Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Do you like to cook?

Stephnie Patout: I love to cook and wash dishes, got any to do, just send them.

Troy Monsivais: I love to cook but more importantly I love to see people enjoying what I've cooked.

Fannie Collingwood: maybe =)

Lynn Mctier: Absolutely i do

Woodrow Neyman: I like cooking but hate the clean up! :)

Hai Biggart: My computer guy.

Leora Klingelhoets: i'm always cooking, but never food. xoxox ;{)

Carter Dewater: me too...i don't cook, i burn

Boris Hadsall: Yes dinners lunches breakfast and cookies cake and snacks.

Davida Gisriel: Oh I love to keep and it's something I enjoy also, My other half sometimes laughs but I do make the effort.Thank you :)

Angel Klym: I would get away with it as long as I can keep a straight face......I usually can unless I find it hilarious.

Roselee Mczeal: throw a pie at them

Luana Carothers: Give him his "walking papers" and tell him to "kick rocks". (aka Let him go.)

Jude C! olbenson: i like cooking

Elvie Drumgoole: I really do like to cook, but I like to have someone appreciate the effort I put into my recipes also!!

Benny Stehno: To me, 'cooking' means taking something out of a packet and putting it in the microwave.There are plenty of people still around who cook the old-fashioned way and enjoy it but I'm not one of them.

Willis Liburd: What the hell is wrong with this generation? You think that phones were designed for listening to music and computers were designed for talking to people...

Chris Rosenkranz: yeah, i always get away with lieing .

Jestine Osumi: I love to cook. My mother taught me a lot.

Woodrow Neyman: i like cooking

Donita Desjardin: ditch him first....the rat ha ha

Dick Maisenbacher: i dont lie

Hong Hunkin: I enjoy cooking, as a matter of fact next Wednesday I am making Fried Chicken with my deep fryer that I got myself for Christmas. =)

Wilbert Shellgren: i pr! obably would love it. .... if i knew how

Mitzie Clough: ! id break up with him before he broke up with me =]http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200810...

Oscar Wieland: Love it. I cook @ least 5x a week and of course every sunday.

Lonnie Jehle: well he must have a reason. ill talk to him & if he realllly wants to leave & it cant be fixed, then let him go

Codi Manchel: YUCK! i can cook, i just don't enjoy it

Foster Koopmann: I love to cook! I have been cooking for years, my mother was very sick and I learned early and I have a knack for it I make up my own recipes and I follow some and then tweak it to make it my own. My kids all love to cook too and so do my grandchildren.

Rayford Latz: do it & I will stick that feather duster up your ***

Pattie Vold: I do not like to cook, or even shop for food, such a waste of time, Dinner I really hate. Never know what to cook, then have to do dishes, Not a fun thing to do......When my kids were young I loved to cook for them, we would make cookie! s and have a grand old time, things arent as fun w/out little ones being around

Babette Deloe: very little they could do about it inless they are crazy

Bethany Blocker: Yes!! Waffles are my specialty. lol!!

Alma Twomey: I love to cook and I am good at it.Groovy Saturday to Ya :)

Pamela Meno: Why would I even try......can't do the time, don't do the crime

Lorelei Lilburn: i like to cook :)~peace~RoChEr...Show more

Kandi Lough: I love cooking

Joan Stavropoulos: Me too

Angelyn Ducas: I love to cook & bake.

Georgina Natal: I'm gonna hunt you down and stamp, lier stamp on your forehead!

Melvin Nakama: love it...hate to clean after though!!

Nikita Schroepfer:

Amina Motzer:

Ileen Oshell: I like it!

Houston Venezia: No, not at all.

Emery Blando: find out why, and then move on.

Arlene Maycumber: nope

Bettye Arre: i like to, i usually end up talking to myself and the food. I pr! etend i'm on food network.

Jayson Brod: yes, i love to cook..my h! usband always say's i should open a restaraunt...i cook yummy vegetarian meals for myself and i still make meaty meals for the family i can cook just about anything...

Gennie Shauer: lolWhy would you give it to anyone anyway? You should have a phone to listen to music.. is it necessary to talk to someone other than family mems? I guess that's cheap if you give it to all your friends! lol

Darwin Ecton: sure do. even though i don't really no how to cook much.

Leontine Kreitz: Why would that be cheap? Having friends is cheap?I give my number to family, friends, and guys if I find them interesting.. but I think you need to get out more sweetheart.. live a little, jeez!

Rebeca Mckin: Let him go, if hes meant for you sooner or later hell come back to you. All the best!!

Filiberto Ranalli: Yes sometimess

Andre Winegar: part of this is a little facepalm worthy but you make me lol

Lonnie Jehle: yea, women dig men who lie

Buster Buchko! : well aren't you the comedian?And i don't use my phone for talking i use it for texts :)

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