Thursday, 21 May 2020

Is my daughter for ready for preschool?

Foster Koopmann: No, your daughter isn't "waiting" for preschool. She is a new child no longer a preschooler. stop attempting to stress lecturers or she would be waiting to burn out in the previous kindergarten. a lot of little ones her age can carry a pencil wisely and scribble, even draw circles, yet that would not advise they're waiting for formal training. shop analyzing and speaking to her. Take her to the park and tale time on the library. you additionally can positioned her in a new child artwork type or something yet do no longer attempt to make her a genius or something. She has various time for lecturers whilst she is older. appreciate your toddler she would be waiting to no longer be this little for long!...Show more

Felipa Nosis: I promise your daughter will be fine at school. She enjoys school and started having issues after she was sick. It is completely normal she wants to stay with mommy, why wouldn't he. You know she loves school all she needs to do! is get back in the routine. I am a toddler teacher and would never have told you your child cried most of the day because it makes you feel guilty. I promise after she gets back in the routine everything will be fine again. Talk positive about school. Let her know she is going to school so she can learn, play with her friends and have fun. When you leave tell her mommy loves her and you know she will be in good hands with Ms.? and give her a hug, kiss and tell her mommy will be back. Leave and don't look back. She needs to know you feel comfortable leaving her, she will have a good time and you are coming back,...Show more

Launa Weingarten: From my own personal experience with my son (3yrs) I would say send her back for a couple solid weeks and see how she does. If after two weeks things are returning to normal then stick with it. Chances are she has found a loop hole and is taking full advantage of it. My son used to get very upset when he went back to preschool ! after the Christmas break or if we went on summer holidays. I! t was kinda like his first day of preschool all over again. He fussed for about a week and when the second week rolled around he was back to normal. If your daughter for whatever reason is doing horribly after a couple weeks cut back the amount of time she is in for. Most preschool's offer different lengths per week. My son started off with a couple days a week, went up to three days a week and recently switched over to a full week (5 days). =)...Show more

Felipa Nosis: Unless she is in school for a reason (daycare?) I wouldn't make her go full time. It is best to start with 2 or 3 days a week for a few hours a day. Also, at 3 it is hard for her to explain to you why she doesn't want to go to school. Maybe she does miss you, maybe she's having problems socializing with the other kids, etc. I have 3 kids (18, 8, 4) and i thought the first one was SOOO smart he should also be in Pre K at 3. Needless to say the 8 year old started school at 5 (A honor roll than! k you) and the 4 year old is still home with me. I like to think I can teach my kids as much as a preschool teacher can. Keep in mind that you know your daughter better than anyone and can tell if this is a real problem or she's just trying to get her way. Use your best judgment and good luck!...Show more

Timmy Bustard: I would try to get her to finish out the rest of this week. Then if it is still a problem, I would pull her out. If you end up pulling her out, you could maybe try her a couple days a week at a daycare, just so she can get used to the idea of being away from you. Then you can try her in school again next year. It will not set her back in any way if you decide to let her stay home another year or even two with you.Enjoy her, they grow up VERY fast! :(Best of Luck!...Show more

Arnulfo Seegars: Leave her in. She's had a hard couple of weeks - I see this in children who've been in daycare for years. After being sick or haveing a holiday. Just giv! e her a few weeks - i wont lie - it will be tough on both of you. But o! nce she has a few weeks (real weeks with out vacations or sick days) she'll get used to it. She may not LIKE it, but she'll get used to it. You wont damage her and youre absoultly right- she need to go to school eventually, it'll be easier if she does this now, than on the first day of school.Be strong and hang in there!...Show more

Jill Thomer: Yes, some day your child will have to go to school but she doesn't HAVE to go at the age of three!! There are ways you can get your daughter ready for school without early preschool. Take her to the park, enroll her in a class, go to the library for story time. She may be more receptive to preschool next year when she is four. Your little girl is telling you in her own way that she is unhappy at school. Is she in a REAL preschool with educated teachers and a curriculum? Or is she in a day care center? There is a HUGE difference!! If I were you I would make a "surprise" visit to see what is going on. If the classroom ! is overcrowded and noisy you will understand why she is unhappy. This is your child and you know her better than anyone. Ifyouu think she needs more time to be ready for a formal preschool you should take her out. Good luck!!...Show more

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