Wednesday, 2 October 2019

What are some good books on moral philosophy / philosophy of ethics?

answers1: Here are some good overviews of moral philosophy/ethical
philosophy <br>
The Elements of Moral Philosophy by James Rachels <br>
A Companion to Ethics (from Blackwells Companions series) by Peter Singer <br>
Morality: an introduction to Ethics by Bernard Williams <br>
Moral Philosophy: Selected Readings (a sourcebook) ed. by George Sher <br>
Lectures in the History of Moral Philosophy by John Rawls <br>
Important Dialogues/books/sources not to miss include the following: <br>
Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle <br>
"Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals" by Immanuel Kant <br>
Situation Ethics by Joseph Fletcher (one of the best Christian
ethicists of the 20th century) <br>
A Theory of Justice by John Rawls [If you can find the first edition
it is, in my opinion, better. This is one of the best works on Justice
in the past century] <br>
There are many many others (I haven't even mentioned Locke, Nozick,
Hobbes, etc.), but if you get one of the above books it should guide
you to other major writings. <br>
I hope that will help.
answers2: The Bible has a lot to say about the subject. (Some people
think that the Bible is only for believers, but the Bible is a
fabulous piece of literature for anyone.) <br>
The Road Less Traveled, by Dr. Scott Peck
answers3: I would recommend "Ethics" by Piers Benn

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