Thursday, 2 July 2020

can we live happily when we are single?

Dorethea Beaston: you must know first. what is happiness for you?and is it the same in the stages of life.هل هى كما انت فى العشرينات او الثلاثنيات او الاربعنيات او الستينيات please look at the future حتى لا تندم

Elaina Adolfson: .The world is full of happy single people. Happiness is a choice, whether you are in a relationship or not. ☺♥☻

Shawnna Kusky: Heck yeah. Talk about a stress free home life.

Hilde Heskett: Depends what you devote yourself to I guess and if its something you truly love. I was talking to a friend who is a retired teacher and asked him why he never got married. He basically said by the time he reached his late 20's he was fed up with relationships and all the drama + other issues. So he started to devote himself to his students. He openly admits sometimes when laying in bed alone each night he feels lonely, but his students have become his friends and family! . He has former students that are in their mid 50's all the way to students like me that are 19. And he talks to a few of us each day, whether it be phone calls or visits. Some call more than others obviously but he is always happy to talk. He also does a lot of community service and works toward things that have meaning to him.Hope this example provides some help....Show more

Luke Creitz: I've always been my happiest when I'm single, so, yes, you can live happily while you're single.

Charlotte Bryar: OMG! Thank you for asking this question, I'm going to give you the five stages of single life according to my own personal experience, you may agree or disagree but here goes.1: Loneliness-You will envy those who seem blissfully tied to someone special, either on the surface or not, and think about how pathetic you are as a human being, of course this only happens when your eating take out for dinner on the sofa, watching reality TV. 2: Paranoia: As you enter a! nd leave your apartment or home, you'll imagine the neighbors ! or passersby in the street, wondering about you, "why is he/or she alone all the time", "That's thewrong outfit", or "hmmm, it must be hard for gay people"?, even if you're not gay.3: Denial: This one exists in the five stages of anger too, but this is a turning point for singles, because while you deny your unhappiness to your parents or siblings, the truth is that on somelevel you enjoy being free and unattached, you just need someone to enjoy being free with.4: Contemplation: While the culture of marriage and family is ingrained in our foreheads, you can't help noticing how "old" your married friends look, and how "hot" you still look, and the envious comments that are hurled at you as you continue to turn heads at work, the mall, the gym, at themovies, need I go on... 5: Surrender: Finally, you agree to disagree with yourself, because being single is a blast, even if your sitting alone at starbucks with your laptop, the option of smiling back at someone who noticed you ! is a choice that only singles can make, and that scenario does not necessarily have an expiration date.:...Show more

Kristina Brockwell: If you can't be happy by yourself, you will never be happy with another. Your happiness can not be based solely on another person. Embrace life and live it it it's fullest, single or married.

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