Thursday 9 July 2020

Can I get dental insurance without going through my job?  

Can I get dental insurance without going through my job?  

answers 0:I am looking for dental insurance which will pay 90% of dental work done.answers 1:You could research a discount dental plan. The discount amount varies by location, procedure and the plan that you go with. I have located a website that you could use to compare discount dental plans, as I only have personal experience with Ameriplan. I will list both below as sources for you. I would definitely compare their monthly premiums, number of local providers and the savings on whatever procedures that you need.answers 2:You might be able to find some. Aks several different providers. Although the norm is 50% for most things.... like fillings, crowns and dentures. There are different levels sometimes for preventive. Really good ones will cover 100% yearly x rays and twice year cle! aning.

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