Friday, 31 July 2020

why isnt there mention of the big bang? ?

Antonia Quinnett: There hasn't been a recreation of the Big Bang. The switching on of the LHC in September was a test to see if the equipment worked. It did not, so the actual experiment will be delayed until they fix the machinery. So there has been no mention of it because it hasn't actually happened yet.

Coleman Ocegueda: Because it's just some idiots' idea that didn't come off. Forget it!

Clement Viscarro: Because it hasn't happened yet?I presume you are referring to the series of experiments that are due to happen early next year in the Large Hadron Collider. They were originally supposed to have started in October of this year, but due to a fault in the equipment they had to be postponed.It wasn't a recreation of the big bang, by the way, but of the moments soon after the big bang....Show more

Cliff Tyre: Since when did we recreate the Big Bang? We didn't! Never have, and never will. No particle accelerator we can make could even approach the ener! gy blasted off during the universe's creation. I'm assuming you're talking about the LHC and the experiment on September 10. That was firing 2 protons in opposite directions. They didn't crash anything. That won't happen until November.The "Big Bang recreation" is a huge media dramatization. We aren't creating the Big Bang, just recreating temperatures and densities present at the beginning of the universe....Show more

Andre Winegar: I am not sure but I think it was because it did not do anything.

Becky Mosena: The scientists of the world have had it with illogical, stupid people.They have created a machine (LHC) that will start another Big Bang and create a SECOND UNIVERSE. They will then go into that universe leaving all illogical, stupid people in this universe to look for Big Foot and Aliens.The new universe will be ready for them in 2012 !!!Here is the live webcam at the LHC. See guys? We're all safe!http://www.cyriak.co.uk/lhc/lhc-webcams.html...Show more!

Sabra Roers: it was just a test to see if the proton be! ams worked.they worked for a while but the machine "overheated" and some things need to be replaced.even still the true experiment won't be happening till next year and will still take about a year and a half to complete.THE MACHINE DOES NOT RECREATE A BIG BANG.it just slams protons together and watch to see what kinds of stuff falls out (quarkâ€'gluon plasma). It is supposed to be the same stuff that was around just a few seconds after the big bang.PLUS it will generate TONS of data that computers will have to sift through for months, perhaps even years, to create presentable information humans can understand.they are called CERNthe whole building is called the LHCthe experiment is called ALICEand the main machines that will measure are ATLAS and CMSkeep up to date at their sitehttp://public.web.cern.ch/public/en/LHC/ALICE-en.h......Show more

Chris Rosenkranz: If you had been actually reading the news you would have known that no one is trying to recreate the big ban! g, they are trying to recreate the conditions that occurred a few billionths of a second after the big bang. This may sound like a silly little difference but in the world of high energy particle physics a billionth of a second is a really long time. So far they have only just begun to experiment with the latest particle collider and there probably won't be any real news for at least a couple of years....Show more

Thursday, 30 July 2020

I have a busy week, how many hours of recreation should I allow myself?

Faviola Dewire: Its proven that you work better if you take small breaks in small period of timeRecommended 10-20 mins every hour or so.

Marcel Then: My daughters school recommends that for homework you study for 1 hour then half a 15 minute break and have a set time when you study, the same time every day in a room without TV or radio or any distractions.

Dewey Heersink: It's not the quantity but the quality of your recreation that matters, my friend. But what sort of recreation are we talking about in the first place? There is no hard and fast rule but I have personally found that the type of recreation should be determined by the type of lifestyle and stress you experience.While fighting and commiting aggressive acts in computer Role Playing Games allows me to release anger and exasperation, I also find much benefit from physical activities likes cycling, working out at the gym and going for long walks while listening to my favourite music on my MP3 player! .Unlike being stuck on the computer and playing games, the other activities I suggested improves my health and allopws me to release stress physically....Show more

Sheldon Lally: your heart is a treasure so u should follow it. sometimes rules,regulations and schedules make life a little boring. get out of the box.

Hubert Jestes: It's best to give yourself about 15 minutes of recreation time for every hour of studying you do. This keeps the brain fresh and focussed. Try not to split it up either (don't do four hours of studying then one hour of recreation, do an hour, fifteen minutes, an hour, fifteen minutes, and so on). Allow yourself half an hour or an hour to relax after getting home from work or school before you dig into the books. This is good time to be getting exercise and preparing and eating meals. Also, make sure you're getting enough sleep. Try to make sure you have at least nine, preferably ten hours scheduled for sleep every night. You proba! bly won't need ten hours, but allowing yourself ten gives you ! a pretty good chance of getting eight. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning (yes, even on weekends). This keeps your sleep cycle consistent and you'll get more rest every time.These are just guidelines to try and stick to. Sticking to them isn't always possible and usually isn't fun. So make changes as necessary. Just know that when you do, you may be making it a little tougher on yourself....Show more

What benefits are given for having more children by the canadian government?  

What benefits are given for having more children by the canadian government?  

answers 0:I am living in ottawa. I want to know the benefits given by govt og canada to couples having many children. I want to know how many children one should have to avail benefits?answers 1:There is no "penal code" in Canada. There is the Criminal Code of Canada, but that covered criminal acts committed within Canada and certainly not tax laws, social programs, and benefits provided by the provinces.There aren't any benefits per-say.* There is the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) program. This provides a monthly payment which provides $113.91 a month for each child under 18 from the federal government, plus an extra $7.91 a month for the third child (or additional children). This is further increase in most provinces with a smaller provincial amount. Howev! er, if your family income is over $41,544 2% of your income is subtracted off this bonus if you have one child, and 4% if you have two or more children. * You can also deduct certain expenses off your income related to child care, education, and some medical expenses.* Medical insurance is free for children under 19 in all provinces. Your provincial health care covers prenatal, birth, and any hospital stays after pregnancy.* Public primary and secondary education is free in Canada from K to 12. There are certainly other services such as child protection, parks and recreation programs, libraries, pools, etc. which might be free (or a reduced cost) for children and/or families.* Certain welfare programs and payments include additional amounts for parents with children, housing allowances, etc.However, considering the general cost of raising a child in Canada is likely well over $10,000 a year (diapers, food, clothing, added transportation costs, added livings/rent/home costs,! dental, entertainment, sports equipment, etc., etc.) I wouldn! 't call these a "benefit". A couple without children is certainly going to be ahead economically. Most are pretty much token....answers 2:If you have 3 or more kids they give you $3,000 per year. You can check it out in the Canadian Penal Code 12.62-98-A.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

online games like runescape?

Donovan Stallons: Xivio is a wonderful online game/virtual world/social networking site. There is so much to do on one site.I have a Hompy that I can load pictures, videos, and music it's a personal homepage i created.The virtual world part is in 3d virtual world and free. It also requires no downloads. I have apartments for different things and one just for playing music in with friends. My friends and I meet up there quite a bit and since I've been grounded a lot lately it's nice to kinda get out lol.Give Xivio a try you'll like it. OH before I forget there are a lot of rooms in Xivio but there is a newbie room that you start in. Usually there are people there to help ya figure it out faster....Show more

Launa Weingarten: Archanists on FunOrb and World of WarcraftAlso, there is MMORPG.com u can check out

Simona Bulwinkle: Conquer and Flyff

getting into dental school from a community college?  

getting into dental school from a community college?  

answers 0:i know it is possible but im curious if its worth it. what do you need to get into dental school from a comm. college. my aunt is a dentist and i also want to become a dentist. will this give me an advantage in apply for dental school. ..or should i transfer to a 4 year after a couple years in comm. college then go to dental school.answers 1:Community College is a fine option.Read this article. http://www.studentdoctor.net/2009/04/community-col...

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

What you rely on when choosing a video game?

Davida Gisriel: I usually focus on MMO games.Before the game comes out, I watch plenty of beta videos, and play beta if I have the chance. Sometimes I ask people that have played the game about their experience with that particular game. For example, I knew I wouldn't like to play SWTOR because it's too straightforward, and because the characters' movement is too rigid....Show more

Gordon Showes: the track record of the company developing itmy own preferencesmy own opinions when watching gameplay videos/reading about mechanics. my own experiences from playing a demo.i'll read reviews, but they i rarely take into account the numerical score, since most have god-awful reasons why they subtract points. just look at all the ign reviews....Show more

Justin Casten: amazon reviews i don't trust company's like ign after mass effect 3 ending and dragon age 2 reviews and their why do people hate EA artical

Hal Palowoda: Reviews from my friends and the Escapist. ! They seem to be the only people willing to bash on COD while everyone else would praise how it's exactly the same as the last game. Other review website will give anything 10/10 if they're being paid by them.

Tommy Durrenberger: i depend on company,game length and ign reviews.

Karl Samiec: some times video game website review scores, gamespot i use, i also see what ign thinks of it, but most of the time, i rely on myself, if the game looks good, ill rent it to see if its worth to buy, everyone tells me thats stupidign are cod lovers, if a game dont have a gun, they will hate it

What is this Dental Procedure called?  

What is this Dental Procedure called?  

answers 0:My dentist brought up in a convorsation that would like to cut my gum that come over my front four teeth. The gums come down low and there is tooth underneath the extra gum. So he'd like to cut the extra gum out so that my teeth appear bigger, what is this Dental Procedure called????????? thank you 🙂answers 1:Gum...graft?answers 2:Gingivectomyanswers 3:It sounds like a Type of Laser Dental Surgery. Laser gum treatment is a noninvasive, painless procedure that can treat a wide range of gum conditions. I am not sure of the name of the procedure in which you are having. It sounds more cosmetic then anything from what you are explaining. I hope this helps you though....answers 4:it is not that the dental carry (aka hollow area) is only too vast, that's that the dentist is lazy. maximum tooth could be stored by way of emp! loying root canal, that's only this dentist in all probability feels that that tooth wasn't brushed properly and a root canal would be valueless. What he's doing would be referred to as removing a tooth then implant. Or, he ought to do a bridge, the place a pretend tooth may well be related on your first and 0.33 molar, if the 0.33 molar is there....

Monday, 27 July 2020

Most durable chew toys?

Coleman Petropoulos: I've heard that real leather footballs and real (not toy) tennis balls last longest. The real skin chew toys last ages as well.

Comment faire tomber un joueur amoureux

Comment faire tomber un joueur amoureux

p>Certains gars ont une réputation de joueur, quelqu’un qui ne s’installera jamais, et qui ne veut que jouer sur le terrain. Bien que vous ne puissiez pas changer le comportement de quelqu’un, vous pouvez donner à quelqu’un une raison de vouloir rester dans le coin. La meilleure chose que vous puissiez faire si vous voulez qu’un joueur tombe amoureux de vous est de vous respecter et de refuser de jouer à ses jeux. Faites qu’il vous apprécie en vous fixant des normes. Utilisez le renforcement positif pour lui faire voir ce que vous valez.

