Son Ahlers: Don't worry about it hun, everyone gets sick. You are being way too hard on yourself... these few days won't hurt him, and you have to get better - mommy in hospital due to pnuemonia is no good to baby, huh? He's doing fine on his own, and as long as you're right there where he can see you, and he's in a safe place, it's okay to stay in bed while he entertains himself. We really don't need to entertain them 24/7 (even if we feel bad when we don't), babies are pretty good at entertaining themselves. He has his toys, he's right there with you... it's fine. Unless he's crying, stay in bed and phone someone to come over and help you... there's no shame in asking for help. Even SuperMom gets sick from time to time and has to phone SuperGran to help out.I hope you feel better soon!...Show more
Antone Bual: you are not neglecting him. please don't be so hard on yourself. it's ok if he has a few days of boredom. i'm sure he's fine. once when my daughter was a ba! by my hubby and i were SO sick...i was hallucinating i was so sick. I called my mother in law and asked if she could come help us. if you have that option, don't be afraid to use it. it's ok to ask for help. my daughter is five now, and if i'm sick, oh yeah, i use the tv! (or grandparents when they are available). feel better soon....Show more
Donte Schoenhals: try putting on a calming tv show or nature show and see if he gets interested. and btw the first answer by What?! is probably what they do all the time theyre probably some inbred redneck
Luke Gacusan: an adorable little pink onsie pant set that was a newborn size and swallowed her!
Everette Rovinsky: I never gained weight on hormonal birth control. It might not affect you like it does other people, you'll just have to wait and see.
Coralie Go! ldsberry: what?! is a einstein dvds if you have th! em. a day or two of movies won't kill him. baby mozart specifically is amazing for that age. feel better!
German Thal: Feed frequently...every 2-3 hours. I'm not an expert by any means, but I wouldn't pump after every feeding. The reason I say this is because when you do this you trick your body into thinking that your baby requires more milk, so your body keeps producing more. I had a blocked milk duct once (which was also extremely painful), so I just fed my son off the same breast a few times in a row. It cleared it up within a few hours, and I never ended up with an infection....Show more
Angelyn Ducas: Burn more calories than you eat.
Carolynn Testani: WOW! I'd like to know that too, I'll check back to see what everyone says. Sorry I have no advice but my baby is only 4mths too and I haven't been sick yet. Hope you and your hubby feel better!
Gerardo Greist: i actually lost weight on the pill..Lots of women think so. But studies have shown t! hat the effect of the birth control pill on weight is small â" if it exists at all.Instead, you may be retaining more fluid, which can make you feel as if you've put on weight, particularly in your breasts, hips and thighs. The estrogen in birth control pills does affect fat (adipose) cells, making them larger but not more numerous.In rare circumstances, women may add muscle, which can add weight, when taking the pill. This is due to the slight male-sex-hormone effect that the pill may have on some women.Whether this side effect shows up when you get on the scale or only when you look in the mirror, you may not like it. Taking pills with a low dose of estrogen may diminish the effect, but you may also experience a greater risk of spotting between periods....Show more
Robin Weelborg: i would weare a mask (surgical mask) and play with them. it should be fine if you don't breathe on them.i mean i have a 2 month old and when i'm sick i still have to breastfeed him (clos! e proximity to him) so i just weare a mask. i can't just distance myse! lf from him just cause i'm sick as i am his food source. i asked my doc about this and he said it's fine....Show more
Antwan Schrum: My daughter wore a beautiful, yellow, frilly, Easter type dress that my mom bought for her.
Ruby Martis: Call for some help from family and friends if you can. If that is not possible, go easy on yourself. You do't want to get your baby sick or stress/overexhaust yourself. Mommies need taken care of too. Your baby needs you back ASAP, so get plenty of rest so you get better soon. Playing music, singing, just letting your baby hear your voice reassures him that mommy is still there and she loves him. A little boredom will not hurt him, it only helps them to be a little independant! If the weather permits it, go outside and lay on a blanket for some fresh air....Show more
Derrick Kloke: I am on my 3rd breast infection and my son is only five weeks. The Dr. told my to pum! p after every feeding to ensure he has empty my breast. I am so sore and sensitive know it hurts tremendously to feed. Does anyone have suggestions on what else can prevent a breast infection? I have been on heavy duty antibiotics all three times to get rid of the infection(s) but within days it comes back. I have them on both sides now.
