Elvin Mannheimer: This Site Might Help You.RE:Purpose of medicines: MAGNE VIE B6 and Euro D 800?Hello there, I would like to know why these two medicines are used for:1.MAGNE VIE B6: magnesium-vitamin B62. Euro D 800: Vitamin D3 supplement...Show more
Clifford Riggleman: 1. Magnevie B6 relatedalternative medicine supplementsand vitamins.Uses vary, but mayinclude Increasing Energy, andStress & Fatigue Relief and are non-FDA reviewed or approved, naturalalternatives, to use for Depression,and Heart Disease.2. Maintains Your Calcium BalanceMaintenance of blood calcium levelswithin a narrow range is vital fornormal functioning of the nervoussystem, as well as for bone growth,and maintenance of bone density.Vitamin D is essential for the efficientutilization of calcium by the body.Aids Your Cell DifferentiationCellular differentiation results in thespecialization of cells for specificfunctions in your body. In general,differentiation of cells leads to adecrease in prolif! eration. Whilecellular proliferation is essential forgrowth and wound healing,uncontrolled proliferation of cellswith certain mutations may lead todiseases like cancer. The active formof vitamin D, inhibits proliferationand stimulates the differentiation ofcells.Boosts Your ImmunityActive vitamin D is a potent immunesystem modulator. There is plentyof scientific evidence that vitamin Dhas several different effects onimmune system function that mayenhance your immunity and inhibitthe development of autoimmunity.Has a Role in Insulin SecretionThe active form of vitamin D plays arole in insulin secretion underconditions of increased insulindemand. Limited data in humanssuggests that insufficient vitamin Dlevels may have an adverse effecton insulin secretion and glucosetolerance in type 2 diabetes.More studies are needed on the roleof vitamin D and diabetes.Blood Pressure RegulationAdequate vitamin D levels may beimportant for decreasing the risk ofhigh blood pressure. Again,mo! re studies on vitamin D andhypertension are necessary....Show ! more
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