Amusez-vous bien. Plutôt que de se concentrer sur les moyens d’amener un joueur à s’installer, concentrez-vous sur la création d’expériences nouvelles et positives. Faire des choses ensemble. Aller à des spectacles, jouer à des jeux et faire des gaffes. Ne rends pas les! choses sérieuses. Montrez-lui ce que c’est que d’être dans une relation épanouissante, et peut-être qu’il voudra rester.

Envoyez-lui un verre. Que vous soyez dans un café ou un bar, essayez d’envoyer un verre à sa table. Assure-toi qu’il sache que tu lui as envoyé le verre. L’idée est de l’amener à t’approcher.

Qu’il t’invite à sortir. Si vous n’êtes tout simplement pas à la hauteur de la tâche de l’inviter à sortir, donnez-lui quelques indices pour lui faire savoir que vous aimeriez passer plus de temps ensemble. Mentionnez un film que vous avez toujours voulu voir ou un club où vous avez toujours voulu aller.

Établir des normes. Si vous voulez qu’un joueur pense que vous avez de la valeur, alors vous devez croire que vous en avez. Respecte-toi et fais-lui savoir que tu en vaux la peine.

Ne lui mets pas la pression. Certains gars, surtout ceux qui sont étiquetés comme joueurs, ne veulent pas se sentir obl! igés de s’engager. N’essayez pas de convaincre votre gars! de passer à la vitesse supérieure.

Soyez sur vos gardes. Si vous êtes tombé amoureux d’un joueur, il est probable qu’il vous a déjà parlé et qu’il vous a fait vous sentir spécial. C’est ce que font les joueurs, et il y a de fortes chances que vous ne soyez pas la seule fille à qui il parle.

Rappelle-lui ce que tu vaux. Si tu veux que ton gars s’installe avec toi, il doit vouloir s’installer avec toi. Il devrait vraiment aimer passer du temps avec vous et vouloir être près de vous. Et tu devrais faire ce que tu peux pour qu’il se sente comme ça.

Soyez direct. Plutôt que de poser des questions, parlez en phrases. Dis-lui ce que tu dois faire. Ne lui demandez pas s’il veut se joindre à vous, dites-lui ce que vous devriez faire ensemble.

Ne parle pas de la relation. Parler du statut de la relation peut en fait la ruiner. Au lieu de se demander s’il s’engagera envers vous, concentrez-vous à vous amuser ensemble.

L! aisse-le faire ce qu’il veut. Cela peut sembler dangereux, étant donné la réputation des joueurs, mais c’est nécessaire. Vous pourriez avoir l’impression d’avoir besoin de vérifier fréquemment un joueur pour vous assurer qu’il n’agit pas derrière votre dos. Ignorez cette envie.

Demandez à rencontrer ses amis. Si tu n’as pas rencontré ses amis, tu dois le faire. Organisez une fête et demandez à votre joueur d’inviter ses amis. Si ses amis se pointent, respecte-les. S’ils ne se présentent pas, votre joueur ne pense probablement pas à établir une relation à long terme avec vous.

Reculez un peu. Si vous avez passé quelques nuits d’affilée ensemble, faites une pause. Vous ne le voudrez peut-être pas. Vous aurez peut-être l’impression que les choses vont s’arranger pour le mieux si vous continuez à passer du temps ensemble. C’est rarement le cas. Tu veux qu’il te manque quand tu n’es pas là.

Ne fais pas de lui u! ne priorité. Quand un joueur appelle pour faire des projets, ne laisse! z pas tomber tout ce que vous faites juste pour lui. Si vous avez des projets, ne les annulez pas.

L’attirer en utilisant un billet supplémentaire. Achetez deux billets pour un concert ou un film, et mentionnez-le quand vous lui parlez. Dis quelque chose du genre : « J’étais censé aller voir ce groupe samedi avec mon amie, mais elle ne peut plus y aller. Ça vous intéresse ? »

Faites-le attendre. Un joueur voudra vous emmener à la chambre à coucher le plus tôt possible. Pour lui, interagir avec les femmes, c’est une chose, et une seule chose. Ne lui donne pas ce qu’il veut si tu veux qu’il reste. Faites-le travailler pour lui.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

What is the difference between art and craft?

Tobie Oshea: Art is for the aesthetics.Craft is for function.andThey often criss-cross venues.So the answer can be quite subjective.....Show more

Karl Samiec: Art involves more creativity than a craft... which is more reproductive.

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Comment faire du canoë

Comment faire du canoë

Si vous n’avez jamais fait de canoë auparavant, vous pourriez craindre de ne pas être capable de diriger le bateau ou même de le renverser. Heureusement, ces problèmes peuvent facilement être évités en apprenant à pagayer en montant et descendant du bateau correctement. Avec une pagaie, un gilet de sauvetage et un bon partenaire, vous serez prêt à vivre une expérience de canotage agréable qui, espérons-le, ne se terminera pas avec vous dans l’eau.

Sécurisez le canot avant de monter. Si vous mettez à l’eau un quai, attachez les deux extrémités du canot au quai à l’aide d’une corde. Si vous mettez l’embarcation à l’eau au large d’une côte, demandez à votre partenaire de tenir le canot stable pendant que vous montez à bord.

Pagayer vers un point d’atterrissage. Si vous atterrissez sur la rive, dirigez le canot de façon à ce que l’avant! soit dirigé vers la rive. Si vous atterrissez à un quai, tournez le canot de façon à ce qu’il soit parallèle au côté du quai. Ralentissez à l’approche du point d’atterrissage.

Poussez jusqu’à la rampe de mise à l’eau du canot. Si vous mettez à l’eau à partir d’un quai, détachez le canot du quai une fois que l’homme de proue et l’homme de poupe sont tous les deux à l’intérieur. Poussez doucement du quai avec la main ou la pagaie. Si vous mettez l’embarcation à l’eau à partir du rivage, l’homme de proue devra pousser au fur et à mesure qu’il entre dans l’eau pour que le canot se jette à l’eau.

Montez prudemment dans le canoë. Pliez les genoux et agrippez-vous au côté du canot le plus près de chez vous. Placez l’une de vos jambes au centre du canot et attrapez le côté opposé du bateau avec votre main. Amenez doucement votre autre jambe dans le canot. Si vous êtes l’étrave, asseyez-vous sur le banc à ! l’avant du bateau.

Sortez du canoë un à la fois. Dé! cidez qui va sortir le premier et laissez cette personne sortir complètement du bateau avant de faire quoi que ce soit d’autre. Si vous descendez à terre, l’homme de proue devrait d’abord sortir du canot pour qu’ils puissent le maintenir stable pour l’homme de poupe. Gardez le corps bas et centré dans le canot et sortez avec un pied en premier. Après t’être stabilisé, lève l’autre pied du bateau.

Tenez la pagaie de façon à ce que votre main intérieure soit sur le dessus. Votre main intérieure est votre main la plus éloignée du côté du bateau sur lequel vous pagayez. Votre autre main devrait être positionnée à environ 2-3 pieds (0,6-0,9 mètres) du haut de la pagaie.

Faites un tirage au sort pour faire un virage difficile. Le tirage au sort consiste à sortir une pagaie du bateau en la tenant verticalement de façon à ce que l’extrémité plate de la pagaie ne se trouve que dans l’eau. Ensuite, vous tirez la pagaie vers le bor! d du bateau. Si vous devez faire un virage serré, le timonier d’étrave et le timonier d’étrave devraient tous les deux tirer sur les côtés opposés du canot.

Stabilisez le canot avant de sortir. Si vous atterrissez à un quai, attachez les extrémités avant et arrière du bateau au quai à l’aide d’une corde. Si vous atterrissez sur le rivage, demandez à l’homme de proue de maintenir le canot stable.

Insérez l’extrémité de la pagaie dans l’eau devant vous. Vous voulez amener l’extrémité de la pagaie aussi loin que possible devant vous sans avoir à vous lever de votre siège.

Posez doucement le canot sur la rive ou à un quai. Lorsque vous faites atterrir un canot sur la rive, l’avant du canot doit doucement remonter sur la terre ferme et l’arrière du canot doit rester dans l’eau. Pour atterrir à un quai, approchez-vous le plus près possible du côté du quai de sorte que le côté du canot soit parallèle au côté du ! quai.

Pagayez de l’autre côté du canot sur lequel votre parte! naire pagaie. Cela vous permettra de garder le cap droit et d’éviter que le canot ne tourne en rond.

Mettez un gilet de sauvetage. Il est important de porter un gilet de sauvetage chaque fois que vous faites du canoë. Assurez-vous que votre gilet de sauvetage vous va bien. Ça devrait être confortable quand tu l’enfiles.

Utilisez un coup en « J » pour diriger le bateau. Un coup en « J » est un petit coup vers l’arrière dans l’eau. Si vous voulez que le canot aille à gauche, l’homme de poupe doit faire un coup en « J » sur le côté gauche du canot. Pour aller à droite, l’homme de poupe faisait un coup en « J » sur le côté droit du canot.

Désignez un homme de proue et un homme de proue. L’homme de proue est assis à l’avant du canot et l’homme de poupe est assis à l’arrière. Que celui qui veut faire le guet soit l’homme d’étrave. L’homme de poupe sera responsable de la conduite du canot.

Pagaie en ! synchronisme avec l’autre personne. Vos deux pagaies devraient entrer et sortir de l’eau en même temps. L’étrave (à l’avant du canot) doit donner le rythme, et l’homme de proue doit ajuster sa vitesse de pagayage pour qu’elle corresponde à celle de l’embarcation.

Emballez le canot près de l’eau. De cette façon, vous n’aurez pas à transporter un canot lourd jusqu’au point de mise à l’eau. Placez des articles plus légers à l’avant et à l’arrière du canot. Emballez les articles lourds au centre du canot. Assurez-vous que tout est bien en place pour qu’il ne bouge pas pendant votre voyage.

Ne paniquez pas si vous inclinez le canot. Si vous vous renversez, glissez les pagaies et vos effets personnels sous les sièges du canot retourné. En vous agrippant au canot, nagez vers la rive la plus proche. Si vous faites du canoë dans une rivière à fort courant, n’essayez pas de nager à contre-courant. Accrochez-vous au canot si ! vous le pouvez et attendez que le courant ralentisse pour pouvoir nager! jusqu’à la rive.

Ramenez la pagaie d’un mouvement de balayage en douceur. L’extrémité de la pagaie doit rester sous l’eau. Poussez avec votre main supérieure et tirez vers l’arrière avec votre main inférieure pour déplacer la pagaie vers l’arrière. Lorsque la pagaie est derrière vous et que vous ne pouvez plus reculer, soulevez-la hors de l’eau et remettez-la doucement en mouvement devant vous jusqu’à l’endroit où vous l’avez mise à l’eau. Répétez le processus pour faire avancer le canot.

What are some crafts like?...?

