Tuesday, 29 October 2019

What can you do with a degree in Humanities?

answers1: Ask that imoortal question that everyone is dying to ask,
"Would you like fries with that?" or "Would you like that
super-sized?" A degree in the humanities that is not backed up with a
practical degree like business, is not certified to teach, or which is
not continued to a masters level prepares you to enter the service
industry. A degree in the humanities is not a practical degree unless
you are looking to graduate school or law school.
answers2: teach. <br>
also, you could always minor in an additional field (buisness, art,
social work, history) and open up more job opportunities
answers3: It all depends on what subjects you are taking and what your
interests are. I am almost finished my BA in English and Geography
and have the option of journalist, librarian, writer, teacher or
editor with English and with Geography any number of jobs in a city
council, or wider governmental groups. Another area in geography is
aid work in underdeveloped countries, which I think would be really
interesting. <br>
With most university's they offer a leg up into jobs, if you want to
take the opportunities, with exchange programs and further courses
into areas of interest. They also offer post graduate diplomas which
greatly increase your chances of getting a high paying job in your
chosen area. It all depends on what you are wanting to study and what
you think you might like to do at the end. There are a range of
fantastic jobs through doing humanities, some of the better ones I
have heard of are joining the United Nations through taking history
and political studies. <br>
In saying that the sciences have a highly employment guarantee, partly
due to the foregrounded importance to environmental issues. But you
have to go with your interests, there is no point getting stuck in a
boring degree, that you have absolutely no interest in, feeling way
out of your depth, which leads onto an equally uninteresting job. <br>
Good Luck!! I'm sure what ever you decide to do will pay off in the end! :)

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