Tuesday 30 June 2020

can god restore a marriage?

Antonia Boomershine: Any place in Philippines where people can open my 3rd eye... What is the latin chant and steps to close the portals?

Jen Maday: marriage is just a man-made ritual that helps enforce the love between 2 individuals. love is a human emotion and everlasting love is never a guarantee. so as part of this man-made concept, instilling fear and obligations among the minds of participants are taught to keep the couple from drifting apart.if a married couple still drifts apart despite scriptures designed to sustain the bond, then one or both participants are perhaps no longer fearful of the consequences written in scriptures and may realize the mind control that they have broken free from.if your husband has developed love for another or has exhausted his love for you and no longer fear consequences and not obligated by suggestions in scriptures, there will be very little hope for changing his mind and his thoughts for any hope of restoration.god's invol! vement in human wishes is just a man-made theory passed on to spread mind control. the best help you can get is to get counceling or have a friend who can act as a mediator that you and your husband both respect to help you restore your marriage.get honest information from both sides and be prepared for hurtful but honest statements. then see if there are sacrifices or changes that can be made to restore compatibility.it is you and your husband who take the initiative for possible solutions - not prayers that lack actions....Show more

Malcom Fenoff: if and when the time comes for your third eye to open it will happen in a way you could never have imagined it.. it could even happen out of the blue for some.. but dont expect to go to a place and have your third eye open unnaturally..

Kris Otuafi: Many people have wonderfully restored their marriage with the Love of Jesus .

Cherlyn Tefera: Baby christians should never marry. too messy, and smelly.

Dic! k Ovdenk: Watch the movie Fireproof.Believers love it, even if! it offer no real solutions.

Alvaro Oare: Because Catholics love to rape.D'uh!!!

Marcellus Yoshimori: (Matthew 19:6) So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart.”How to Build a Successful MarriageMARRIAGE can be likened to a journey, an odyssey that presents many surprisesâ€"some exquisite, others painful. Unforeseen “terrain” can present unexpected obstacles, some of which may seem insurmountable. Nevertheless, many people make this journey successfully and happily, with only minor mishaps. Indeed, success in marriage is not measured so much by the highs and lows of the journey as it is by how couples deal with those ups and downs.What do you think can make the journey through marriage more successful and enjoyable? Many couples feel the need for a ‘marital road map’ to direct them along the way. The most dependable and authoritative “map” for marriage is provided by the Originator of ! marriageâ€"Jehovah God. His inspired Word, the Holy Bible, though, is not a magic charm. Rather, it contains practical direction that married couples need to follow to enjoy a successful marriage.â€"Psalm 119:105; Ephesians 5:21-33; 2 Timothy 3:16.Let us identify some of the Scriptural signpostsâ€"key Bible principlesâ€"that can help guide you along a successful and happy marital journey.â–¸ Treat marriage as sacred. “What God has yoked together let no man put apart.” (Matthew 19:6) The Creator instituted the marriage arrangement when he introduced the first man, Adam, to his wife, Eve. (Genesis 2:21-24) Christ Jesus, who had been an eyewitness to this event during his prehuman existence, confirmed that Adam and Eve’s marital union was intended to be the start of a lasting relationship. He said: “Did you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will sti! ck to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? So that they are no l! onger two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart.”â€"Matthew 19:4-6.In saying “what God has yoked together,” Jesus was not suggesting that marriages are made in heaven. Rather, he was confirming that the marriage relationship was instituted by God himself and was therefore to be treated as sacred.Of course, husbands and wives would not want to be “yoked together” in a cold, loveless coexistence. Rather, they want to enjoy a contented marriage in which both can thrive. They can be happily “yoked together” if they apply the Creator’s practical advice found in the Bible.Because all of us are imperfect, misunderstandings and differences are inevitable. Often, however, a successful marriage depends less on compatibility than on how couples deal with incompatibility. Therefore, one of the most essential skills in marriage is the ability to resolve disagreements in a loving way, for love “binds everything together in perfect h! armony.”â€"Colossians 3:14, English Standard Version.â–¸ Speak respectfully. “There exists the one speaking thoughtlessly as with the stabs of a sword, but the tongue of the wise ones is a healing.” (Proverbs 12:18) Researchers have found that most conversations end the way they start. Hence, if a conversation starts respectfully, it is more likely to end that way. Conversely, you know how hurtful it can be when a loved one speaks thoughtlessly to you. Therefore, make a prayerful effort yourself to speak with dignity, respect, and affection. (Ephesians 4:31) “Even though we see each other’s weaknesses,” explains a Japanese wife named Haruko, married for 44 years, “we try to respect each other in word and attitude. That has helped us build a successful marriage.”▸ Cultivate kindness and compassion. “Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate.” (Ephesians 4:32) When there are strong disagreements, it is easy for anger to beget anger. In Germany, ! Annette, married happily for 34 years, admits: “It is not easy to kee! p calm under stressâ€"you tend to say things that upset your partner, which only makes things worse.” By striving to be kind and compassionate, however, you can do much to help smooth the road to a peaceful marriage.â–¸ Show humility. “[Do] nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior.” (Philippians 2:3) Many conflicts arise because marriage mates pridefully try to blame their partners for problems instead of humbly seeking ways to make things better for each other. Lowliness of mind, or humility, can help you suppress the urge to insist on being right in a disagreement.â–¸ Do not hastily take offense. “Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended.” (Ecclesiastes 7:9) Try to avoid the inclination to refute your mate’s viewpoint or to leap to your own defense if your mate questions something you have said or done. Instead, listen to and acknowledge your mate’s expressions. Think! carefully before making a reply. Many couples learn too late in life that winning a heart is a greater victory t...Show more