Denna Prudente: Are you asking for more crafts that use crayons, or canvas, or heat, or inadvertent pattern making, or what? There are zillions of different crafts!Why don't you browse around Craftster.org? The site covers a *huge* range of different ones which are simple to more complex, and most of the members are teens and young women. (Joining the site is free too if you want to be able to ask questions or make comments as well as just reading and looking at pics/lessons/etc).....You can see a few examples from each board (in alphabetical order) here to get a general idea of all the stuff they have at the whole site:http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?action=be.......But *all* their main craft forums will be listed down on the right on this page:http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php (be sure and click on each board there to see all the sub-boards under it as well)....Show more

Friday, 24 July 2020

Hobbies for a 13 year old

Peggy Sandefer: i already draw and cook and i do some photagraphy not alot......i need a hobby thats kinda dangerous but fun and that i can do in texas.

Percy Seiger: Thanx ostallen

Forest Duttinger: How about photography? That was my hobby when I was 15, and I loved it. Now there's digital cameras, it's much cheaper than it used to be, and you can have loads of fun experimenting. Cooking is a good thing to get involved in. Don't think I mean baking cakes or cookies, I mean experiment with different recipes, like curry or pastas. Remember that 90% of chefs are male (my partner being one of them). Sketch things. Anything. You might have a photo that you try to sketch, or a fruit bowl. Write novels, let your imagination run riot!Or how about web design if you're interested in that? You're at the perfect age to get into something like that, and it will put you ahead of others your age. You never know, if you master HTML it could set you up well in your first job.! ...Show more

Marjory Stromme: it is a Boy

Freddy Shutler: A 13-year old guy or gal, they have different interests, At 13 I was into building models and collecting stamps as I near 50 I have returned to these hobbies. My Nieces have collected stamps until age 16 when they discovered Boys, now the stamps onlly come out when they vixit their uncle nad spend some sime mounting the little stamp in the book rather than being with the guys. Boys sad to say do the same thing. Computers seem to be taking away traditional activities we did, yet you need to keep a scan on where they go on-line. Any holly done now will give a good base when they settle down later in life, yet the later teen-years will kill most hobbies unless it leads to money, or status, like sport car restoration, or aircraft maint. (Free rides for girls gave me fun). Hope this helped some....Show more

Ardelia Liptow: Yeah, is that boy or girl?My daughter likes making friendship bracelets. A lot o! f her friends do that or beading, making earrings. When I was! 13 mine was knitting and making friendship bracelets.My son's hobbies are fishing, rollerblading and video games. Do you like music? Maybe you could learn how to play drums, keyboard or guitar......Show more

Ezekiel Kadner: and alredy know Drums saxophone guaitar trombone and keyboard

Rickey Vrieze: i pretty much do every thing that a normal 13 year old does but i kinda want something out there and dangerous

Travis Sherrock: Draw

Hong Hunkin: play some video games, play sport with your friends, or be a chef and try cooking

Comment créer des albums photos sur un iPhone

Comment créer des albums photos sur un iPhone

Tapez un nom pour l’album dans le champ qui apparaît. Puis, appuyez sur le bouton Enregistrer.

Touchez toutes les photos que vous souhaitez ajouter à votre album à tour de rôle. Un cercle bleu avec une coche blanche apparaîtra sur chacun d’eux.

Tapez sur la commande Ajouter ( ).

Appuyez sur « Photos » ou « Albums » pour afficher vos collections de photos.

Appuyez sur l’icône Photos sur l’écran d’accueil de votre iPhone. Ceci lancera l’application Photos.

Appuyez sur Albums au bas de l’écran.

Lorsque vous avez terminé, appuyez sur le bouton Terminé. Les photos sont ajoutées au nouvel album et l’album est affiché sous l’onglet Albums.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Is online gambling legal in Illinois?

Raymundo Kyser: I've been subscribing to PennyStock Egghead for about a year now and have loved the objective advice Nathan gives. http://penny-stock.keysolve.netHe really does look for quality stocks and I've made some pretty nice profits on a lot of his suggestions. Being still fairly new to investing I have been dabbling a lot in penny stocks to try and grow my account. I may not have a big account, but it's a lot bigger than it was a year ago. On just one of Nathan's picks this year I managed to make my investment back ten-fold!Check this website: http://penny-stock.keysolve.net...Show more

Trena Berum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_gamblingthis may help, but since it's a college report i kind of doubt they would accept wikipedia as a source considering how it's not very reliable..

Shad Bushweller: what do u get if you win? if its nothing you FAIL

Nelly Kikuchi: On 30 September 2006 the US Congress passed The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcem! ent Act of , after being attached to a Port Security measure that was sure to pass. .........The first thing to note is that the bill does not prohibit a poker enthusiast from playing online poker. .....................Online poker has NOT been banned. At least not in the latest bill passed in congress. The bill only has to do with the funding of accounts. It has nothing to do with actually playing poker online....Show more

Rachal Osaki: Online gambling is quite popular today in many state online gambling is legal. Many states allow online gambling today and have issued licenses to many online casinos.http://casino.norskcasinoguide.com/

Kiersten Clayburn: Call the bet off and say it would be impossible as the weight carrying it to him would kill you...

Lady Laflin: the point is for me to gain weight

Frank Gazaway: Can you perhaps give more details?

Hugo Pittari: just take them where ever u go and eat them non stop, u shouldnt have bet that


Len Dalba: lol awesomesolve the equationx=how many pieces o! f candy corn in 1 lb1000x/365*10or one thousand times x divided by all the days in 10 yearsonce you find x (use a scale at wal-mart) you just plug it in for x and you know how many you need to eat per day for 10 yearsgood luck lol...Show more

Shelley Stevens: thats not gonna happen man thats slightly over a third of a pound of candy corn every single day for 10 yrs very very very unlikely to win this.

Justin Casten: always when I ask a question, even if its the simplest one, they cannot provide me a good informed answer . wtf happened to people that actually make the effort to answer?

Brenton Cornwall: Online Gambling Illinois

Margart Stimpert: u stupid as* fuc*. who makes a bet like that. ur gonna be the next micheal jackson. then when u grow older u can rape and sleep with little boys and jack off to them when they r asleep. stupid as* *****. i just wanna punch the fuc* out of u. i wanna dic* slap u with my 9 in meat.

Dalila Yoon: I am writi! ng a college report on the online gambling industry. It is a lengthy "Analytical" report.I am looking for places that might state how much they make ect, ect.Please, don't tell me Google or something like that. You don't have to be a smart ***.

Brittanie Zakutney: i would say go to the sites .. like pokerstars ulimatebet. etc there is many if you look... on there more about us tells you almost everything, those are poker sites there are other different gambling sites .. this is the internet just ask.com or yahoo gambling industry . sorry if i couldnt help ..

Rubi Romo: In terms of laws surrounding online gambling, the most important one in the US is the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (2006) (check out http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Unlawfu... and look out for any more specific information you can find in libraries etc.), which put significant restrictions on the industry.You may also wish to look into the stances being taken by McCain and! Obama over the issue in the lead up to the election - Obama in particu! lar has express desire to look into regulating the practice, rather than banning it (check out http://www.jackpot.co.uk/online-casino-news/news.h... as this page has some articles on both candidates, as well as the ongoing struggle between Antingua and the US over online gambling, which may be of interest). Also look into a man named Barney Frank, who is one of the industry's biggest proponents in congress (http://www.barneyfrank.net/) and continues to fight for legalised online gambling.More information on international laws in general can be found at http://www.jackpot.co.uk/online-casino-regulation.... - that site has some good info on the industry in general.Good luck finding out what you need, hope that helped a little!ETA: I just found this, it's the original text of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act that I mentioned - this should be really helpful when talking about the legal side! http://www.rules.house.gov/109_2nd/text/hr4954cr/h......Show more

T! om Romer: I do not wish reply approximately playing more commonly, however I can inform you that on-line poker is dependable. I play poker for a dwelling and I go plenty of hours on-line, on severals web page. Never had any challenge, and in no way heard of any challenge from gamers. Now the one factor you wish watch out is if in case you have two gamers on the desk who " paintings" in combination...however it is infrequent! and in case you see anything "weard",difference desk, write to the web page, and ***** approximately a participant. Sign to a popular and fashionable web page in case you wish, however once more I play hundreds and hundreds of poker palms every week and no prob... take care,...Show more

