orthognathic surgery. https://www.youtube.co! m/watch?v=bIivMIcwGhQ

Friday, 15 May 2020

Can you download movies from a Tivo?

Maurice Breuning: if u get a usb memory stick

Marcelina Schossow: Hi Tsuki,If you have a series 2 TiVo you can use TiVo To Go to transfer the shows to your computer and watch them or copy them to DVD's. For TiVo To Go you need to get the software from TiVo. It is free and you will find it with all the instructions here - http://www.tivo.com/mytivo/domore/tivotogo/index.h...Alternately you can route your TiVo through a VHS or DVD recorder. Hook TiVo output to recorder input, recorder output to TV. That way you can monitor your TiVo picture while you record it.Norm...Show more

Mel Crapo: A USB memory stick will not work. A tivo has ACTIVE USB ports that are for connecting a USB to Ethernet adapter or for Series 2 Tivo's you can use a USB to Wireless adapter from Tivo. Then when it is connected to your homes wired/wireless network you can use any of the networked PC's to download the movies/shows to the PC so you can Edit and Burn to DVD. To download the movies y! ou can use TivoDesktop to watch the shows on your PC. TivoDesktop may work for you, but it is better to use Tytool 10r4 to download the shows/movies to your PC, then edit and burn the shows/movies to DVD. Here is a link of how to extract the shows/movies from you Tivo and do this all. It talks about a DirecTV Tivo but also works for a Tivo Brand. Tivos shows are a MPEG2 format but the format says it is a .tivo file, this is why you need Tytool 10r4 to convert it to a .mpeg file. Here is the link:http://www.weethet.nl/english/tivo_extract_videos....This site also has links to all the files you will need to get this job done. I hope this helps, please email me if you have any further questions.....Show more

Comment larguer doucement un ami collant

Comment larguer doucement un ami collant

p>Passer du temps avec vos amis peut être amusant, mais tout le monde a des limites quant au temps qu’il peut passer avec une personne. Parfois, un ami peut être un peu trop exigeant en termes de temps et d’attention, ce qui peut causer de sérieux problèmes dans la relation. Avant de décider de mettre fin à la relation, vous voudrez peut-être réfléchir à la gravité du problème et déterminer ce qui doit arriver. Vous pouvez aussi essayer quelques stratégies pour avoir plus d’espace pour vous et pour établir des limites claires avec votre ami.

Essayez de ne pas vous sentir coupable. Penser à vos propres besoins plutôt qu’à ceux de votre ami peut vous faire sentir coupable ou égoïste. Cependant, il est tout à fait normal de penser à la nature de votre amitié et à tous les problèmes qu’elle peut avoir. Réaliser quâ€! ™il n’y a rien de mal à penser à ce dont vous avez besoin dans une amitié peut vous aider à éviter les sentiments de culpabilité.

Soyez direct. Avoir cette conversation avec votre ami sera probablement difficile. Il peut être tentant de faire des concessions ou de parler d’une manière qui n’exprime pas correctement vos sentiments ou vos besoins. Parlez toujours clairement et directement lorsque vous dites à votre ami que vous avez besoin de plus d’espace personnel.

Restez ferme. Votre ami peut encore essayer d’entrer dans votre espace personnel ou de dépasser les limites que vous avez définies. Elle peut utiliser la culpabilité ou d’autres tactiques pour vous faire changer d’avis, ce qui vous pousse à céder et à leur accorder de l’attention. Il est important que vous restiez fort et que vous gardiez vos règles en place.

Expliquez vos limites. Il peut être nécessaire d’établir clairement des limites pour faire savoir à ! votre ami avec qui vous êtes à l’aise et ce qui est inacce! ptable. Cela peut vous aider à exprimer vos sentiments au sujet de la relation et à apprendre si elle peut continuer. Soyez honnête, gentil et compréhensif lorsque vous fixez vos limites.