Elvie Drumgoole: I DONT AGREE WITH THAT....my husband is agnostic and my God sent him to me....He was the answer to my prayers....raised by a minister....God can help ppl restore it but by the time my stupid former husband wanted counseling it was too late...

Stephnie Patout: I have heard of Isha, and that is it.

Kelly Bistodeau: The Most Important Thing is to MAKE SURE that the "Third-Eye" Does NOT open (UNNATURALLY) !

Azzie Trembly: because CATHOLIC and CHILD RAPE are interchangeable.

Tijuana Tatsak: god says to not be unequilty yoked,when you both are in christ he says to hang in there and you will see the god do great thing in your marriage,if one is not in the lord and want to leave the marriage because of the beleiving one, then let them go,

Ardelia Liptow: Okay, first of all, you're confusing the ages. As s! oon as Jesus died, we were in the Age of Grace, where so long as we are! sorry, we are forgiven of our sins (but you gotta believe in god). He is also a heck of a lot more leanient. God acknowledges all marriages, but marriage without god is more likely to fail than with god. Also, yes, god can fix any situation, but he's not just gonna come down and fix all your problems. He gives you guidance and strength and gives YOU a chance to fix your relationship. Trust in the Lord....Show more

Oswaldo Rayburn: M't:19:26: But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.M't:9:29: Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. ♥ † ♥ ☺What can't He do? What we don't allow Him to do.M't:13:58: And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. ♥ † ♥ ☺...Show more

Tosha Tawney: Fajr- MorningDuhr- NoonAsr- AfternoonMaghrib- SunsetIsha- Night timeAlso-Tarraweeh on Ramadan daysDuha between Duhr and AsrSuna can be after any prayer.! ..Show more

Cody Shimko: ask another , i will try to give you the correct answer , nothing sordid

Sylvie Snetting:

Giovanna Sherlin: This sounds to me as yet another form of "vicarious redemption", meaning you are hoping for some outside force to save you.Even if this were possible it is not psychologically healthy, and if modern religion makes one huge mistake, it is to presume that spirituality can substitute for psychotherapy in all cases. This is hardly the fact.Any restoration of your marriage would require participation and CHANGE on the part of BOTH parties.Just sitting there waiting for God to do it is not going to work. You might mumble the words and pray together, but in a short time the old problems, not having actually been addressed, will just come back a few days after the spiritual honeymoon.You want real results, start with a therapist and get solid first. Then worry about God....Show more

Carmelina Enoch: To be blunt:It's not His re! sponsibility. Human to Human relations are exactly that. Human to Human! . He has no obligation to come in and "interfere" if I can use that word.Of course, I believe, that a couple with the same goals/religious values/beliefs have an extra thing in common and this could help them strengthen a relationship....Show more

Billie Bratchett: Listen birdbrain' haven't you got an original question ..is it too much for you to come up with something new.

Derrick Cacioppo: krazy surg done. still alive.

Vickie Sterbenz: Because the catholic priests are well known for molesting and raping children obviously.

Violette Vanek: If that is God's Will and both members of the broken marriage truly and deeply want it restored then yes He can but only if it is His Will.

Chris Rosenkranz: "i am a baby christian,and i would like a marriage restoration"You've sure got your life planned out, kid.

Jackson Esmiol: Christian can marry anybody he likes...Only thing is it should be woman...Also according to bible he can marry anynumber o! f women.The information you got is false.

Leontine Kreitz: I don't know their reasons.

Shawnna Kusky: Even secular research is on your side -- In a big way too."a University of Chicago study involving people who had described their marriage as “unhappy” or “very unhappy.” Of those who divorced, only 19 percent were happily remarried five years later. Of those who stayed in the marriage, more than 70 percent said they were now “happily” or “very happily” married."...Show more

Dan Seen: Moses married a foreigner. God had no problem with it.To restore a marriage takes both partners working the kinks out. It has nothing to do with god.

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