Darrin Hixenbaugh: Illinois Compiled StatutesLast Updated Mar. 20, 2007Sec. 5-2. When accountability exists.A person is legally accountable for the conduct of another when:(a) Having a mental state described by the statute defining the offense, he causes another to! perform the conduct, and the other person in fact or by reason of lega! l incapacity lacks such a mental state; or(b) The statute defining the offense makes him so accountable; orEither before or during the commission of an offense, and with the intent to promote or facilitate such commission, he solicits, aids, abets, agrees or attempts to aid, such other person in the planning or commission of the offense.(c) Either before or during the commission of an offense, and with the intent to promote or facilitate such commission, he solicits, aids, abets, agrees or attempts to aid, such other person in the planning or commission of the offense. However, a person is not so accountable, unless the statute defining the offense provides otherwise, if:(1) He is a victim of the offense committed; or(2) The offense is so defined that his conduct was inevitably incident to its commission; or(3) Before the commission of the offense, he terminates his effort to promote or facilitate such commission, and does one of the following: wholly deprives his prior eff! orts of effectiveness in such commission, or gives timely warning to the proper law enforcement authorities, or otherwise makes proper effort to prevent the commission of the offense. CRIMINAL OFFENSESARTICLE 28. GAMBLING AND RELATED OFFENSES(720 ILCS 5/28â€'1) (from Ch. 38, par. 28â€'1)Sec. 28â€'1. Gambling.(a) A person commits gambling when he:(1) Plays a game of chance or skill for money or other thing of value, unless excepted in subsection (b) of this Section; or(2) Makes a wager upon the result of any game, contest, or any political nomination, appointment or election; or(3) Operates, keeps, owns, uses, purchases, exhibits, rents, sells, bargains for the sale or lease of, manufactures or distributes any gambling device; or(4) Contracts to have or give himself or another the option to buy or sell, or contracts to buy or sell, at a future time, any grain or other commodity whatsoever, or any stock or security of any company, where it is at the time of making such contr! act intended by both parties thereto that the contract to buy or sell, ! or the option, whenever exercised, or the contract resulting therefrom, shall be settled, not by the receipt or delivery of such property, but by the payment only of differences in prices thereof; however, the issuance, purchase, sale, exercise, endorsement or guarantee, by or through a person registered with the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 8 of the Illinois Securities Law of 1953, or by or through a person exempt from such registration under said Section 8, of a put, call, or other option to buy or sell securities which have been registered with the Secretary of State or which are exempt from such registration under Section 3 of the Illinois Securities Law of 1953 is not gambling within the meaning of this paragraph (4); or(5) Knowingly owns or possesses any book, instrument or apparatus by means of which bets or wagers have been, or are, recorded or registered, or knowingly possesses any money which he has received in the course of a bet or wager; or(6) Sells p! ools upon the result of any game or contest of skill or chance, political nomination, appointment or election; or(7) Sets up or promotes any lottery or sells, offers to sell or transfers any ticket or share for any lottery; or(8) Sets up or promotes any policy game or sells, offers to sell or knowingly possesses or transfers any policy ticket, slip, record, document or other similar device; or(9) Knowingly drafts, prints or publishes any lottery ticket or share, or any policy ticket, slip, record, document or similar device, except for such activity related to lotteries, bingo games and raffles authorized by and conducted in accordance with the laws of Illinois or any other state or foreign government; or(10) Knowingly advertises any lottery or policy game, except for such activity related to lotteries, bingo games and raffles authorized by and conducted in accordance with the laws of Illinois or any other state; or(11) Knowingly transmits information as to wagers, betting ! odds, or changes in betting odds by telephone, telegraph, radio, semaph! ore or similar means; or knowingly installs or maintains equipment for the transmission or receipt of such information; except that nothing in this subdivision (11) prohibits transmission or receipt of such information for use in news reporting of sporting events or contests; or(12) Knowingly establishes, maintains, or operates an Internet site that permits a person to play a game of chance or skill for money or other thing of value by means of the Internet or to make a wager upon the result of any game, contest, political nomination, appointment, or election by means of the Internet.(b) Participants in any of the following activities shall not be convicted of gambling therefor:(1) Agreements to compensate for loss caused by the happening of chance including without limitation contracts of indemnity or guaranty and life or health or accident insurance;(2) Offers of prizes, award or compensation to the actual contestants in any bona fide contest for the determination of skil! l, speed, strength or endurance or to the owners of animals or vehicles entered in such contest;(3) Pariâ€'mutuel betting as authorized by the law of this State;(4) Manufacture of gambling devices, including the acquisition of essential parts therefor and the assembly thereof, for transportation in interstate or foreign commerce to any place outside this State when such transportation is not prohibited by any applicable Federal law;(5) The game commonly known as "bingo", when conducted in accordance with the Bingo License and Tax Act;(6) Lotteries when conducted by the State of Illinois in accordance with the Illinois Lottery Law;(7) Possession of an antique slot machine that is neither used nor intended to be used in the operation or promotion of any unlawful gambling activity or enterprise. For the purpose of this subparagraph (b)(7), an antique slot machine is one manufactured 25 years ago or earlier;(8) Raffles when conducted in accordance with the Raffles Act;(9) Chari! table games when conducted in accordance with the Charitable Games Act;! (10) Pull tabs and jar games when conducted under the Illinois Pull Tabs and Jar Games Act; or(11) Gambling games conducted on riverboats when authorized by the Riverboat Gambling Act.(c) Sentence.Gambling under subsection (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section is a Class A misdemeanor. Gambling under any of subsections (a)(3) through (a)(11) of this Section is a Class A misdemeanor. A second or subsequent conviction under any of subsections (a)(3) through (a)(11), is a Class 4 felony. Gambling under subsection (a)(12) of this Section is a Class A misdemeanor. A second or subsequent conviction under subsection (a)(12) is a Class 4 felony.(d) Circumstantial evidence.In prosecutions under subsection (a)(1) through (a)(12) of this Section circumstantial evidence shall have the same validity and weight as in any criminal prosecution.(Source: P.A. 91â€'257, eff. 1â€'1â€'00.)(720 ILCS 5/28â€'1.1) (from Ch. 38, par. 28â€'1.1)Sec. 28â€'1.1. Syndicated gambling.(a) Declaration of Purpose.! Recognizing the close relationship between professional gambling and other organized crime, it is declared to be the policy of the legislature to restrain persons from engaging in the business of gambling for profit in this State. This Section shall be liberally construed and administered with a view to carrying out this policy.(b) A person commits syndicated gambling when he operates a "policy game" or engages in the business of bookmaking.(c) A person "operates a policy game" when he knowingly uses any premises or property for the purpose of receiving or knowingly does receive from what is commonly called "policy":(1) money from a person other than the better or player whose bets or plays are represented by such money; or(2) written "policy game" records, made or used over any period of time, from a person other than the better or player whose bets or plays are represented by such written record.(d) A person engages in bookmaking when he receives or accepts more than fiv! e bets or wagers upon the result of any trials or contests of skill, sp! eed or power of endurance or upon any lot, chance, casualty, unknown or contingent event whatsoever, which bets or wagers shall be of such size that the total of the amounts of money paid or promised to be paid to such bookmaker on account thereof shall exceed $2,000. Bookmaking is the receiving or accepting of such bets or wagers regardless of the form or manner in which the bookmaker records them.(e) Participants in any of the following activities shall not be convicted of syndicated gambling:(1) Agreements to compensate for loss caused by the happening of chance including without limitation contracts of indemnity or guaranty and life or health or accident insurance; and(2) Offers of prizes, award or compensation to the actual contestants in any bona fide contest for the determination of skill, speed, strength or endurance or to the owners of animals or vehicles entered in such contest; and(3) Pariâ€'mutuel betting as authorized by law of this State; and(4) Manufacture of! gambling devices, including the acquisition of essential parts therefor and the assembly thereof, for transportation in interstate or foreign commerce to any place outside this State when such transportation is not prohibited by any applicable Federal la...Show more

Maynard Reevers: Also what kind of punishment you can get in for doing this. Citation would be great too

Marvella Benward: i dont have a site but i can tell you that online gambling is legal in all of these united states what is not legal is for your bank to make deposits to gambling sites thats why you cant use a bank card to load up your account but there are ways around it just use google and search for how to load your poker account via epassport or a prepaid visa card those work well for me.

Emeline Albracht: ||Hi You can find a list of reliable safe online casinos at@@@ Http://Virtual-online-internet-casino.Blogspot.com/It's my own experienceGood luck.||...Show more

Perry Deshazior! : online gambling legal illinois

Sylvie Snetting: 1

Jesse P! irieda: you should try and contacting them and asking them.. since you need it by a certain time

Estrella Northway: RE:Is online gambling legal in Illinois?I'm interested in online gambling but I don't know if it's legal in Illinois. I've tried looking for information on the internet about this subject but everything I find is too complicated to understand. If someone can direct me to a website that can confirm the legality of online......Show more

Kris Otuafi: You'd be better off letting him cut off your nose. Eating that much candy corn is likely to make you diabetic.Seriously.

Ira Porietis: In sports there are repeating patterns and trends that make teams win or loose. you can definitely make money if you follow a system and use a good betting software. One good site you can test for free is http://sportbetting.toptips.org

Fritz Sisomphou: There is NO federal law that makes the act of wagering online illegal. The only federal law that addresses! gambling is the wire act from the 1960's which makes it illegal to place wagers via the telephone. The US government passed a port security law and tacked on provisions (UIGEA) that make it illegal for BANKS, not players, to fund or accept payment from gaming sources. The only problem (for the govt) is that there are dozens of third party methods available for funding and no way to trace ACH credits. In other words, the new provisions are only for show and the end result is a waste of ink. I still use my VISA check card and e-check on my favorite sites. Online gaming will be impossible to completely eliminate from the US. The best they can do is make it inconvenient. Eventually I see the industry being regulated and taxed...heavily!The only states with laws directed towards online wagering are Michigan, Illinois, Louisiana, Oregon, Wisconsin, Washington, Indiana, Nevada, New York, New Jersey and South Dakota. Although these states do have specific laws pertaining to online! gaming, there has not been any charges laid.Some sites have decided, o! n their own, to no longer accept American players. These are the publicly traded companies and most have returned to private owners. There are still many highly reputable sites that welcome and cater to American clients.I have wagered online for years and make good money betting on sports and playing poker. You can get free sports betting tips, poker tips, matchup stats, tools, sports picks, stats, and reviews of only highly reputable gaming sites at http://GamblingReviewsSite.com/The recommended sites all offer top customer service, security, and fast/free payouts....Show more

Denna Prudente: 2

Rayford Speziale: I order 2 things from them.The first one is still pending,and the second one is already ready.Why is the first one not ready yet.I need it for a birthday before april.And If it keeps on being pending, i dont think that will happen.What can I do.If it matters, the first product is a Ds fire link card.Second is a Ez flash v and Ez flash 3 in 1 combo....Sh! ow more

Lynn Melbourne: I'm from Chicago and yes its legal just like in other states just some on line poker sites won't let you play sins you are from USA

Douglass Sarley: I am addicted to betting, and i made a crazy one in vegas with my friend- if i don't eat 1000 pounds of candy corn in ten years (from march 23) and show him every wrapper, he promised to cut off my nose. HELP

Benita Nancy: go to www.sportsbookreveiws.com

Comment accomplir un volume de travail élevé

Comment accomplir un volume de travail élevé

Bien qu’il soit bon pour les travailleurs d’assumer un volume de travail élevé pour montrer qu’ils sont diligents et fiables, cela signifie également qu’il faut mettre en place une stratégie pour prévenir l’épuisement professionnel. Apprendre à gérer votre journée de façon à ce que vous obteniez le meilleur rendement possible et prendre des mesures pour réduire votre stress quotidien font tous deux partie d’un plan visant à obtenir un volume de travail élevé de la meilleure façon possible.

Prévoyez du temps pour les interruptions. Personne ne peut éviter d’être interrompu dans un milieu de travail occupé. Au lieu de fermer votre porte et de dire à personne de ne pas vous parler toute la journée, prévoyez des heures dans la journée où vous êtes prêt à être interrompu. Par exemple, si vous êtes professeur, annoncer les « h! eures de bureau » signifie que vous permettez aux étudiants de vous interrompre quand ils ont besoin d’aide.

Classez les tâches par ordre de priorité en fonction de la date limite. Prenez 30 minutes chaque matin et planifiez votre journée en dressant une liste des tâches les plus importantes par ordre d’échéance. Ajustez cette liste tout au long de la journée afin de vous attaquer en priorité aux tâches les plus importantes, même si de nouvelles tâches arrivent sur votre bureau au cours de la journée.

Éliminez les distractions de l’espace de travail. Une fois que vous aurez tracé votre expérience de travail quotidienne, vous disposerez d’un guide visuel qui vous permettra d’arrêter de faire des choses qui nuisent à votre flux de travail. Par exemple, vous pouvez désactiver les notifications par e-mail pour ne pas courir après les e-mails à la demande, mais plutôt réserver des blocs de temps pour les envoyer par e-mail.

Ac! cordez-vous des pauses. Pour aider à prévenir l’épuisemen! t professionnel, prenez de petites pauses tout au long de la journée. Il peut s’agir de ruptures technologiques, comme s’éloigner de votre bureau pour que personne ne puisse vous contacter pendant un bref instant. Les pauses peuvent aussi être le passage à une autre tâche pendant une courte période. Les pauses, c’est bien. Envisagez d’en prendre une toutes les heures.

Arrête de penser au travail quand tu rentres chez toi. Essayez de quitter le travail lorsque vous rentrez chez vous pour la journée. Établissez des limites avec votre patron et vos collègues de travail pour qu’ils ne communiquent pas avec vous lorsque vous êtes à la maison, ou obtenez un téléphone au travail distinct et éteignez-le une fois que vous êtes à la maison.