Pensez à la gravité du problème. Avant de vous asseoir pour parler avec votre ami ou de vous inquiéter davantage de la situation, il peut être bon de prendre du recul et d’évaluer la relation. Votre amie n’agit-elle qu’occasionnellement de façon collante ou essaie-t-elle constamment de réclamer toute votre attention ? Le fait de comprendre à quel point son besoin d’attention est sérieux et récurrent peut vous aider à décider quelle devrait être la prochaine étape.

Mettez fin à la relation si nécessaire. Si votre ami continue d’ignorer vos demandes de temps libre ou s’il n’aime pas que vous l’ayez demandé en premier lieu, vous devrez peut-être mettre fin à votre relation. Bien que cela puisse être douloureux, mettre fin à une relation av! ec quelqu’un qui ignore votre propre bien-être peut finalement être la meilleure décision pour vous deux.

Faites des plans avec lesquels vous êtes à l’aise. Ne vous sentez pas obligé de rencontrer votre ami si vous ne le voulez pas. Chaque fois que vous faites des plans, assurez-vous qu’il s’agit d’un plan que vous pensez être agréable et pour lequel vous avez du temps. Assurez-vous toujours que chaque fois que vous rencontrez votre ami, il sera bon pour vous deux.

Évitez de trouver des excuses. L’utilisation d’excuses peut fonctionner, à court terme. Cependant, cela peut devenir fatigant et cela crée un faux type de frontière. Dans la mesure du possible, essayez de ne pas utiliser d’excuses ponctuelles pour éviter de traîner avec votre ami. Si vous ne voulez pas lui rendre visite, vous devrez peut-être être plus direct. Le fait d’être direct peut l’aider à mieux comprendre vos besoins et vos limites plutôt que de vous trou! ver des excuses.

Dites à votre ami quels jours vous conviennent ! le mieux.. Si votre amie vous appelle ou vous envoie constamment des messages texte, il se peut que vous ayez besoin de lui indiquer des jours et des heures précis pour qu’elle puisse vous contacter. Il se peut que vous soyez au travail ou occupé à certaines heures ou certains jours et que vous ne puissiez pas parler à votre ami, ou que vous ne vouliez tout simplement pas le voir certains jours de la semaine.

Affronte ton ami. Si votre amie ne réagit pas à la baisse de votre niveau d’attention ou à d’autres déclarations que vous aimeriez voir s’écarter un certain temps, vous devrez peut-être la confronter. Essayez de vous rencontrer dans un endroit où vous pouvez avoir une conversation claire et faire savoir à votre amie exactement ce que vous ressentez et ce que vous attendez d’elle.

Pense à ce que tu veux faire. Vous pensez peut-être que votre amitié peut être sauvée. Cependant, vous pouvez aussi vous rendre compte que vous n’avez ! pas l’impression que cela peut continuer. Selon le degré d’adhérence de votre ami, vous devrez choisir de travailler pour réparer la relation ou d’y mettre fin.

Évaluer la situation. Si votre ami est vraiment autoritaire et collant, il n’y a rien de mal à se concentrer sur vos besoins. Une bonne amitié devrait aller dans les deux sens, étant une sorte de concessions réciproques qui permet d’établir un lien plus fort. Si votre amie prend plus qu’elle ne donne en retour, c’est très bien de lui dire ce que vous ressentez et ce dont vous avez besoin.

Encouragez votre ami à demander de l’aide. Dans certains cas, un ami peut être collant à cause d’un problème auquel il ne peut faire face seul. Par exemple, il est possible que votre amie soit collante à cause de problèmes à la maison, d’un problème de santé ou d’autre chose qu’elle ne veut pas affronter. Passer beaucoup de temps avec vous pourrait être un moyen de se distrair! e de ces questions.

Présentez votre ami à de nouvelles personnes! . Votre amie peut penser que vous êtes vraiment sa seule amie. Si c’est le cas, il est facile de comprendre pourquoi elle peut vouloir passer autant de temps avec vous. Présenter votre ami à de nouvelles personnes peut l’aider à se sentir plus proche des autres et à commencer à se diversifier un peu plus. Cela peut être un bon moyen pour vous deux de profiter de la compagnie d’autres personnes tout en maintenant votre amitié.

