Sunday, 6 October 2019

How do you write poetry ? (easy 10 points )?

answers1: hard task. browse in yahoo or google. that will might help!
answers2: I write sad poetry very often these days. Just write it how
ever you want to. I don't really think about it because when I'm sad,
all I'm focused on is getting the emotions out onto my paper. The
normal style I use is just different kinds of rhyme schemes. I'm not
big on free verse but you could do unryhming poetry too. <br>
The darkness falls, <br>
My heart's a mess. <br>
What is this hole <br>
Within my chest? <br>
Life is hard, <br>
It never eases. <br>
It still goes on <br>
Just as it pleases. <br>
My body shakes, <br>
My mind is screaming. <br>
I'm still awake <br>
While death is dreaming. <br>
I wrote that just now :) just a quick example. Hope I helped!
answers3: There cant be really set steps for writing poetry/music
lyrics, they should be something that expresses how you feel. You cant
extract that with a guideline.
answers4: The first thing you should do is to select which type of
poetry you want to write. By type I don't mean genre, such as gothic,
dark, foreboding and so on. I mean actual sentence length and
structure. I have explained just two of them below; <br>
Chosen word written horizontally on left (DEATH) <br>
Letter from chosen word is first letter of each line <br>
Any number of syllables <br>
Any number of lines <br>
Dreaming into the depths of darkness <br>
Everything is missing or gone <br>
All souls, all flesh is vanquished <br>
The very essence of life is erased <br>
Hear me now and flee this death <br>
HAIKU <br>
Three lines: 5 – 7 - 5 <br>
Five syllables <br>
Seven Syllables <br>
Five syllables <br>
Generally seasonal <br>
Death is the season <br>
Complete elimination <br>
Cry your dryest tears <br>
These are just a couple of the simplest forms. Just google "types of
poetry" and you will see what I mean; there are over 50 recognized
poetry forms. From there, it is only experimental. Write your heart
and the results should please even you.
answers5: Poetry comes from feeling. It pours from your heart. It's
not something you plan... Just don't think about it. Let your heart
talk, not your head. And be happy :) poetry of sadness is scary.
Suicide is never the answer.

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