Avertissez vos collègues de travail de votre besoin de vous concentrer. Ne mettez pas une pancarte sur votre bureau pour dire à vos collègues de vous laisser tranquille. Envoyez un courriel ou dites-leur f! ace à face pour qu’aucune animosité ne se développe. Expliquez que vous avez un horaire précis chaque jour pour les interruptions et demandez-leur de respecter votre horaire quotidien.

Recrutez des collègues qui peuvent vous aider. Vous pourriez être en mesure d’impartir une partie du travail de votre charge de travail élevée en trouvant des collègues qualifiés. Vous voudrez peut-être trouver un collègue de travail qui peut accomplir des tâches que vous trouvez difficiles, ou trouver des collègues à qui vous pouvez confier le travail facile.

Prenez des précautions de sécurité. Il peut également être stressant d’avoir à penser à votre sécurité physique et à celle de vos collègues lorsque vous travaillez sur un volume de travail élevé si votre travail exige un travail physique. Mettez en place des mesures de sécurité afin d’éliminer ce facteur de stress de votre environnement de travail.

Dites à votre patron que vous d! evez rester concentré. Bien que votre patron soit celui qui vous a pro! bablement assigné une lourde charge de travail en premier lieu, le tenir au courant de vos contraintes de temps l’aidera à comprendre pour qu’il ne vous donne pas un travail qui vous distrait. Soyez poli et demandez leur avis sur votre charge de travail afin de rester en bons termes avec eux.

Planifiez des récompenses pour vous-même. Vous promettre de prendre une pause à un moment donné d’un projet peut vous aider à conserver la motivation dont vous avez besoin pour terminer le travail. Mais vous pouvez voir plus loin que les récompenses quotidiennes. Planifiez un voyage de vacances ou de fin de semaine pour vous donner quelque chose à attendre avec impatience.

Sachez que vous êtes probablement stressé. Lorsque vous travaillez sur un volume de travail élevé, vous subissez probablement beaucoup de pression. Vous pouvez vous sentir submergé par la quantité de travail que vous avez à conquérir. Éventuellement, le stress vous donnera envie dâ! €™arrêter de fumer, ce qui entraînera l’épuisement professionnel. Pour l’éviter, vous devez réduire le stress.

Organisez votre espace de travail. Garder votre espace de travail organisé n’est pas seulement bon pour éliminer les choses qui vous distraient, c’est aussi bon pour donner le ton à une journée de travail efficace. Si les documents dont vous avez besoin sont enterrés dans une pile, vous perdez du temps à chercher. Conservez tout ce dont vous avez besoin dans un endroit spécifique afin de pouvoir vous déplacer rapidement.

Décidez quels engagements sont inutiles. Dans votre milieu de travail, il se peut que vous ayez de nombreux engagements en plus de ceux qui se rapportent à votre projet à volume élevé actuel. Prenez le temps d’évaluer ces engagements. Ont-ils un rapport spécifique avec votre description de poste ? Y a-t-il un collègue plus qualifié pour traiter avec eux ?

Voyez combien de temps vous consacrez à cha! que projet. Créez un journal de temps pour enregistrer le temps que vo! us passez sur une partie typique de votre charge de travail. Une fois que vous avez établi le temps que vous prenez, vous pouvez prendre des mesures pour réduire ce temps. Vous pouvez également utiliser ce délai pour établir un horaire quotidien plus efficace.

Faites preuve de courtoisie et de tact dans toutes vos interactions au travail. Rappelez-vous que vous voulez maintenir un environnement de travail agréable parce que des collègues mécontents peuvent augmenter votre stress et vous distraire. Pour ce faire, soyez poli et gentil autant que possible dans vos interactions.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

pirates of the spanish main constructible card game to unassemble or not?

Catheryn Barringer: Definitly Not.I am a big fan of this game and have about 5 packs from each of the first 5 expansion packs.What I do is on the status card where it shows the dice for each flag is I take a dry-erase marker and cross off the flag thats been "destroyed". This way the flags dont break and I still know which ones have been destroyed, how many cannons i still have, etc. etc.Happy sailing!...Show more

Marita Stadick: I leave mine assembled because taking them apart would either damage the part or the part would get lost.

Comment démarrer une entreprise en concession

Comment démarrer une entreprise en concession

Recherchez le leadership. Surtout dans un stand de concession, où il n’y aura probablement que quelques personnes qui travaillent en même temps, vous voulez embaucher des gens qui sont des autodidactes.

Trouver du financement extérieur. La plupart des gens n’ont pas l’argent dont ils ont besoin pour démarrer leur entreprise.

Pensez à votre équipement. L’équipement dont vous aurez besoin dépend de votre menu.

Décidez d’un thème. Vous voudrez travailler à la création de votre menu avant d’acheter l’équipement pour votre stand de concession.

Tenez compte des besoins de vos employés. Si vous embauchez des employés, commencez petit.

Envisagez la possibilité d’utiliser des appareils mobiles ou stationnaires. En fonction de vos objectifs, vous devez dÃ! ©terminer si vous voulez créer un stand de concession stationnaire ou quelque chose de plus mobile, comme une remorque, que vous pouvez facilement apporter à divers types d’événements.

Déterminez votre public cible. Vous devriez avoir une idée générale de vos objectifs de vente. Où voulez-vous vendre ? A qui voulez-vous vendre ?

Inscrivez le but de votre entreprise. Comme pour toute entreprise, vous voulez d’abord créer votre énoncé de mission. Cela vous aidera à imaginer clairement ce que sera votre entreprise.

Tenir compte du débit. Lorsque vous décidez de l’équipement de votre stand, réfléchissez à l’endroit où vous allez l’installer et à la façon dont il va fonctionner pendant une journée de travail typique.

Décidez comment afficher votre menu. Vous pouvez choisir des impressions permanentes ou des enseignes, ou choisir un tableau de menu que vous pouvez modifier.

Faites des quarts d’essai. C’est la mei! lleure façon de s’assurer qu’une embauche potentielle cor! respond bien à votre installation.

Obtenez un permis et une assurance. Vous aurez besoin d’un permis approprié avant de pouvoir commencer à servir de la nourriture.

Tenir compte des coûts et de la main-d’Å"uvre. Vous ne voulez pas que toutes vos options incluent des ingrédients très coûteux ou des processus à forte intensité de main-d’Å"uvre.

Trouvez un véhicule ou un support. C’est l’épine dorsale de votre entreprise et c’est crucial pour commencer votre installation. Vous voudrez considérer la taille en fonction de ce que vous voulez cuisiner et de l’endroit où vous voulez avoir votre véhicule ou votre stand.

Commencez petit. Au début, ne rendez pas votre menu trop copieux. Vous pourrez toujours en ajouter plus tard.

Établissez des buts et des objectifs précis. Avant de commencer à exploiter votre concession ou même d’acheter votre équipement, vous voulez avoir des objectifs précis.

Songez à louer u! ne cuisine commerciale. Si votre menu nécessite plus de préparation et d’équipement que ce que votre stand peut contenir, envisagez de louer un espace de cuisine commerciale pour la préparation et l’entreposage.

Fixez des prix réalistes. Lorsque vous créez votre menu, vous voulez conserver des estimations approximatives du coût de vos plats.

Créer une stratégie de marketing. Comprendre comment vous allez commercialiser votre produit peut être un moyen important d’obtenir une première affaire et du financement.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

card games?

Marco Stolarz: spades, hearts, bridge, cribbage, gin, gin-rummy, poker, black jack, b** Sh*t, spoons, solitaire, go-fish, old-maid, canasta, slap-jack, speed, war,oh man I could go on for days.

Lawanna Livsey: how do you play them

Mitchel Demry: http://www.pagat.com/alpha.htmlI win.

Tobie Oshea: Board: Snorta, Elfenland, Settlers of Catan, Pillars of the Earth, Run on your existence Candyman, skill Grid, Seismic, Carcassone, acquire, Rail Baron, Empire Builder, Starfarers of Catan, value ticket To journey (Europe or US), Union Pacific, Pirate's Cove, Treehouse Card: Zigity, Fluxx, Killer Bunnies, Munchkin, Chez Geek, 5 Crowns, chop up, Pinnochle, Illuminati, the completely Insane Card pastime, area 10, Uno, The Queens Necklace, Guillotine, Apples to Apples, the excellent Dalmuti...Show more

Ismael Sixon: palacehold 'emblackjackpokergo fishcanastabridgecrazy eightsold maid9 card brag52 card pick upBack Alley BridgeBlackoutBetween The SheetsB.SZap Yo! ur Neighbor..Three Card Monte...CapitolismRatscrewRummyPresidentOklahoma GinNapoleonDouble Or NothingI Doubt It.Cat and MouseCheatSolitairePyrmaidsHeartsWar...Show more

Charlotte Bryar: http://www.learnthat.com/courses/fun/cardgames/

Efren Clankscales: solitaire is my fav. (MSN or Yahoo)

Season Confalone: One of my favorites was Oh, Pshaw - there's betting, and tricks and trumps.The number of cards in a hand increases with each deal. The dealer is the last to bet and the betting cannot come out even. I loved it...

Francisco Schonhardt: Continuo. Color-matching card game. Flinch. Stockpile card game, around for over 100 years. Kwa-Do. Japanese matching card game. Mille Bornes. An auto race card game. Mystery Rummy. Series of rummy games revolving around mysteries. Ouija Oracle. Card game based on the ouija board. Pit. Card game based on commodity trading. Pokeno. Also known as Po-Ke-No. Rook. Simpler than bridge, first introduced in! 1906. Royalty. Sort of a rummy word game. Tripoley Uno. ! WaterWorks. Card game based on Monopoly board game. Weatherslam. A cross between Wizard and Hearts, with a weather theme. Wizard. Popular trump card game....Show more

Dewey Heersink: Go fishEgyptian rat screwpokercraps13warbullsh*t...Show more

Monday, 20 July 2020

Where can I buy Mall of Horror board game?

Elvie Drumgoole: I already own City of Horror. It's a great game but nothing can beat the original.

Darren Heling: Mall Of Horror Board Game

Clinton Quant: There is one copy for sale on Board Game Geek in the BGG Marketplace right now, but it's current going price is $125.00, which is a bit too high I figure.There is a game that is either coming out very soon, or which is already out called "City of Horror". It's from the same designer and has many of the same elements to the game, but it's been improved a bit and I've heard a couple of reviews that say that they prefer City over Mall, that the changes really helped improve the game. And, City of Horror is only about $40 on BGG Marketplace and is still available on Amazon for about the same price.So: While you probably won't be able to find a good copy of Mall of Horror for a reasonable price, you can get the improved version, City Of Horror, for a good price and it has better play style according to board gam! e reviewers....Show more

Cómo asistir a una clase de oratoria

Cómo asistir a una clase de oratoria

Concéntrese tanto en la investigación como en la realización de discursos. Dos de las áreas clave en las que se le calificará incluyen: la calidad de su investigación y la calidad de su entrega.

