Tuesday 11 February 2020

Who is your favorite author and why?

answers1:I love James Baldwin because he is such a great story teller.
I particulary love the short story "Sonny's Blues" because there was a
lot of similarities to my own. I also love Erica Jong who is the best
naughty book writer ever!
answers2:paulo coelhoif you are out of this world like meand wants an
honest way of writing and looking at the worldin a normal and
absolutely abnormal way try reading himand yes bob ong a filipino
author who writes our language and is very witty and mysterious...Show
answers3:JIM BUTCHER!!! he is an awesome writer and his books will
kepp your attention the whole way through, he throws incredible curve
ball story plots and will make you Laugh Out Loud!
answers4:Orsen Scott Card (Ender's Game-the best science fiction book
ever written.)
answers5:Stephen King. It annoys me when people shrug him off as some
typical horror writer. He manages to take ordinary people and put them
into unordinary circumstances. And he makes you care deeply for all of
them, a truly great story teller.
answers6:My favorite author is Jane Austen because I love all the
romances she write in her stories.
answers7:I don't have one favorite author..but I have a favorite
book..The Great Gatsby_ Fitzgerald (the best book i've ever read) and
I have read a lot.
answers8:James Patterson!!Why hes one awesome author.. Love all his
books.. he takes my breath away.. his books are magnificent.. Dont u
answers9:I love Margaret Atwood, because her books are literary but
very easy to read, as well as throught-provoking.I also like Mary Jo
Putney, who is romance author. However, I think her stories, writing,
and plotting are WAY above most other romance authors out there.
answers10:I love John Steinbeck...East of Eden is the most complete
book I have ever ever read...I love Cannery Row and Sweet
Thursday...Phillip Pullmans The Amber Spyglass is awesome...Stephanie
Meyer's book Twilight is incredibly written...keeping you just on the
edge...Carl Hiaasen..Stormy Weather is so so funny..I love
Skink....Dan Brown's Angels and Demons is a page turner...and last but
not least I believe James Rollins Amazonia is super good and
scary...Show more
answers11:I have two favorite authors. I'm in love with Darren Shan's
writing he. The man is a genius. His books are the best I've ever
read. R.L. Stine is also good. Whenever I look at one of his books, I
always say "I would never be caught reading this...Thing." But than I
get all curious, so I pick up the book and kinda skim through it.
Than...I can't put the thing down. Everything he writes is so
answers12:jd salinger, he is a crossover author "catcher in the rye"
is a classic because it inspires the sane and insane.
answers13:My favorite author is Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He writes
beautiful novels, I believe the style he writes in is called magical
realism and his books really are magical. Also another wonderful
author--Yann Martel. He wrote the novel "Life of Pi" which is my
favorite because it is amazing!
answers14:Wilbur Smith, John Grisham, Doug Preston, Robert
Ludlum--Jeez, where do I quit? I am a very serious reader. And I love
Rowling`s Harry Potter. Who says you cannot be young and carefree at
answers15:That's a tough one for me, I guess I don't have a single
favorite author. But I do have a few I really love more than others!
Robertson Davies -- for the intelligence in his writing.Orson Scott
Card -- for Enders Game, mostly; the story is fantastic but beyond
that, Card's "Ender" is so believable, simultaneously a kid and so
very much not like the kids we know....I don't know that I've ever
read anyone write a kid like Card did in that series.Tom Robbins --
the pace and wit are amazing, and what characters! Jitterbug Perfume
is one of my all time favorite books.Gabriel Garcia Marquez -- Love in
the Time of Cholera, in particular, really transported me. It's
just...beautiful.Tolkien -- for the best first sentence to a book,
ever. (The Hobbit)...Show more
answers16:I have a few favoritesC.S. Lewis - Imagination with a
purposeL.Frank Baum - A friend of children everywhereMark Twain - I
love his sense of humorRobert Louis Stevenson - I love the
swashbuckling adventureJ.R.R. Tolkien - More than just a fairy
taleLaura Ingalls Wilder - Best real life storyAnya Seton - Old
fashioned suspense...Show more
answers17:I have two: Dannielle Stelle and Mary Higgins Clark. They
both write really well and keep you interested in the plot.
answers18:Bernard Cornwell. In addition to the Sharpe's series, he
writes great historical fiction which is easy to read, factual as to
dates and places, and the books are fast-paced and not plodding.Also
Stepehen J. Cannell - good detective novels. Yes, this is the person
responsible for "The Rockford Files" and other TV programs.Clive
Cussler - excellent writer of adventure novels which are also
fast-paced. He's been writing since the '70's and hasn't slowed down
yet....Show more
answers19:Stephen King - I love his story telling skillsJD Robb (Nora
Roberts)- I love the setting and the you can not put down the books
once you start reading themJanet Evanovich- Stephanie Plum books fast,
easy read and always very funnyJoanne Fluke- She writes culinary
mysteries they are excellant stories and the recipes are great...Show
answers20:jane austen, she i a genius who keeps you interested
throughout the entire story and surprises you at the end. pride and
prejudice, sense and sensiility, the inheritence all exellent and in
movie form as well
answers21:Beatrice Potter- the movie is coming out!!she had such a way
with words that it mesmerized me as a child and I never tired of
listening or reading her little stories about all those little
animals. they were so cute and they seemed to come to life on the
pages. she was truely gifted!
answers22:John Irving, he describes things very well, and makes you
feel like your right in the story. You should really read 'A Prayer
For Owen Meany' or 'The World According to Garp.'
answers23:i like Tamora Pierce (i dont know if thats spelled right)
she wrote The Lioness Quartet, Immortal Quartet,Protector of the Small
Quartet, then the next ones are of Alanna's Daughter..and then the
next is of Becca.I love these books, i dont quite know why but i do
answers24:J.R.R. Tolkien because he doesnt stick to real things he
likes to imagine and create in a way he is unique
answers25:Nicholas Sparks- I get very bored when i read, but his books
keep my attention the whole way through.
answers26:JRR Tolkien. He has a magnificent, mature way of writing
that echoes the way the classics such as Beowulf are written and his
legendarium of Middle-Earth is huge! It's easy to get obsessed.
answers27:Frank McCourt because he has an original narrative writing style.
answers28:It will always be JD Salinger(Catcher in the Rye, Fanny and
Zooey, Nine Stories) His work, although sometimes I might not of
understood right away what he was getting at, made me pause and go
back and re-read lines and even chapters. On a purely entertainment
level, I would go with James Patterson and his Alex Cross line of
answers29:JK Rowling - Awesome book series; very imaginative and the
books touch on nearly every issue faced by mankind.Anne Rice - Vampire
Chronicles: AMAZING!
answers30:Literary: William Faulkner or Flannery O'Connor--both
important and influential Southern writers.Contemporary: Patricia
Cornwell and her very detailed forensic mystery novels!

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