Thursday, 16 April 2020

In California can a car pass a safety check/smog with a cracked windshield?

Ronnie Sardi: There is no longer a "safety" check in Ca. The smog check is for emissions only, and the Check engine light must not be illuminated, but cracks are no big deal.Any police officer can and will cite you for the crack.P.S. how about providing those "details" so we can give a proper answer. we are not mind readers....Show more

Andre Winegar: Safety only if the crack meets minimum standards. A small crack yes. Big no. Wind sheild has nothing to do with smog.

Frank Crummell: To: paul, if the check engine light was on, it couldn't have been smogged? Please can you tell me how I can get this information, so I can prove this! Because in my situation, the check engine light was on as well as a giant crack in the windshield!

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