Practica, practica, practica, practica. Hablar en público puede ser, y es divertido, si usted está completamente preparado y confiado con su entrega. Una de las mejores maneras de prepararse es practicar su discurso frente a sus amigos unas cuantas veces para averiguar lo que piensan al respecto. Encuentre una audiencia que apoye, pero que sea realista en su evaluación. Otra opción es grabar su voz en su teléfono con cámara y verla. Cuantas más veces practiques, más suave serás en la entrega y más seguro estarás frente a un grupo.

Tenga en cuenta que la mayoría de las clases de oratoria requieren que los estudiantes hagan un discurso en tr! es o cuatro áreas. Estos incluyen discursos informativos, demostrativos, persuasivos y entretenidos.  Cada categoría tiene su propio estilo y enfoque.

Trate de entender el sistema de calificación de su profesor o instructor. A menudo las calificaciones se basan en los puntos obtenidos por los discursos, junto con los puntos por asistencia, el examen final, etc. Aunque pueda parecer que los puntos están fijados, los profesores a veces encontrarán una manera de dar crédito extra a los estudiantes que son entusiastas o que hacen mejoras constantes durante el semestre. Perder un discurso importante puede tener el efecto contrario, cuando se tiene la «duda del beneficio».

Ganar confianza. Quizás la razón principal por la que la gente teme hablar es porque temen cometer un error y que se rían de ellos en el escenario. Por lo general, sucede lo contrario…. El público quiere que tengas éxito (no quieren tener una noche aburrida). Si usted comete un erro! r menor, la audiencia a menudo ni siquiera lo notará. Confía! en ti mismo para autocorregirte en el momento. Esto es especialmente fácil si te has preparado bien y tienes mucho material para compartir con la audiencia. Una de las mejores estrategias para mantenerse relajado y seguro es pensar en su discurso como una conversación prolongada entre amigos, en lugar de una presentación formal.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Rain & Amusement Parks?

Clement Viscarro: They might shut the rides down if there is lighting coming out of the sky but if it is just drizzling they should keep them open. If they are closed they will probably close them as long as it t-storms. you might get a refund if you're lucky

Lita Thammorongsa: Dont know about that but when i was at universal studios hollywood the other day the water ride was not closed and people seemed to not mind about the rain...

Burt Cheevers: If it's lightning they'll shut the outdoor rides down for a while, but most rides still go in a light rain. There's still shows & indoor stuff to do, so amusement parks rarely (if ever) issue refunds or rain checks.:o)

Hye Caulley: Most parks do not close for bad weather, unless it's a water park. Any exposed rides will be shut down though. And as for the refund, it depends on the parks policy. You can look it up on their website.

How can I tell my parents that I am no longer a virgin?  

How can I tell my parents that I am no longer a virgin?  

answers 0:Since like 3rd grade i have had crushes on female teachers and students who were really pretty and like in their twenties, for some reason I have always wanted to be around them. I have watched like every recent Lesbian movie and have enjoyed them very much. Girls in general just make me smile and I love making them happy and pleasing them. So I've recently had sex with a girl, And I'm afraid that my parents will not trust me anymore. I don't know what to do. I've had no protection on as well so I am no longer a virgin and a lesbian too. fml....Show moreanswers 1:nah brahanswers 2:You don't need to tell them if you don't want to. But when you feel ready to 'Come out', you should tell them first. Even if they notice you aren't interested in boys now, they probably think it hasn't happene! d yet. A good thing about a girl being gay, is people take less notice of girls who are affectionate in public, than they do guys, as girls are allowed to be more emotional.answers 3:That's a hard one. Why don't you try drop small hints here and there? Give it time, but do not try to hide who you are 🙂 Our parents loves us -17yrs old in the closetanswers 4:Don't tell them jack they will over react simply when your 17 or 18 lay down on them and bring home a * cough * special friend to dinner and call her hun n babe and all that kinda stuff to kinda give your parents an idea of your interestsanswers 5:I think I would start with just letting them know that you're attracted to girls. See how they react to that first. Since you aren't at risk of getting pregnant, and don't need contraception, I don't think they really NEED to know that you're sexually active. But you really should use some sort of protection. There are tons of std's out there. And most people with them, don'! t know they have them. Protect yourself :)Good luck!...answers! 6:Oh, i am fourteen.answers 7:Please use protection hun. Pregnancy is not the only worry. Whether it be dental dams or I know this sounds crazy.. but female condoms even, or just make sure you are washing your hands often and well to not transfer things... Any time you touch someone's personal areas and then touch your own, you are running the risk of transferring STDs. It sounds like you are having doubts though so maybe you aren't ready for sexual activity in life. 14 is really young and there are other ways you can express love and attraction for others! At 14, life should be about friendships and fun (some school on the side lol) but getting involved in serious relationships should be left til later in life in my opinion.Ok, that aside! Your parents should be the ones to support you most. Do they have any idea that you are a lesbian? When you feel its time to bring it up with them, then its the right time. But in the meantime, take ownership of your own body and be car! eful! And don't think badly of yourself ever. There is nothing wrong with being different than "average". Who you love is your own business....answers 8:Part of it depends on how open minded your parents are. if they do not have issues with different forms of sexuality, start first telling them you are attracted to girls, one bomb at a time. That is going to take a while for them to understand, and even the most open minded may think it is just a phase due to your age. Once they have a grip on that, then tell them the rest. They will most likely not be pleased to find out you are active in any way, but relieved it was a girl, so no chance of you being a young mother. Be prepared to get lectured about being irresponsible, reckless etc, for having sex so young, and be respectful when they speak. If you have the close minded sort of parents, this is going to be even tougher. They will not only not be happy you had sex, but will also think you are ill, mentally unstable, or wo! rse. I would definitely take the time to find out how they feel about t! he different forms of sexuality before going the rest of the way on this. It will give you a better guide to go by then anything anyone here can tell you....

Saturday, 18 July 2020

stomache ache from drinking certain drinks?

Dick Baumgarten: Sometimes the sweet & sour or other mixes used at the bar is too acidic for some people. Don't drink those drinks.No long islands. kami kazis no lemonades etc. Good luck and happy drinking!

Keven Woodington: i visit flow with whoever stated an prolonged island, yet i visit up it a notce =) attempt a 'Blue long island' (i think of it has a various call, i basically won't be in a position to think of of it good now - yet maximum bartenders would know what a blue long island is) that's each and all the comparable aspects as an prolonged island, yet as a replace of coke it has blue curacoa, yet another liquor. no longer purely is it better than an prolonged island besides the shown fact that it tastes much greater advantageous! in spite of if that's made properly, it tastes greater like a fruit punch than long island. the situation which will decrease to rubble the flavor is basically too lots tequila. sturdy success! (Oh, and sangria become an incredib! le suggestion too)...Show more

Antonia Boomershine: dont drink them

Particia Thorton: Alcohol is pretty rough on the stomach.The short-term effects of alcohol on the body include:upset stomach;diarrhea;lack of coordination and judgment;headaches; andinsomnia.Give it a break and don't drink as much. Make sure you're drinking enough water too. It helps with stomach issues and flushes you out....Show more

Ervin Overbee: Ah, see! Parrot Bay = Artificial Coconut flavor, or extra sugarMike's Hard Lemonade = Artificial sweetner/ SUGAR!!!That's also what causes the hangover... If you like bourbon, try a Seven and Seven...Show more

Arlen Decorte: the real sweet stuff is causing you some acid reflux isssues. it's a common complaint with mikes, smirinoff ices, zimas ( etc ). stay away from the sugared down malt beverages.

Margy Sandquist: You have an ulcer ..made worse by those drinks..time to quit!

Comment dupliquer des Pokémon dans Pokémon Émeraude

Comment dupliquer des Pokémon dans Pokémon Émeraude

Allez parler à la dame de LINK MULTI BATTLE ROOM (celle qui est la plus proche du PC) et dites-lui CHALLENGE. Choisissez la catégorie de Pokémon à cloner (Niveau 50 ou Niveau ouvert et sélectionnez deux Pokémon. La dame va maintenant dire : « Avant d’entrer dans la SALLE DE BATAILLE, votre progrès doit être sauvé. C’est d’accord ? Dites OUI. Maintenant, vous remarquerez un petit décalage dans le temps.

Battez l’Elite 4 et déverrouillez la Battle Frontier. Ensuite, volez jusqu’à la frontière de la bataille et allez à la tour de la bataille.

Ouvrez à nouveau le PC et retirez les Pokémon que vous souhaitez cloner.

Lorsque la phrase « Souhaitez-vous sauvegarder la partie » apparaît, sélectionnez OUI. Maintenant, éteignez le jeu et rallumez-le. Vous trouverez ! les Pokémon dans votre fête et le PC !

Allez sur le PC de la Tour de la Bataille et déposez les Pokémon que vous voulez cloner. Quittez le PC et sauvegardez le jeu.

Friday, 17 July 2020

Fast Food........??

Jackelyn Archut: For example: Burger KING, Dary QUEEN, White CASTLE. Do you know of any others? Why so many "royal"names?

Hope Lundmark: Wendy's, because its the closest & they are the fastest around here!

Byron Fortmann: burger king. because of there whoppers

Stormy Beliard: Popeye's!!! I love their chicken. It doesn't sog like KFCs. I don't eat alot of fast foods. Haven't you watched "Super Size Me"?

Heidi Creselious: Taco Bell, just cause.

Francis Stickle: KFC. because i like the taste of the chicken but once i had 5 peices and i felt really sick so i only have a little about once a month.

Hipolito Rightmire: Church's chicken. I just love that tasty chicken

Virgilio Echter: mcdonalds! love thier fries!!!!!!!!

Brock Anwar: The Whopper was released first. The whopper was added to the BK menu in 1957, while the Big Mac from Mickey D's didn't come out until 10 years later in the year 1967. It was originally named the "Big Bo! y". (Talking about the Big Mac.)

Rolanda Merritt: Fast food: If done well, fresh (not frozen) and charbroiled, then it's royal!

Heidi Creselious: Taco del mar -- There Chili Cheese Fries

Alise Rutgers: Royalty is the best of the best according to society. That is why fast food restaurants use royal names.

Mayola Sylva: LITTLE CAESAR'S PIZZA" ....although they are getting harder to find .

Lourie Mcroberts: i dont eat fast food anymore...its disgusting, makes me feel like crap after i eat it, and is fattening.

Eli Trapeni: McDonalds

Mario Stricklan: Arby's because they are more unique. They have roast beef instead of hamburgers all the time. Also I think their fries are better and they have more variety of them. Horsey Sauce rules!

Charissa Bichsel: The Power of Choice!

Jose Bouliouris: Jimmy John's all the wayjust because

Brian Marquina: none.they've all reuined the world. creating more fat and unhealthy peop! le, taking away from possible family time during family meals ! and create more pollution and are a huge factor to Gobal Warming.

