answers1: You need to take electives that will help you with your
career, I have no idea what the aboriginal people is. But I would say
take family and individual living, business and technology classes are
good just to have under your belt and music and visual arts if your
teachers are anything like the ones at my highschool, those would just
be classes to relax in.
answers2: IT <br>
Business <br>
Family and indv. Living <br>
Aboriginal People <br>
Music <br>
Visual arts. <br>
Do it so that by the time you are a junior or senior you have easier
classes. Also on relation to what's closest to what you wanna do in
answers3: Take Psychology! It's fascinating learning about your mind.
Even if you don't care to pursue the career, knowing the basics of how
your mind and other people's works can't hurt any. (; and Aboriginal
People seems awesome! haha
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