Déterminez vos besoins en espace. Pour avoir un peu d’espace pour vous, vous devrez peut-être d’abord établir des limites claires. En fixant des limites claires, vous risquez de contrarier votre ami, mais vous vous respecterez vous-même dans ce processus. Pour fixer des limites, vous devrez d’abord déterminer vos besoins personnels en matière d’espace.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

am i a hookup?????????

Rosalva Steinmann: Why is it this belongs under DVRs/TIVO?

Tillie Wynott: What is the Question??????????????

Hai Biggart: lol!

Cómo recordar los sueños

Cómo recordar los sueños

Las teorías abundan en cuanto a por qué soñamos, cómo soñamos y qué significado podemos asignar a nuestros sueños. Mucha gente cree que los sueños pueden proporcionarnos información sobre nuestras vidas y sentimientos, pero el problema es que son notoriamente difíciles de recordar. Con un esfuerzo consciente, usted puede recordar más de sus sueños y recordarlos con mayor detalle.

Concéntrate en recordar tu sueño tan pronto como despiertes. Típicamente usted puede recordar sólo el último sueño que tuvo antes de despertarse. No te muevas y no hagas nada. Permanece en la misma posición en la que te despertaste y trata de recordar todo lo que puedas sobre tu sueño antes de pensar en otra cosa. Piénsalo bien de principio a fin.

Tome una decisión consciente para recordar sus sueños. Tienes una mej! or oportunidad de recordar tus sueños si realmente quieres recordarlos. Asumiendo que así lo desee, dígase a sí mismo que va a recordar sus sueños y siga concienzudamente los pasos para hacer que su deseo de recordar sus sueños se convierta en realidad.

Aumente el número de sueños que pueda recordar despertándose más a menudo en la noche. Tenemos varios ciclos de REM en la noche, y se hacen más y más largos hacia la mañana. Si sólo grabas el último sueño que tuviste antes de levantarte por la mañana, hay más sueños que tal vez no estés recordando. Siempre es tentador volver a dormirse cuando se despierta en medio de la noche, pero aproveche la oportunidad para recordar lo que estaba soñando antes de hacerlo; lo más probable es que no lo recuerde por la mañana.

Planee dormir bien por la noche. Tenemos más facilidad para recordar los sueños que ocurren cuando nuestros cuerpos están en la etapa de sueño conocida como REM, que significa Mo! vimiento Ocular Rápido. El cuerpo está en reposo, pero la me! nte está activa con los sueños. Si no duerme lo suficiente por la noche, o si su sueño se interrumpe mucho, tendrá menos sueño REM y menos sueños. Trate de acostarse todas las noches a la misma hora y de despertarse a la misma hora todas las mañanas para asegurarse de que está descansando correctamente.

Piense en un problema o preocupación emocional importante o lea justo antes de quedarse dormido. Piense profundamente en la situación sin presionar por soluciones o llegar a conclusiones. El solo hecho de pensar en el problema abre la puerta, en cierto sentido, a sueños más vívidamente recordados, y los sueños pueden incluso ofrecer más información sobre el problema en cuestión.

No coma, beba alcohol o tome medicamentos justo antes de acostarse. Los químicos en estos artículos pueden afectar la capacidad de su cerebro para recordar los sueños. Trate de no ingerir nada durante al menos unas horas antes de acostarse, para que nada interfiera con! su memoria o sus patrones de sueño.

Calme su mente y cuerpo antes de acostarse. ¿Típicamente su cerebro está zumbando antes de acostarse? Tener muchos pensamientos estresantes en la cabeza puede hacer que sea más difícil recordar sus sueños, lo cual requiere un enfoque profundo. Antes de irte a la cama, deja que tu mente se relaje y se libere de pensamientos pesados. Deje que se duerma tranquilamente.

