Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Which is the strongest beer?

Kris Bozelle: Delirium tremens, its a strong belgium ale 9.4% I believe. Also, it does not taste like it is super strong. One of the best beers around and it's symbol is a pink elephant

Luke Kosch: The strongest beers are almost if not always the worst tasting beers.

Ewa Homrich: Its this beer called Barley Wine. How old r u?

Lissette Semon: Strong in what way? Taste or alcohol content?Guiness is indeed very strong in taste but only slightly most alcohol than any other bottled dark beer. Microbrews have a higher alcohol content but can taste anywhere from fruity to salty to just basic beer taste. There is no way to tell you which one is actually strongest because there is probably an infinite number of microbrews and the number is growing every day. Anyone who makes beer in their basement or kitchen is a microbrewer. If you don't drink a lot of beer I wouldn't suggest going for one of those. They are completely different than anything you've ever taste! d and they are in fact stronger in all aspects. But stronger doesn't always mean good. If you are used to drinking Miller Lt and you pick up a microbrew you may very well choke on it. It could be an unpleasant experience. Stick to what you like! Try other things just to find out but just stick to what you like. Other people like other beers for their own reasons, don't try to jump feet first into the strongest beer you can find.Good luck....Show more

Marhta Teahan: im not sure. I know Guinness is wicked strong.

Inell Riesgo: MyThought deserves best answer .. but amongst those that I have drunk it would be Dogfish 120 minute IPA which is estimated at between 18 and 21%

Bud Espenshade: Schorschbräu Schorschbock from Germany is 31% the strongest known.Hair of the Dog brewed a 29% strongest U.S. beer known.Boston Brewing/Beer Company Sam Adams Utopias 25-27% current U.S. strong beer.The strong flavored beers are Stouts, Barleywine Ale, Bocks, Imperial beers, ! and a couple of others....Show more

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