Bo Perham: Wendy's...I just love all their food it doesn't taste overly fattening and there are salads and baked potatoes if you're not in the mood for a burger and fries. Ice cream for when it's hot!

Jonathon Labonne: Because they can use cute little crowns for the kids to enjoy!About the royal names, I think Crab Shack sounds a lot better than Crab Castle, so I guess it's all in how you look at it.I was born in the same year as Charles, Prince of Wales, so royalty was a big thing way back then. Maybe the creators of those places are old like me. .....Show more

Weldon Totaro: McDonalds because I love their food and their infomercials

Kimberlee Bowdish: Does ANY one have that "secret" recipe for the loosemeat tastee sandwich? Tastee Inn & Out is only in Iowa and nebraska.*the recipe for the dip you use for the onion chips would be great also if you have that.

Curt Broadhead: A! rby's - Roast Beef's and that Jamocha shake!

Tillie Wynott: Golden Corral.....the food


Woodrow Neyman: sometimes taco bell, I hate burger king and mc donalds. KFC is nasty too. If i want a burger or chicken sandwich i go to Wendy's. My favorite fast food restaurant is definetly Chick fil-a and Miami Subs.

Elissa Curlin: Arby's Roast Beef .....it's good for me

Vickie Clampett: Jimmy John's because I love their bread and fresh ingredients!

Fannie Collingwood: Arby's. Because of lthe Arby's sauce and Horsey Sauce.

Ervin Overbee: I like Burger king cause I like whoppers.

Ruthe Real: Wendy's... I love frosties

Jeremy Donohue: I like Burger king cause I like whoppers.

Kate Baune: I never thought about that before but your right. Hummmm, I wonder. You forgot McCamilla's though, or maybe I should say, McDon't's. Personally, I favor H! ong Kong Buffet instead of fast food. Fast food is a turn off for me, a! little over a year ago I got a bad case of food poisining and layed in the hospital for several hours hooked up to IV's, thought I'd die, and the way I felt, at that point, it would have been a good thing.

Gregg Hagge: Wendy's, because there cheap and you can eat healthy food too, if you're on a diet

Hipolito Rightmire:

Ramon Dahlheimer: those are the only ones i can think of

Branden Round: its all a joke, by giving these places royal names they think you'll forget that are eating trash

Malissa Porth: http://www.recipezaar.com/The-Blue-Mill-Tavern-Loo...http://www.journalstar.com/articles/2007/05/15/liv...

Virgil Menefee: sonic, they have the best hamburgers and i like all their drink choices

Erin Arron: Well, it's better than Burger Peasant, Dairy Maid, and White Burger Shack I suppose.

Chadwick Schmelz: Dunkin donuts and Taco bells

Kizzy Hett: Burger King. their fries are yummy, their burgers are yummy, their mozzore! lla sticks are yummy, their lettuce is yummy - unlike McDonalds.

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you read?  

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you read?  

answers 0:and i don't mean magazines, newspapers, shampoo bottles, etc.i mean novels.answers 1:yasomehow I ended up hereanswers 2:Not that many Americans believed that, and um we're happy for you that you made it to the 22nd?answers 3:Not yet.answers 4:Half an hour and the 21st of December will be over in Melbourne, Australia… but did you know that some parts of the world are already gone into the 22nd? So obviously that's proof that the world isn't going to end. Do any of you still believe this nonsense? It's beyond a joke. NO one in Australia even believed the world would end but it looks like quite a few Americans do… :/ Awkward.answers 5:7answers 6:Yes.answers 7:People are going to try and make it seem like its ending when its really not! Some people just have problems.answers 8:Yup I have to go to hell tommorow at 5:! 00 I'm the morning. it's,its....schoolanswers 9:No parts of the Earth have gone to the 22nd yet. Pretty close though. In Sydney it's 11:33 PM. The world is obviously not going to end. Apparently the Bible says there will be signs. Well there have been no signs here in Australia. And in regards to Kansas/Oklahoma/Texas, I haven't heard any news about any flaming, alien F-47 tornado. So no.answers 10:I'm a 10. I am a book-a-holic and always, always have one going and another one waiting and watching my authors for when they have a new one coming out. LIKE tomorrow, one of my authors is having a new book come out.... 🙂 Wait, I can't go get it, Drats! I have a dental appointment... grumble, grumbleanswers 11:1 - I hardly ever read.answers 12:7.5mine?? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Avwyp... answers 13:That's another reason why scientist quickly discarded that dumb theory. Japan Is already 22nd lol, but anywayanswers 14:I had THE weirdest dream in the worl! d but you probably won't understand most of it....it had to do! with David Duchovny and some people I know...man it was weird but it was really cool at the same timeI had so many though that I can't remember themI can't help lmao-ing at everyone else's answers!...

Thursday, 16 July 2020

food drier?

Oda Mauson: You buy a food dehydrator, prepare the food as directed by instruction booklet, turn it on and run it until the food is the desired consistency.

Lashawn Zabarkes: My englihs is not very good. But I can tell you about some drier fruits. If you interest, write me. I answer you in spanish.

Comment décider si vous devez conduire pour Uber ou Lyft

Comment décider si vous devez conduire pour Uber ou Lyft

p>Uber et Lyft sont des sociétés de covoiturage similaires, toutes deux exploitées par une application téléchargée sur votre smartphone ou tablette. Les deux entreprises sont toujours à la recherche de nouveaux chauffeurs, et peuvent être de bons lieux de travail pour quelqu’un qui aime conduire. Si vous envisagez de présenter une demande à l’une ou l’autre entreprise, mais que vous ne savez pas quelle est la meilleure option, vous devrez tenir compte du revenu que vous toucherez, des politiques de l’entreprise envers ses chauffeurs et de l’expérience dont vous aurez besoin pour être embauché.

Appliquez à Uber pour des exigences de voiture plus détendues. Bien que les deux sociétés imposent certaines exigences aux conducteurs, celles d’Uber ont tendance à être moin! s strictes. Lyft n’accepte que les conducteurs qui ont des voitures plus récentes, alors que Uber permet aux conducteurs d’avoir des véhicules un peu plus anciens. Peu importe l’entreprise pour laquelle vous faites une demande d’emploi et l’année de votre véhicule, vous aurez probablement besoin d’un certain entretien avant de pouvoir commencer à prendre des clients.

Gagnez un bonus d’inscription plus important avec Lyft. Le montant en dollars d’un bonus d’inscription que vous pouvez gagner dépend naturellement de la ville dans laquelle vous demandez à conduire. Lyft offre généralement des bonus d’inscription plus importants qu’Uber ; un bonus Lyft typique peut varier de 500 $ à 750 $, et peut même atteindre 1 000 $. Bien qu’Uber offre souvent un bonus d’inscription aux nouveaux conducteurs, les montants sont nettement inférieurs. Dans certaines villes, Uber peut ne pas offrir de bonus d’inscription du tout.

Choisissez Ube! r pour la popularité de l’application. Bien que les deux ap! plications offrent un service similaire, Uber est encore beaucoup plus utilisé que Lyft, et fournit un service de covoiturage dans plus de villes. Uber a une clientèle plus importante, donc en tant que pilote Uber, vous aurez plus d’opportunités de faire des tours et de gagner de l’argent. Cela signifie également que, par opposition à la conduite pour Lyft, vous resterez plus occupé et aurez des ramassages de passagers plus réguliers.

Travailler avec un système de basse pression à Lyft. Lyft et Uber ont toutes deux des exigences strictes en matière d’évaluation des conducteurs : si l’évaluation d’un conducteur individuel est inférieure à 4,6, son poste peut prendre fin. La moyenne la plus élevée est la cote la plus récente d’un conducteur (500), alors que la moyenne la plus élevée ne suit que les 100 dernières cotes les plus récentes. Les évaluations plus anciennes ne sont plus prises en compte.

Recevoir une attention plus posit! ive de la part de Lyft. Selon certains anciens chauffeurs des compagnies, Uber peut avoir des relations tendues avec ses propres chauffeurs, alors que Lyft est généralement une compagnie encourageante. Lyft encourage la communauté parmi ses chauffeurs, et l’entreprise indique clairement qu’elle respecte et apprécie ses chauffeurs.

Conduire pour Uber et Lyft. Si vous cherchez à compter sur votre travail de covoiturage comme principale source de revenus, ce n’est pas une mauvaise idée de conduire pour les deux compagnies. Quelle que soit l’entreprise avec laquelle vous choisissez de commencer, ni l’une ni l’autre n’a une politique qui interdit aux conducteurs de travailler pour l’autre simultanément. Cela vous donnera une sécurité d’emploi supplémentaire, car vous pouvez ramasser Uber manèges lorsque les pings Lyft arrivent lentement.

Participez à une ambiance plus professionnelle avec Uber. Uber demande à ses chauffeurs de s’habil! ler professionnellement et de traiter les passagers comme s’ils étai! ent chauffeurs : les chauffeurs doivent ouvrir les portes et soulever les bagages pour leurs passagers. Presque toutes les voitures et VUS Uber sont noirs, et l’entreprise décourage les accessoires individuels sur ou dans la voiture.

Participez à une culture d’entreprise accommodante avec Lyft. Lyft est connue pour avoir une culture d’entreprise accueillante, qui transmet divers avantages aux conducteurs. Par exemple, Lyft donne aux pilotes la possibilité de donner un pourboire à leur conducteur, alors que Uber n’a pas de fonction de pourboire dans leur application. De plus, Lyft prend certaines mesures pour accommoder ses passagers : si un passager note une conduite avec trois étoiles ou moins, l’application ne correspondra plus à ce conducteur et son pilote.

Commencez à un rythme plus lent avec Lyft. Lyft est une entreprise plus petite qu’Uber et, bien que sa base de clients soit en croissance, elle a encore moins de clients réguliers. Si v! ous souhaitez vous familiariser avec votre rôle de chauffeur en covoiturage, planifiez de commencer avec Lyft. En tant que nouveau pilote pour Lyft, vous aurez moins de chances d’avoir des demandes de tours consécutifs.

Bénéficiez de tarifs plus élevés avec Lyft. Le montant qu’un conducteur gagnera pour un trajet unique peut varier en fonction de la ville, de l’heure de la journée et d’autres facteurs. Toutefois, d’une manière générale, les conducteurs de Lyft ont tendance à être rémunérés à un taux plus élevé que les conducteurs d’Uber. Les conducteurs de Lyft gagnent en moyenne environ 17,50 $ l’heure. Les conducteurs d’Uber gagnent environ 15,68 $ l’heure.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Vegan Babies?

Emerita Sciandra: I don't think it's healthy at all because we are omnivores for a reason. In fact, there was an article in the paper a few months ago or a year ago about how one family forced their children to become vegetarians/vegans (I forgot which) and it was considered as child abuse.Here's the article: http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/index.php?sty=411...