Mantenga la alarma cerca de su cama. Si tiene que levantarse de la cama para apagarla, es más probable que se olvide de lo que estaba soñando. Ponga la alarma para que suene después de haber dormido lo suficiente. Trate de no usar un despertador de radio, ya que los anuncios y las conversaciones en el programa matutino le distraerán.

Lleve consigo un bloc de notas o una grabadora de voz durante todo el día. A menudo, algo que usted ve u oye más tarde en el día desencadenará un recuerdo de un sueño de la noche anterior. Observe estos recuerdos! sin demora, y piense en ellos para ver si puede recordar cómo encajan! en el resto del sueño. También ayuda pensar continuamente en sus sueños a lo largo del día.

Ponga una almohadilla y un lápiz o bolígrafo al alcance de la mano de su cama. Es mejor si sólo tiene papel normal sin diseños u otras distracciones. Use esta almohadilla sólo para grabar sus sueños. Antes de ir a dormir, asegúrese de que está abierto a la siguiente página en la que puede escribir para no tener que buscar una página en blanco cuando se despierte.

Vuelve a tu cama y acuéstate. A veces la memoria puede ser sacudida cuando usted asume la misma posición física que tenía mientras soñaba. Trate de poner su cabeza en el mismo lugar en la almohada, coloque su cuerpo de la misma manera y cierre los ojos. Si el sueño te viene a la cabeza, piénsalo bien antes de levantarte para escribirlo.

Registre su sueño en su diario de sueños. Anote tanto como sea posible acerca de su sueño, comenzando con un bosquejo básico que incluya cosas tale! s como la ubicación del sueño, la trama básica, los personajes, la emoción general del sueño (es decir, ¿estaba usted asustado o feliz en el sueño?), y cualquier imagen prominente que pueda recordar.

Patrones de notificación. Eventualmente usted descubrirá qué factores le ayudan a recordar sus sueños. Trate de notar los patrones relacionados con la hora a la que se acuesta y se despierta por la mañana, la temperatura de la habitación, lo que comió para cenar. ¿Alguna de estas variables parece influir en su capacidad para recordar sus sueños?

Practica de nuevo la noche siguiente. Recordar tus sueños requiere esfuerzo y práctica. Cuanto más consciente se vuelva de sus sueños, más probable será que los recuerde. Acostúmbrese a comprometerse a recordar sus sueños y la noche y a escribirlos a primera hora cuando se despierte. El proceso será más fácil con el tiempo.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Comment suivre les échidnés

Comment suivre les échidnés

Soyez au bon endroit. De toute évidence, les échidnés ne se promènent pas dans les rues de la banlieue. Ce sont des animaux timides et tranquilles, et leur habitat préféré s’étend de la forêt tropicale humide, alpine à semi-désertique, loin des zones bâties. En général, là où il y a des fourmis et des termites en abondance, les échidnés peuvent aussi être présents. Il existe quatre espèces connues d’échidnés :

Sachez que la faune indigène est protégée en Australie. Prenez des photos et observez de loin. N’essayez pas d’interférer avec l’échidène de quelque façon que ce soit.

Surveillez la réaction d’un échidné conscient. Dès qu’un échidné prend conscience de vous, ou qu’il est dérangé par vous, il se met à creuser verticalement vers le bas. Il s’arrêtera! quand il sera à moitié enterré, car il est presque impossible de déloger un échidné ainsi enterré (et n’essayez même pas).

Recherchez les égratignures sur le sol. Les échidnés qui utilisent le sont pour trouver des fourmis ou des termites peuvent creuser dans des endroits autres que des nids de fourmis ou de termites. Cependant, ils ne se nourrissent pas seulement de fourmis et de termites. Ils sont très heureux de manger d’autres créatures comme les vers de terre, les coléoptères et les larves de papillons nocturnes, de sorte qu’ils peuvent se retrouver n’importe où avec leurs griffes pointues.

