Thursday, 2 April 2020

Has anyone ever sold a car to CarMax?

Shaquita Wernicki: They tend to bid low. On the flip side, they are very straight forward - here is what we can offer you, the offer is good till this date.So, if CarMax is close by it's worth a shot - but I'm sure I would go way out of my way unless you are serious about unloading and getting cash ASAP versus getting the best possible price.

Galen Gowers: Yes I have sold one car to carmax, at the time it was a good price that was 3 years ago, when carmax took pride in doing what they do, all the horror stories above are true, now their own employees won't even buy a car or sell a car there. They used to hire professionals and paid good money, now they don't pay crap and they really don't give a crap about quality, they are more concerned with making stock holders happy, I could go on and on but that's OK, just don't go there...Show more

Jade Ohno: I've heard some horror stories about CarMax buying cars. Remember, they're trying to sell the BEST used cars p! ossible, and some sellers report they were put through hell with paperwork, documentation, examinations, many repeat trips out, etc. They won't give you 20k, and probably not 17k. Just be prepared for a long process. This is only some hearsay that I"ve read, and the sellers said they'd never do that again with all the hassle they had to go thru with CarMax. So, it may depend on your patience level. Good luck!...Show more

Frances Macky: They low ball you big time. I had a 2000 Nissan Sentra with 30,000 miles that I owned since new (this was back in 2004) and CarMax offered me $3800. I sold it on Autotrader.com for $6000.

Douglass Sarley: Haven't sold one...Heard they low ball you...Sounds reasonable though, since they have to resell...You will make more if you sell on your own obviously....Show more

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