Wednesday 29 July 2020

online games like runescape?

Donovan Stallons: Xivio is a wonderful online game/virtual world/social networking site. There is so much to do on one site.I have a Hompy that I can load pictures, videos, and music it's a personal homepage i created.The virtual world part is in 3d virtual world and free. It also requires no downloads. I have apartments for different things and one just for playing music in with friends. My friends and I meet up there quite a bit and since I've been grounded a lot lately it's nice to kinda get out lol.Give Xivio a try you'll like it. OH before I forget there are a lot of rooms in Xivio but there is a newbie room that you start in. Usually there are people there to help ya figure it out faster....Show more

Launa Weingarten: Archanists on FunOrb and World of WarcraftAlso, there is MMORPG.com u can check out

Simona Bulwinkle: Conquer and Flyff

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