Cherchez des signes de déterrage. Où que vous trouviez des nids de fourmis ou de termites, s’il y a des signes de creuser autour ou dans les nids, alors vous avez probablement localisé une zone où se trouvent des échidnés.

Vérifiez l’écorce des arbres abattus dans la région. Les échidnés ont tendance à arracher l’écorce e! n longues bandes, habituellement à partir de billes de bois.

Dans certains endroits, vous trouverez des panneaux indiquant les échidnés. Ils sont habituellement affichés sur le bord de la route, pour avertir les conducteurs de ralentir et d’éviter de les heurter lorsqu’ils traversent la route. C’est un bon indicateur que vous vous trouvez dans une zone où l’on peut apercevoir des échidnés.

Where can I purchase a Vizio tv warantty?

Arden Strachn: good luck with that. If you didn't purchase an extended warranty from the get go i don't know if you can on a Vizio cuz they're crap TVs. Try calling the WalMart you probably bought it at tha'ts your best bet.

Forest Duttinger: A new TV comes already with a warranty (usually 1 yr).Most stores will sell you an extended warranty.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Has anyone heard about the .mobi that just came out? What do you think it will become?

Piedad Bassiti: I hadn't heard of that. My best guess would be that it will be used for MOBIle devices, such as a page specifically formatted for cell phones or PDAs. Other than that, who knows?

Monday, 11 May 2020

Apollo manufactures PDAs at a variable cost of dollars, where x denotes the number of units manufactured per?

Patricia Bolduc: Find a function C that gives the total cost incurred by the manufacture of x PDAs?Start by letting x denotes the number of units manufactured per month, where x ≥ 0,because mathematically you do not want negative integers values and realistically you can not manufacture -1 or less number of units.From the question, the variable cost is described by the function:V(x) = 0.000003x³ âˆ' 0.03x² + 200x        (x ≥ 0)Apollo's monthly fixed cost is always $80,000, regardless of the level of PDA production. Thus, the constant function is: F(x) = 80,000.The total cost incurred by Apollo at any level of production is the sum of thevariable cost and the fixed cost. Total cost = Variable cost + Fixed costTherefore the total cost function is given by:C(x) = V(x) + F(x)Thus the function C that gives the total cost incurred by the manufacture of x PDAs is:C(x) = 0.000003x³ âˆ' 0.03x² + 200x + 80,000   (x ≥ 0)...Show more

What do they look for? army dental check?  

What do they look for? army dental check?  

answers 0:I leave for basic in about a week and have a question about the dental check. What are they looking for I'm a bit worried about this, because for a few years I was unable to keep up brushing or flossing(living conditions sucked) as far as I know there isn't a major problem my teeth are just darker they aren't white, but I think that is because of coffee soda and tea.answers 1:they look for dental problems. they aren't going to send you away if you need any dental work.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Which old school console/handheld should I get?

Bud Espenshade: who wants to waste money now a days... get an emulator.

Robin Tommie: For handheld go with the Gameboy SP if they have it. If not then Gameboy Advance.For console Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, and Gamecube have been my favorites

Edwina Fu: properly I grew up listening to what's named previous college Led Zeppelin purple Floyd Alice Cooper Jethro Tull Montrose (Did you knw that Sammy Hagar sang lead with Guitarist Ronnie Montrose in this Band? Emerson,Lake an Palmer Uriah Heep Black Sabbath ZZ good Deep pink Scorpions Guitarist Ritchie Blackmore ( I in basic terms enjoyed the way he could play the Strat Ted Nugent Aerosmith Nazereth Jimi Hendrix Mannfred manns earthband Foghat Lynyrd Skynyrd undesirable employer skinny Lizzy...Show more

Kaylee Schmittou: Where would I find an emulator?

Denna Prudente: @ Hollow, roms are illegali would suggest a Game Boy Advance, why? i got so many years of gaming out of that thing :D

Mario Stric! klan: the sega mega drive is a legend defining the start of a great gaming era, i would choose it