Friday 8 May 2020

how do i block a phone number on my phone?

Wilfred Santacruce: Use TrapCall. It works great and you can blacklist numbers. Every time you ignore a call from a blacklisted caller, they'll hear a message telling them your number has been disconnected.

Darwin Ecton: a LAN phone? such as a VoIP phone? or a LAND phone? *60 is call block for land line phones... check with your provider to know if the feature is provisioned on your line, or if there are any additional charges and what they are..

Booker Moros: Trap Call will not work on a home landline phone. It is for cell phones... Some carriers offer a call block feature, some do not.! Check with your phone company.. I block mine with a Digitone Privacy Manager. (Not from the phone company.. No monthly charge, but you have to buy it.) I can block/unblock about 100 calls, also prefixes and area codes..

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