Torri Tippey: I know only 2 babies that enjoyed eating meat as babies. The rest had to have the flavor covered up! Babies know best. They know they want the breast when the mom is trying to shove a bottle in their mouth (not complaining about bottles just saying babies are programmed a certain wayand know what they need even if we have no clue what they need). Babies eat some veggies without complaint and love fruit! What else do they really need then??

Vernon Martorana: There are many benefits to a diet containing meat. Many vegetarians claim that meat is unhealthy. This is a blatant fallacy. It is we! ll established that eating meat improves the quality of nutrition, strengthens the immune system, promotes normal growth and development, is beneficial for day-to-day health, energy and well-being, and helps ensure optimal learning and academic performance. A long term study found that children who eat more meat are less likely to have deficiencies than those who eat little or no meat. Kids who don’t eat meat â€" and especially if they restrict other foods, as many girls are doing â€" are more likely to feel tired, apathetic, unable to concentrate, are sick more often, more frequently depressed, and are the most likely to be malnourished and have stunted growth. Meat and other animal-source foods are the building blocks of healthy growth that have made America’s and Europe's youngsters the tallest, strongest and healthiest in the world. Meat is an important source of quality nutrients, heme iron, protein, zinc and B-complex vitamins. It provides high-quality protein imp! ortant for kids’ healthy growth and development. The iron in! meat (heme iron) is of high quality and well absorbed by the body, unlike nonheme iron from plants which is not well absorbed. More than 90 percent of iron consumed may be wasted when taken without some heme iron from animal sources. Substances found to inhibit nonheme iron absorption include phytates in cereals, nuts and legumes, and polyphenolics in vegetables. Symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, headache, irritability and decreased work performance. For young children, it can lead to impairment in general intelligence, language, motor performance and school readiness. Girls especially need iron after puberty due to blood losses, or if pregnant. Yet studies show 75 percent of teenage girls get less iron than recommended. Meat, poultry and eggs are also good sources of absorbable zinc, a trace mineral vital for strengthening the immune system and normal growth. Deficiencies link to decreased attention, poorer problem solving and short-term memory, weakened immune! system, and the inability to fight infection. While nuts and legumes contain zinc, plant fibre contains phytates that bind it into a nonabsorbable compound. Found almost exclusively in animal products, Vitamin B12 is necessary for forming new cells. A deficiency can cause anaemia and permanent nerve damage and paralysis. The Vitimin B12 in plants isn't even bioavailable, meaning our body can't use it.Why not buy food supplements to replace missing vitamins and minerals? Some people believe they can fill those gaps with pills, but they may be fooling themselves. Research consistently shows that real foods in a balanced diet are far superior to trying to make up deficiencies with supplements.Lets not forget either that protein, while it is found in plants, is better quality in animal products.The fact is Humans are omnivores, with the ability to eat nearly everything. By preference, prehistoric people ate a high-protein, high-mineral diet based on meat and animal sources, wh! enever available. Their foods came mainly from three of the five food g! roups: meat, vegetables and fruits. As a result, big game mammoth hunters were tall and strong with massive bones. They grew six inches taller than their farming descendants in Europe, who ate mostly plant foods, and only in recent times regained most of this height upon again eating more meat, eggs and dairy foods....Show more

Danyell Rowback: Look at Nyjah Huston,he was raised vegan.he is perfectly healthy.He is a skateboarder and skateboarding is really phsically demanding.

Malissa Porth: If they're breastfed, they should get all their required nutrition as long as mom eats the right balance of foods. Children under 2 have different dietary guidelines, so check with a pediatrician to see if you need to add suppliments, because they may be lacking vitamins or fats in their diet.

Miguel Koczela: It is not healthy as babies need protien etc to grow, humans were made omnivorous and it is important to start with a little protien, however, I DO NOT THINK ANY ! small baby can eat meat! Those that can, maybe should, ask your doctor for more information, I am not too sure

Tatiana Evanosky: i think its fine, as long as they take a multivitamin (the baby kind given by prescription) and if they are breastfeed or given a soy formula,,,,, my daughter, threw no encouragement by me,,,, did not want meat when she was small,,, 6months or so,,, she would eat all the veggie baby food, but not touch anything with meat or desserts,,, and she was fine,,,, she would eat cheese, which was good

Karey Dunken: The American Dietetic Association's function is that good-deliberate vegan diets are correct for ALL lifestyles levels, being pregnant, lactation and infancy incorporated. All breastfed toddlers are vegan till forged meals are announced (and meat is in no way the primary forged meals, now could be it?) I do actually recognize (in my opinion) 2 vegan kids and either one of them are healthful, wise, splendid youngsters whose mum and da! d are good-versed in getting them the vitamins they want. Beats the one! s mum and dad who take their youngsters to McDonald's two times every week by way of an extended shot. Edit to carpediem: medical professionals could have years of schooling, however such a lot have mere hours (like 2 or 3) of dietary schooling. They are effortlessly now not a riskless supply of dietary recommendation as they're taught to diagnose disorder and deal with it with medications or surgical intervention. Prevention and vitamins aren't priorities for such a lot med colleges. Edit to deal with your extra feedback: I ought to ask what it's in dairy that you're so definite a developing little one demands? The calcium? The protein? People want calcium. And they want protein. But it's not relevant *wherein* they arrive from. Vegan mum and dad effortlessly ensure their kids have become all of the protein and calcium they want from different resources. Statistcs do say that very younger vegan kids are shorter than their friends, however that peak change is made up by way! of youth and humans raised vegan have the identical natural grownup peak as non-vegans. There's a vegan neighborhood in TN referred to as The Farm. They've been round for a long time and all their toddlers are conceived, gestated, nursed and raised vegan. They've allowed researchers to comply with the development in their kids and feature contributed an large quantity of proof in want of elevating healthful vegan youngsters....Show more

Jude Kennelly: This question is about babies. Babies should be fed breast milk from their mother or a wet-nurse or breast milk doner if the mother is unable to do so for whatever reason. That's all they need. This would make all babies 'vegan', if you want to call it that. Which would be wrong, they would just be 'human' 'mammals'.Once they are old enough (say, 8 months old) to start eating some (easily digested) types of food (mango, steamed turnip, etc. -- no animal products yet) but still continuing with breastfeeding for another ! year or so at least. Maybe by the time they are two years old would the! ir digestive system be ready for harder to digest foods, such as meats and processed foods, etc. Most breastfed children (these days) stop breastfeeding completely between 2-4 years. That's natural.But parents want their kids to eat meat, candy, cake, pizza, etc. as soon as possible because they want to give their kids everything they want and show them that they love them....Show more

Freddy Shutler: no they need vitamin's from meat

Comment faire fonctionner un logiciel plus ancien sur Windows Vista

Comment faire fonctionner un logiciel plus ancien sur Windows Vista

Cliquez sur Démarrer (dans le coin inférieur gauche). Cliquez ensuite sur Ordinateur dans la fenêtre qui s’affiche.

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Installez le dernier Service Pack pour Windows Vista de Microsoft. Le dernier pack en date à partir de 2017 est SP2 (Service Pack 2).

Cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur le fichier.exe. On devrait l’appeler le nom du programme.

Cochez la case « Exécuter ce programme en mode Compatibilité pour : ». Sélectionnez la version de Windows pour laquelle vous souhaitez adapter ce programme.

Dirigez-vous vers le dossier du programme que vous souhaitez exécuter. Il devrait s’appeler le nom du programme.

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Cliquez une fois sur n’importe quel fichier, puis appuyez sur « P » sur votre clavier. Double-cliquez maintenant sur « Program Files ».

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

what is your favourite vegetarian dishes?

Jude Colbenson: vegetarian fried rice! deilicious!and Quorn have some really good products which are meat substitutes :)

Gaston Edgcomb: pane er , rice, and pizza. i m love the pizza most. burger, spring roll....

What are some PROS to not being vegetarian? (besides "it tastes good")?  

What are some PROS to not being vegetarian? (besides "it tastes good")?  

answers 0:Are there really any? I've been thinking of going vegetarian, but it's been hard. I tried a while ago, but I couldn't get my parents to buy or make different foods and I didn't want to just eat side dishes all the time. And I'm a horrible cook anyway. It seems like I'm supposed to hate myself for eating meat, but I can't help but get a craving once in a while. I know that they have special veggie burgers, but my mom only buys things when they are “on sale”, and I’m guessing that veggie burgers are more expensive.But it seems pretty natural to me to eat meat, especially since even chimpanzees eat meat occasionally. Yeah, I know I'm not a chimp but we're pretty close anyway.Ugh! I just don’t know what to do. I can’t be one way or the other!...Show moreanswers 1:well, im not sure about the nutritional value but i think it is! very natural to eat meat! its called the food chain, and humans happen to be at the top! besides, of we didnt eat animals- talk about over population!im not like an animal abuser or anything, i just think eating meat is natural but i respect people's decisions.do whatever you think is bestgood luck!...answers 2:it gives you protein that can be hard to get like in soymy friend is a swimmer and she became a vegetarian for six months but she had to go back to eating meat becuz her swimming got really badanswers 3:pro: you won't die of heart disease because you ate all of those dead animals....answers 4:To Tanya B:Thanks. :)I heard that our skulls developed the way they did because we were able to eat cooked food, largely meat, but not excluding vegetables. I don't think it's unnatural to eat meat, and humans have eaten it for such a long time, but the way that animals are carelessly slaughtered and no concern goes to their feelings. They are sometimes abused before they are s! laughtered. I think there are more humane ways to kill an anim! al for food, because I know that it is probably impossible for everyone on Earth to give up meat. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to completely give up meat. But I have tried....answers 5:Diabetics may find it difficult to eat properly, without spiking their sugar counts. (Eating too many carbohydrates can spike sugar counts) For menstruating women, eating to avoid anemia is important. These are the pros I can think of off the top of my head.answers 6:If you really want to become a vegetarian, you can. Most countries, in practically every part of the world caters to Vegetarians now days. So it is not that difficult to find what you are looking for in vegetarian selection. Also, Vegetarian does not cost more than meat products. On the contrary. You would be amazed how much protein, energy, and variety there is in eating vegetarian. You should try to do what I do. Which is not to become totally vegetarian right away. You should try to make every attempt possible to eat ! as much vegetarian food as possible. You can keep your options for meat for those occasions when you are not able to find what you are looking for in vegetarian food, or for those special times when the deep-rooted desire to eat meat takes you. After a little while you will feel the difference of switching over to this diet and may even convert fully. There is nothing wrong with going vegetarian because we humans were never meant to eat meat anyway. Our dental structure and the size of intestines are designed for vegetarian only. Believe it or not. Hope this helps...good luck....answers 7:no need to go to fancy farmer's marketsanswers 8:Meat is a good source of protein and vitamins and minerals like B12, iron, phosphorus...Eating meat is natural. Humans have been doing it since they first appeared. It is not wrong, to me at least. Those cravings you get are probably because your body (being human) wants the protein.answers 9:hm Im veggie and the only pro they have is "You c! van BBQ it"