Saturday 25 July 2020

What are some crafts like?...?

Denna Prudente: Are you asking for more crafts that use crayons, or canvas, or heat, or inadvertent pattern making, or what? There are zillions of different crafts!Why don't you browse around Craftster.org? The site covers a *huge* range of different ones which are simple to more complex, and most of the members are teens and young women. (Joining the site is free too if you want to be able to ask questions or make comments as well as just reading and looking at pics/lessons/etc).....You can see a few examples from each board (in alphabetical order) here to get a general idea of all the stuff they have at the whole site:http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?action=be.......But *all* their main craft forums will be listed down on the right on this page:http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php (be sure and click on each board there to see all the sub-boards under it as well)....Show more

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