Dawn Saha: well if you like when you feel better you could visit with different parents at'm not a parent yet I think touch matters;I read that babies like classical music if you can cuddle a little with pachelbels canon going that might be beneficial
Sol Bayn: artwork on abdomen time along with her to help her in crawling examine to her positioned her in a swing/jumperoo Have her practice sitting up mutually as you get chores performed around the residing house! At that age my daughter watched 10-20 minutes of television in a ro! w, dont use it as a babysitter, yet once you decide on a destroy, posit! ioned on a newborn tutor. Take her on a walk positioned her on the floor with infant secure toys to artwork on her motor skills
Joni Ziak: Well I had her feb10th but she didn't get to come home until valentine's day because she was in the NICU for a couple of days... We had the cutest little pink white and red outfit for her, the shirt said Be Mine and the pants had litlle hearts all over it. She also had a cute little had and warm socks with a bunch of blankets over her because it was cold and rainy that day.
Rodrigo Pezley: A sleeper. The most important thing is comfort and that it doesn't disturb the umbilical cord. They sell cute hat/sleeper outfits. Make sure you have baby socks and/or footsy sleeper. I have a great mini baby blanket from babystar. It's a porous (can breathe through it), light, but warm and cozy fleece.
Refugio Gastineau: everyone reacts different to the pill some gain weight and some loose weight. Don't worry about anything unt! il you know how your body reacts to the pill
Corey Rohleder: What? You are a jerk. I signed on for two minutes to see if someone on here could give me some tips on interacting with and entertaining my four month old while both my husband and I are too weak to lift him. He is laying right here next to me playing with a fish rattle, not off crying in his crib. Get your damn facts straight.
Ellis Cellar: she wore a warm onsie and a huge, thick snow suit with a warm hat. it was -20 wind chills the day i brought her home. she deff wasn't cold!
Nadia Crauswell: umm. It works different for different people,My wife has been on birthcontrol for 3 years now and she hasnt gained a pound sense then she weight 120, back then and now weighs 122. So it really depends on your body.
Antonette Shappy: He wore a yellow and navy blue baseball romper that my mom bought for him.
Shad Bushweller: I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow to get birth control to regulate my ! period. I heard that you gain weight, and that's something i'm not look! ing forward to. Is there any thing that I can eat/drink/etc, to avoid gaining that weight?
Adan Stribble: I put the activity mat on my bed with me. I was close enough to make sure she wouldn't fall off or anything, but she was entertained enough. I also sang to her and bounced her on my knees a bit. Its hard, I hope you feel better soon!.
Sharolyn Claybourn: I've settled on the outfit I want my daughter to wear home from the hospital. Out of boredom/just for fun, what did you bring your baby home in?
Rocio Karvis: Don't reuse towels. Make sure your bras are clean. Clean your nipples after each feeding. The usual stuff. Some people have lower immune systems making it easier for infections to take over, especially when you "wipe your system clean" with antibiotics. I would take a good probiotic. I like Bio-K but it is hard to find (and pricey), sometimes you can get it at wholefoods. My son is on Xymogen and you can order that off of their website. If you ha! ve nothing else your local grocer will have danactive?Oh and maybe you are getting infections because of an improper latch. Maybe a lactation consultant could better help you?...Show more
Neely Youngblut: Baby Einstein! They capture his attention, and are supposed to teach him things at the same time. Hubby and I were both really sick a while ago, and we switched between Baby Einstein videos, Boomerang (old cartoons), Looney Tunes, stuff like that. We also tried to move him from room to room so he wasn't just stuck in his bouncy all day. If we went downstairs to make soup, we'd take him down and put him in his saucer. If I went to the bathroom, I'd set him in the hallway. Not as entertaining as a normal day, but at least it was a change of scenecry, haha....Show more
Ronald Moehr: So sorry to hear you are both sick! The stomach bug is no fun :( Don't feel bad! You are not neglecting your baby! You'd be surprised on how much fun little babies have by just looking! around and exploring things! You can put a movie on for him, lay him o! n a mat with his toys, and play with him when you feel up to it! I know it sounds boring, but I'm sure it doesn't bother your baby! He just wants you to feel better! Best of luck, and get better soon! Have you tried some Vitamin C yet? Hopefully, it will boost your immune system so you can get over this bug quick!For the idiot down below, she IS NOT neglecting her baby. Get a life. Somebody is ALWAYS going to have something to complain about, I tell ya!...Show more
Lissette Semon: A lightweight sleeper. Although it was too big and he was practically swimming in it!
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